Friday, January 28, 2011

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Call for Books for the 2011 NSA Book Prize

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The Nigerian Studies Association Book Prize Committee is soliciting books for the 2011 NSA Book Award. The deadline for the submission of entries is March 31, 2011. NSA members are encouraged to submit their publications for consideration for the award. While the winner will receive a certificate and a citation, the first two runners-up will be recognized at the annual meeting of the NSA during the African Studies Association conference in Washington, DC in November 2011. Books submitted for prize consideration will not be returned. Only books that meet the following requirements will be considered for the award:


1.      Peer-reviewed single-authored books

2.      Deal with any discipline or field of specialization with primary focus on Nigeria or Nigeria in relations with the outside world

3.      Published in English

4.      Released between January 1 and December 31, 2010

5.      Make original or substantive contributions to Nigerian Studies

6.      Submitted to each of the three members of the Book Prize Committee by March 31, 2011


Committee members


Dr. Gloria Chuku, committee chair

2949 Capri Drive

Manchester, MD 21102


Dr. Philip M. Peek

(Professor Emeritus, Drew University)

203 Hueber Drive

Sanbornton, NH 03269


Dr. Hakeem Ibikunle Tijani

342 Dakota Drive

Arlington, TX 76002

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