Friday, October 1, 2010

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

The patriarchs rush in... and you get Gloria agonistes! How on earth did this become the trial of Gloria Emeagwali? Dr. Abegunrin, did you read Professor Gloria's initial post? How could you read a post in which she clearly states that she undertook remedial legal action the moment that the indicated matrimonial jibiti came to her notice and still be asking if she did not know or hear about it - or why she is just coming out now?

Even Thomas believed after seeing and touching the nail holes in the hands of Jesus Christ but some of you folks are asking to see and touch the nails, determine the composition of all alloys and metals in nails, have the Centurions re-nail Christ to the cross before your very eyes, keep vigil at the tomb, and see him jump up all over again three days later before you can reluctantly move from "there is no fraud at all" to "there is the possibility of an appearance of harmless and positive fraud with plenty of extenuation." Na wah o.

And what exactly are we being asked to believe by those who have just about, almost, not quite, very nearly accused Professor Gloria of lying while over-reaching themselves in the deployment of innuendos? We may need Professor Aluko's nomenclatural expertise to determine what they are accusing Prof Gloria of doing: lying? telling an untruth? telling a near-truth? Telling a not-truth? Prof Aluko, which of these categories applies to Professor Gloria Emeagwali's traducers? Anyway, I believe Professor Gloria. It is too much to ask me to believe that a woman of her standing would just come to USAAfrica and make up something like this.

So, those who are trafficking in innuendos, hints, and allusions should just kuku come out and accuse her of lying flat out instead of the kokoma dance they are doing now and we shall start the bolekaja from there. I am losing my patience with all these diplomatic posts starting something like: "Professor Gloria is a remarkable and credible scholar and I am not saying that I disbelieve her claim but..."


--- On Fri, 1/10/10, Abegunrin, Olayiwola M. <> wrote:

From: Abegunrin, Olayiwola M. <>
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT
To: "" <>, "Gloria Emeagwali (History)" <>
Date: Friday, 1 October, 2010, 16:27

Few Questions For Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Gloria Emeagwali is a respected Professor of History and I highly respect her as a scholar, but there are few  questions  I will like her to answer. Why and how come she did not speak out before now that she was not Mr.  Philip  Emeagwali's wife when he placed her picture in a National Newspaper and claimed that she was his wife? Did she not see it or heard about the publication of her photo side by side with that of Mr. Philip Emeagwali in a National Newspaper?   Why coming out now claiming that she is not Philip Emeagwali's wife after Mr. Philip Emeagwali has been accused of fraud? If Mr. Philip Emeagwali has not been involved in this fraud is Gloria going to continue keeping quiet without speaking out that she is not Philip Emeagwali's wife?

From: [] On Behalf Of []
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:07 PM
To: Gloria Emeagwali (History)
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

Not so quick, Gloria. You plunged yourself into this debate about Philip. You insinuated that he is a fraudster, that he claimed you as wife and even went ahead to intimate that he used his internet prowess to do a cut 'n paste of your picture with his in a national newspaper!. Then you expect us to not ask questions and let go? 


Come on, you are supposedly a professor of History. You should know better that we would not allow you to pull a wool over our eyes. Why should I contact your lawyer, for what? The issue of attorney-client privilege would be invoked, and then how do we ascertain your allegation which was intended to corroborate the 'fraudulent' nature of Philip? As Bolaji often notes, I am 'shaking my head' about this revelation which has no merit to it as of now. The onus rests on you to be forthright and come up with evidence. Getting emotive about 'inheritance' etc does not fly with me. You sure can do better.


Steve Nwabuzor 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gloria Emeagwali (History)" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 10:27:14 AM
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

Sorry folks, this is a matter for more lawyers. I refuse to discuss the matter further in a public forum.
You can always contact me by phone at 860-832-2815.

There are legal implications for this matter.

The disclaimer on my website remains.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali

From: [] On Behalf Of toyin adepoju []
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

I agree that Gloria Emeagwali needs to provide whatever proof she can about Philip Emeagwali's wrongdoings.Yes,one is predisposed to believe allegations against him,that does not mean all allegations against him are factual.

How do we distinguish fact? As much as possible through evidence.

If Gloria Emeagwali still has any communication she made on this matter with relevant authorities and would like to share them with us,very good.If not,then we could let it be.

Its important that even when a person is caught in wrongdoing,as Philip Emeagwali has been,we take pains to ascertain the specific dimensions of this wrongdoing.If we don't,then the entire project of identifying the person's wrongdoing suffers a credibility problem.


On 30 September 2010 11:15, Mobolaji ALUKO <<>> wrote:

Steve Nwabuzor:

Your own logic surprises me.

Dr. Gloria Emeagwali's "revelation" is only a day or two old, yet various assertions have been made about Philip Emeagwali for years now, with the trio of Ikheloa, Adepoju and Ochonu doing incredible work of recapitulation and refocusing of minds on them only within the past fortnight or so.    So where does your assertion arise that "As a consequence of Gloria's 'revelation',  every allegation against Philip Emeagwali is now deemed proper. What a convoluted logic." ?

In fact, it appears that it is the other way around:  that there is a pre-disposition to believe Gloria because of all the preceding allegations, that it appears to conform to a pattern of a history of misrepresentation.  It may be the final straw for some people who would have loved to give Philip Emeagwali a benefit of the doubt all of this time - but not for me.  [Honestly, I just presumed all of these years that Dr. Gloria Emeagwali was Philip's wife - I have had private communication with her over other matters, and always wondered - or was conflicted - about her true professionalism in relation to my other nagging concern, but never really brought myself to ask.]

By the way, "Emeagwali" is not a common name, like Okeke, Okafor or Ojo.  We know not whether Gloria bears ANY past or present relationship with Philip beyond a common last name.  It is merely intriguing that she has come forward to present her concern, pointed us to her website in which she put a disclaimer, and further now referred us to her lawyers over a case or complaint that she filed over the matter.

Finally, you have read most or all of the submissions on this Emeagwali matter, I presume.  So what would constitute proof of allegations beyond reasonable doubt on this matter?  It may be helpful for you to re-state the allegations as you have read them, and indicate what additional proof that is required.  The ball would then be back on the Indomitable Trio.

I thank you in advance.

Bolaji Aluko

--- On Wed, 9/29/10,<> <<>> wrote:

From:<> <<>>

Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 5:06 PM

Bolaji & Co.,

It is indeed interesting to observe that you bought hook, line and sinker the 'revelation' by Gloria Emeagwali about 'the cut and paste wizardry' of Philip claiming her as his wife. This discussion is about providing facts on the false claims of Philip Emeagwali. Some of us are cautious in not condemning Philip because his accusers have not proven their allegations beyond reasonable doubt.

I am not a fan of Emeagwali but before conclusions are drawn, plain facts must be presented. It appears that Gloria's information passed the litmus test of our critical thinking as academics without any corroborative evidence. As a consequence of Gloria's 'revelation',  every allegation against Philip Emeagwali is now deemed proper. What a convoluted logic.

Frankylyne is on the dot by requesting for proof. Let Gloria provide evidence, letters to and from editors of the newspapers she claimed published the said picture, then some of us skeptics would gladly accept that this man indeed has a serious problem. Referring to a disclaimer on her website is not convincing enough that the man claimed her as a wife.

Finally, it is appropriate that we should address the issues and not pass innuendos on those who are slow to condemn Philip. This is not a forum where the herd instinct hold sway.

Steve Nwabuzor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wassa Fatti" <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:43:51 PM
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

Mr. Franklyne,
There is a philosophical saying in Africa that asserts that the cheapest thing to sell is lies. If Philip Emeagwali claimed to be the father of the internet, who are we to deny? He however need to understand that the hardest thing to also keep or hide is the truth. So those who knew Philip Emeagwali will surely state the truth about whether he gave humanity the internet or not. It is just naturally part of human reality and nothing more. His case is a sad one. I have communicated with individuals who knew Philip Emeagwali as far back in Nigeria and in the USA. They spoke highly of him and they stated that he is a smart and very intelligent individual who does not need to make such a claim of being the father of the internet falsely. They said he could have used his masters degree to do a lot and be a pride of Africa rather claiming for something he is not or has not achieved. In the black world, many believed that he is the father of the internet and in the UK and many parts of Europe, diasporan black kids are taught about Philip Emeagwali. I returned from Oslo only few weeks ago and even there I have seen African children with photoes of Philip Emeagwali in their school bags. If he can have audacity to protray professor Gloria Emeagwali as his wife on a Newspaper, well, he is capable of creating a false image about himself that could be damaging to all of us as African educators. So understand that Gloria Emeagwali was the victim who stated that Philip Emeagwali protrayed her as a wife by manufacturing the image through technological wizardry. That is a clear evidence to show that there is some thing smelly with Pihilip's self promotions.


Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 13:33:58 -0400
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

Franklyne Ogbunwezeh:

You are one of the greatest deniers, and quickest accusers of Igbo ethnic bias, bigotry and hatred when the issue of Emeagwali is brought up.

Now you ask for evidence about wrong wife claim, when the victim herself wrote here to your own reading:


The most disturbing thing to me is that Philip Emeagwali had the audacity to place my photo
 next to his- by cut 'n paste  wizardry-  to make the fraudulent claim that I was his wife.  I stumbled on  a newspaper that
innocently bought into the lie and was able to get an apology from the editors.

For the last few years I have had  a disclaimer on my website at:<>

What a jerk! What a fraudster! He should be stopped.

Professor Gloria T. Emeagwali
Prof of History and African Studies


And when from interview to TV interview, he is proclaimed "Father of the Internet", and he puts the poll - with him winning it - on his website, you still ask for evidence?

There you have you....

Bolaji Aluko
Shaking his head

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 1:02 PM, franklyne ogbunwezeh <<http://mc/compose?>> wrote:
Did Philip Emeagwali claim someone as his wife? Where is the evidence. Has the man talked? If he has, I need to know what he said. I never heard this man claim to be the father of the internet. It has always been ascribed to him. All I head him say is that he did a calculation in 1989 that was up to that time not the case.

I need information on the claims he made. Can someone direct me accordingly.

Franklyne Ogbunwezeh

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What constitutes a disservice to our faculty of judgment, however, is to place obstacles in the way of assembling truth's fragments, remaining content with a mere one- or two-dimensional projection where a multidimensional and multifaceted apprehension remains open, accessible and instructive.

Wole Soyinka, Between Truth and Indulgences

--- On Wed, 9/29/10, Gben Silver <<http://mc/compose?>> wrote:

From: Gben Silver <<http://mc/compose?>>

Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 9:10 AM


Your conclusion is apt "doing it a bit too brown". You have succeeded in nailing Phillip in his "wriggle room". It was timely that Prof. Emeagwali (the real one) came out with this fact. It is appalling that a man can stoop so low.

From: Ayo Obe <<http://mc/compose?>>
Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 3:01:41 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

Honestly, the scientiests and IT and computer specialists will know whether there is any substance in Philip Emeagwali's claims about his fatherhood of or unclehood or second cousin twice removed-hood to the Internet.  Perhaps there is some 'wriggle room' there - though since it seems possible to trace the only sources that appear to acknowledge the great man's greatness back to the great man himself it is probably 'wriggle' only in the sense of the fish on the hook.

But when a man claims a wife that he never married as his!  I mean, come ON!  That is doing it a bit too brown!


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 1:16 AM, Emeagwali, Gloria (History) <<http://mc/compose?>> wrote:
The most disturbing thing to me is that Philip Emeagwali had the audacity to place my photo
 next to his- by cut 'n paste  wizardry-  to make the fraudulent claim that I was his wife.  I stumbled on  a newspaper that
innocently bought into the lie and was able to get an apology from the editors.

For the last few years I have had  a disclaimer on my website at:<>

What a jerk! What a fraudster! He should be stopped.

Professor Gloria T. Emeagwali
Prof of History and African Studies

From:<http://mc/compose?> [<http://mc/compose?>] On Behalf Of Ikhide
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 4:18 PM
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT


The Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) administers the Law Schools Admissions Test (LSAT). Their contact information is at:

I strongly suggest that we all write to the LSAC to complain about this travesty and explain patiently to them the monumental fraudster that Mr. Philip Emeagwali is. The man is obviously suffering from delusions of grandeur, which is unfortunate. However to the extent that he is hurting our reputations, the man must be stopped. Toyin, I would be happy to sign on to any correspondence that you craft to go to the LSAC and any other reputable organization that has been snookered by this buffoon. There is hope; already several institutions are pulling his nonsense down from their websites. We must not relent until this man repents. I have copied the LSAC on this email. They should know that their last LSAT examination was tainted by the devious antics of that fraudster called Mr. Philip Emeagwali. If the LSAC does not investigate this fraud, I am prepared to go to the American press on this. The man is endangering the test scores of tens of thousands of youngsters. This is an outrage.

How can the LSAC be so snookered/ All they needed to do was google the fool.

- Ikhide

From: toyin adepoju <<http://mc/compose?>>
To: Ikhide <<http://mc/compose?>>;<http://mc/compose?>; Nidoa <<http://mc/compose?>>; nai <<http://mc/compose?>>;<http://mc/compose?>; naijaelections <<http://mc/compose?>>;<http://mc/compose?>; nigerianworldforum <<http://mc/compose?>>
Cc:<http://mc/compose?>; usaafricadialogue <<http://mc/compose?>>
Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 2:17:19 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: [NaijaPolitics] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] - Fw: Phillip Emeagwali


I see this LSAT test paper  that references Emeagwali's achievements is from Emeagwali's website.
Does anyone know what country this exam was set in?
I want to ask the compilers of the question on Emeagwali the sources of their information.
I want to find out why I cannot find information on Emeagwali on academic fora.I want to know why I cannot find evidence of his work being discussed by scientists.


On 21 September 2010 16:26, Ikhide <<http://mc/compose?>> wrote:

To give you an example of how bad the Emeagwali virus is, a passage about him just made it into the LSAT ;-) At least here they didn't call him the Father of the Internet. The man is a genius sha, I give it to him.

Enjoy ;-)

- Ikhide

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