Saturday, March 30, 2024

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Who is Linda Martell, the Black country musician Beyoncé spotlights?

Who is Linda Martell, the Black country musician Beyoncé spotlights?

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Friday, March 29, 2024

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Why Russia Never Colonized Africa...Putin Explains Why.


Thanks for sharing. An interesting 
topic indeed.

Count Pyotr Alekseyevich Kapnist
represented Russia at the Berlin 
Congress of 1884/5,
but the question is this:  
Was he sidelined by the
Germans, British, French etc., 
or did he choose to
have a low profile? Under 
Tzars Alexander I, II and 
 III, Russia was preoccupied 
with the Balkans 
and Central Asia and had 
running battles with the 
Ottoman Turks and France, 
in particular.

Whatever the case, Russia is
off the hook in terms of  
colonial occupation of
African territory, whether 
by accident or design. 
 It also assisted Africans in 
throwing off the yoke
of  colonialism  and apartheid 
during the Soviet era.

 By venerating Alexander Pushkin
to national status as the 
father of Russian Literature
the Russians  scored another point,
 given Pushkin's  heritage. His 
great grandfather was of 
African origin.

The video did not  acknowledge 
that Russia  is the world's
third largest  producer of oil. 
Incidentally, the  United States 
is now the world's largest oil 
producer at 20 million barrels 
a day, double that of Russia.

Dr. Gloria Emeagwali
Professor of History/African Studies, CCSU
Chief Editor- "Africa Update"
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries
Founding Coordinator, African Studies, CCSU

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