Sunday, December 19, 2010

USA Africa Dialogue Series - IVORY COAST - Gbabo is Absolutely RIGHT: Prelude to a new African Renaissance

On Ivory Coast:
Nigerians are all over the place claiming rightousness ignoring their shameful problems,  and trying to poke their dirty nose on political, religious and ethnic issues going on in Ivory Coast and taking sides chosen by United Nation, IMF, World Bank and France, and now he wants and needs Nigeria help to put him in power to continue to work to destroy Nigeria. Wake up guys. Nigeria should work for Nigeria own self interest using the past to guage the future.
Igbos especially should not support this man because he worked against Igbos in all ramification during the Biafran struggle,  and he did not extend Igbos share of IMF projects in Nigeria to Igboland. To hell with him and his ambition.
Nigeria the big African fool really need to know what is going on here, because Allassan Quattarra is part of the problem of Nigeria today and he is one of the agents who planned to bring Nigerian down and unto its knees till today and to keep Nigeria down forever.
He was vice president of IMF during the 1970 and 1980 when IMF destroyed Nigeria with all their agents including France. Go and research on all his activities in IMF he never had any good thing to say about Nigeria and he did not help a good and tangible program for Nigeria.
President Gbagbo is in the bad books of United Nations and France because he wanted to break his country away from French and the United nation Stranghold on that nation. He is a strong man that the French did not like and he refused to be their lap dog.
Now on Allasan Quattarra, this guy is a Nigerian hater. Please just go and check his record when he was vice-president at the IMF( International Monetary fund) in 1970s and 1980s. This guy with his French masters made sure that Nigeria will never grow pass Ivory Coast. He was right there in the rooms planning with his French masters to bring Nigeria to its knees, so that Nigeria with its size and resources cannot pass Frecnh countries in African like Ivory coast, because they are afraid of Nigeria being a great country with its huge human and material resources.
Nigerian do not know the internal political, religious and ethnic dynamics of Ivory Coast and Nigerians should keep quiet because Nigeria has bigger problems which it cannot solve similar and in a larger scale than Ivory coast, and Nigeria own problem and internal conflicts will be surfacing in about one year now - then you guys will know that Nigeria destruction was planned and executed by the same people who planned and executed Ivory Coast problem today.
This Mr Allassan Quattara is boot leakers for Fench  with his double personality. Listen to this -  he is a muslim married to a white French woman and loves French win and drinks and yet he claims he is a conservative muslim who want to impose strick islamic rule in African.
Allassan Quattarra is a fraud flying the flag of his Western masters with their organs like UN, IMF, World Bank etc.
He is just like all  corrupt African leaders. Nothing is new or good  with him.
Africa today
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Mishe Fon <> wrote:

Can anyone give me  President Laurent Gbagbo,s email. I need to send him Flowers and even a few dollars as my widows mite to congratulate him for standing his grounds against imperialist  and hegemony forces. Enough is Enough. We Africans are Sick and Tired of these PEOPLE always dictating the TEMPO. We,ve had enough. I salute the good people of Cote d,Ivoire for standing solidly behind their President in the face of International Conspiracy to continuously pillage our natural resources. Trop C,est Trop.
YES, I am sick and tired of this French Peepoo who still think that Africa is their hunting ground.
First of all, the new breed of Africans are now themselves HUNTERS hence the scarcity of wildlife, talk less of sharing with people who have been stealing blind from us with impunity. They think Africans will always remain dumb and subservient. Not this time. We will be visiting all African chancelleries  especially those with "SIT-TIGHT" leaders to issue our warnings through our Lawyers. We will LOBBY US Congress, Senate, European Union, UK Parliament, Le Parlement Francais, the DUMA, IMF, the World Bank...infact anyone who matters.
Second of all,all "Sit-Tight" African leaders (even including Gbagbo himself) are hereby warned because the new tidal wave is coming in 2011 like a Tsunami hurricane.
Any African Leader who has been in "Pawa" for more than 10 years should look for ways to QUIT as a Statesman or will be forced to quit in DISGRACE.
The following African leaders (to name but a few) are placed on alert
1)  Muammar Gaddafi of Lybia...       Seized Power in 1969......42 years
2)  Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbatsogo: E/Guinea     1979......32 years
3)  Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe                                      1980......31 years
4)  Hosni Mubarak of Egypt / Killed Sadat                     1981..    30 years  
5)  Paul Biya was PM=1975, President (37 years)        1982..    29 years
6)  Yoweri Museveni Kaguta of Uganda                         1986...   25 years
7)  Blaise Compaore of Burkina Fasso                           1987...   24 years
8)  Hassan Omar al-Bashir of Sudan                                1987 ..  24 years
Alassane Ouattara and other Africans of his ilk should be ashamed of themselves. I even blame Gbagbo for thinking for one moment that he could trust the guy. The FRENCH have been struggling to ramp down the throats of Ivorians this Burkinabe Guy since the demise of the "Pere de la Nation" Houphet Boigny. Nonsense.
Meanwhile, here is the list of HIGH PROFILE African Leaders as at this December 2010
1) President John Atta Mills of GHANA ...2009
2) President Abdoulaye Wade of SENEGAL ..   2001
3) President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of LIBERIA.... 2006
4) President Goodluck Jonathan of NIGERIA   .....  2010
Mishe FON





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    Why Black People Make Good Slaves

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Toyin Falola <> wrote:

Alassan Daramane Ouattara publishes a list of his Government! Power belongs to the people!
COTE D'IVOIRE: Guillaume Soro Kigbafory the Prime Minister of the newly elected President of Cote D'Ivoire
Alassan Daramane Ouattara publishes a list of his Government! Power belongs to the people!
Source: By | Bitimrew | Sunday 05th of December, 2010 20:20
Seneweb NewsLetterLe spokesman for the Prime Minister, Sindou Méité released the first government of President Alassane Ouattara,during a press briefing on two communications.
Article translated and analyzed
by Essa Bokarr Sey
The Gambia

1st Communication: The list of the new government is composed as follows.
1- President of the Republic:
 Alassane Ouattara.
2- Prime Minister Head of Government, Defense Minister
 Guillaume Soro Kigbafory
3- Minister of State, Minister of Justice and the Rights of Man:
Mr. Jeannot Kouadio Ahoussou.
4- Minister of State, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic:
Amadou Gon Coulibaly
5- Minister of Planning and Development:
 Albert Mabri Toikesse
6- Minister of Economy and Finance:
 Charles Diby Koffi
7- Minister of Foreign Affairs:
 Jean-Baptiste Gervais Kouakou
8- Minister of Interior:
Hamed Bakayoko
9- Minister of Livestock and Fishery Resources:
  Remi Allah Kouadio
10- Minister of Economic Infrastructure, government spokesman
  Patrick Achi
11- Minister of Mines and Energy:
 Adama Toungara
12- Minister `s National Education: Ms.
  Kandia Camara
13- Minister of Youth and Sports and urban health:
  Dagobert Banzio
14- Minister of Public Service:
  Konan Gnamien
2nd Communication: Nomination for the Presidency of the Republic
15-Director of Office of the President of the Republic:
Marcel Amon Tanoh
16-Diplomatic Advisor:
The list of President Ouattara's government shows determination and readiness to face the challenging present and future of his country at all cost. Winston Churchill's "Pessimists see a challenge in every opportunity whereas optimists see an opportunity in every challenge" has revived by Alassan Ouattara in Abidjan!  Such characters worth their salt and they can indeed galvanize support from within and without.  His number  two man is another true patriot. His legacy speaks for itself. First he abandoned the bush then joined someone like Gbagbo for the sake of peace and harmony. Of course Gbagbo knows that Soro is not a chicken he could have easily  beheaded! He had to accept working with Soro under compelling circumstances based on a national interest he (Gbagbo) could not go against.
Soro decided to side with that very national interest again then resigned from Gbagbo's government of  "electoral-patches". Do you think if it were Yahya Jammeh  of The Gambia he would not have attempted the life of Soro? Of course he would have!  At least Gbagbo is better Yahya in this case. Although Gbagbo knows that Soro has strong backing politically and militarily he still did not attempt a foolhardy mission.  Soro is DEFINITELY A REBEL with  A GENUINE CAUSE! Ouattara would have never associated himself with a former rebel leader if the said person was not fighting a genuine cause. Are all rebel fighters "political-dirt"? Of course not! Dictators are the very ones who cause all these rebellions in West Africa to be more specific. That is the very reason why they must be pushed before doing so!
Considering Cote D'Ivoire's size and the backbone of its economy within West Africa or the world, one must commend Ouattara for maintaining the size of his cabinet portfolios to 14. This excludes the Director of office of the President what is an equivalent of the position of a Secretary General  in The Gambia and that of the diplomatic adviser.  The newest list all in all is not more than 16! Wonderful Alassan. Quality is much better than quantity!
The size of his government shows the whole world that this man is a serious intellectual who has come to rebuild a nation that has been shattered by political vultures all these years. Although Ouattara has a minister of foreign affairs he also has given room for the creation of a diplomatic adviser. The latter is a position he definitely needs at this time.  People may say he already has built a good image outside therefore why does he need a diplomatic adviser? However, there is another side of the coin here. He needs to maintain that image during these trying times. He needs someone to complement the efforts of the minister of foreign affairs and himself as the head of state.  If I were the diplomatic adviser at this point I would have sat with both men and brainstorm on a global tour for the president.

As soon as the newly elected president flies to destinations like Paris, Washington, Beijing, Moscow, Pretoria and the like, with the powerful international media behind him, that would a perfect image-magnifier. Which he needs soonest! Such a move will further belittle Gbagbo and his so-called government in Abidjan.  It will also be a good litmus test for those foreign governments especially those in the ECOWAS sub region. There and then we will see those sitting on the fence and or those who have sided with democracy. If any president refuses to allow Ouattara a state visit means he or she is Gbagbo. If any president says he or she is neutral means that leader has chosen hypocrisy over democratic values. We have heard France and other parts of the world open say where they stand. What is stopping our West African neighbours at this point then?
Of course Senegal's position can be understood because Gbagbo accused President Wade during the elections so the Senegalese leader's position is well understood. The rest cannot stay indifferent. Also we heard that Lebanon and Angola attended his inauguration and that was it! Indeed Gbagbo should be taught international relations because he is missing its essence at this point. He should leave now before he becomes another Charles Taylor because there are quarters getting ready to table his case before the ICC and Hague with reference to the death squads which were operating in Cote D'Ivoire. Have we forgotten when his small war plane mistakenly hit French targets during former President Chirac's time? Well France did not care they bombarded his garrison to ashes in retaliation. Who is guarding some of those installations today? The French army. Who advises Gbagbo? I am curious to know! Because his tactics do not add up at all.
I heard the Ambassador who was defending Gbagbo on Aljazeera today, that person is definitely what some people call diplomatic "ice cream". He had nothing to say on TV other than trying to compare the Ouattara-Gbagbo elections to George Bush and Al Gore's in 2000?! Can you imagine such a disgrace! Luckily there were Africans like him on the show. They went on shattering his position into pieces. One of the panelists worked in Cote D'Ivoire and knows what obtains in there. Another panelist refreshed the mind of Gbagbo's messenger on Aljazeera  how his own candidate accessed the presidency in the first place. Today's show on Aljazeera was a big plus for Ouattara and his team to start with.
This very thread is what opposition parties in other parts of West Africa like The Gambia should look at as we speak. Let them also fully understand that we will never sit and watch them lose face before the international world in the event that one of them wins and Yahya Jammeh decides to force himself on the people. People have already been booked on shows like Aljazeera and other news outlets waiting for the day to come. In fact our public declaration and sensitization programs have already taken off.  Of course we have our own Ouattaras and Soro's in The Gambia.

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010 (Archive on Monday, February 28, 2011)
Posted by PNMBAI  Contributed by PNMBAI
Toyin Falola
Department of History
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station
Austin, TX 78712-0220
512 475 7224
512 475 7222  (fax)

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