To whomsoever it may be of concern :
In my humble opinion, you have to speak their language : Boko Haram
should be approached and engaged on it's own neutral ground – the
Shariah law the justice of which does not permit or decree all these
their unlawful acts of non-halal butchery of innocent Nigerian
Mad men
what does it matter to the flower?
From the barely theoretical to the practicals, the theology-cum-
ideology of Realpolitik without compromising the principles of al-
Radical and not so radical impulses and activism for reform in Islam
have been top of the reformers' agenda for even before the era of
Ataturk or Nasser
However, it is Iran with which I'm most familiar and some scholars say
that it's Shia Islam with it's gates of Ijtihad still open, that has
the greatest potential for upgrading as necessary the exigency of the
situation may demand without compromising Islam's principle. This is
no illusion : a man may suffer, even under the umbrella and
protective custody of the philosophers " unity of existence".
My dear friend Askh Dahlen ( I knew him since when he started studying
Farsi for real – he also did his Master's on my Iranian Tariq. The
Nimatullahi ….Askh himself became a super star with the publication
of his epoch-breaking "Islamic Law, Epistemology and Modernity." - my
insight into these matters are deeply influenced by Askh Dahlen's
On 2 Oct, 17:17, Cornelius Hamelberg <>
> Nothing to worry about
> Chidi the poet,
> My own IQ is below zero....have known this since I was six and been
> rebelling about it ever since.
> Oluwatoyin is a fine fellow and I appreciate his philosophical
> approach and share some of his esoteric interests, but not just in
> theory. ... I was initiated into the Rifai Order in June 1991 at the
> the Ahmad Rifia mosque in Cairo... no secret, I've had three great
> Iranian Sufi Masters and two great Egyptian Sufi masters; after an
> hour's interview in his office, Professor Abu Wafa al Taftazani
> ( professor of philosophy) and also head of the Sufi council in Egypt
> and a Rifai sheikh ….
> For some reason, my grandfather Louis Hamelberg ( an architect) was
> also known as "Kosmos"
> I also have friends who are physicists, heads of departments and all
> other kinds of unimaginable professions. With my most favourites poets
> however, even cosmological ones, our workspace is both the internal
> universe and the ones out there...
> It's true
> we live
> in parallel universes
> yours and mine
> and meet
> here
> no longer in face book
> Meanwhile my favourite song by Earl Colemen is this one : Two
> different Worlds:
> By the way, Julian Assange is in more plenty of trouble and you can
> also read about that
> before it gets into "the Chidi Opara reports".The hot breaking news
> from Sweden is that "Attackerna har kopping till Assange" - we have
> been suffering massive reprisal cyber attacks which the police say are
> coming from pro-Assange activists. If you will you can bear with the
> translation by writing that search term in google ( I get the print
> edition home every morning)
> Chidi Opara, when I propose in prose at least, catch my sense of
> humour - it doesn't have to be in the language of your your poetry
> for me to understand it, too...
> " one of the most profound" indeed. It takes one to know one.
> And what does Chidi or the sun king know about "cosmology"?
> Here's another brilliant one on Hyper-space a scientific space
> odyssey:
> Finally, I hope that we don't get into this kind of situation ( once
> awarded the "Best British Joke") Joke number 2:
> On 2 Okt, 11:57, Chidi Anthony Opara <> wrote:
> > "As it turns outs "parallel universes" is more in the sphere of
> > cosmological
> > professor king sunny Adepoju."
> > -----Cornelius Hamelberg
> > Uncle Cornelius,
> > The above comment is clearly beneath you(at least in my estimation),
> > the fellow I think you are referring to, to me, is one of the most
> > profound independent minded new generation Nigerian Intellectuals
> > despite recent attempts to pander to powerful interest to secure
> > recommendations for high profile University teaching/research jobs.
> > --------CAO.
> > On Oct 2, 9:41 am, Cornelius Hamelberg <>
> > wrote:
> > > Yes we can, but can Bangura be right? My heart missed a beat - right
> > > about what? The virgin birth? The future of the planet? As it turns
> > > outs "parallel universes" is more in the sphere of cosmological
> > > professor king sunny Adepoju.
> > > Hopefully, Bangura is totally wrong, again.
> > > However there are these worrying big-ups from the pro-Romney faction
> > > that may also hopefully,at least be partially wrong:
> > > "How not to read presidential polls: The increasing absurdity of media
> > > reports ":
> > > And even more unlikely and unpleasant to the eye and ear:
> > > On Oct 1, 11:24 pm, "Anunoby, Ogugua" <> wrote:
> > > > Is the proper universe to be in the parallel universe? Why want a copy when you can have the original? I am just asking.
> > > > oa
> > > > From: [] On Behalf Of Abdul Bangura
> > > > Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 11:47 AM
> > > > To:; dialogue
> > > > Cc: leonenet
> > > > Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Can Bangura be right?
> > > > My Most Favorite Mwalimu Falola, I saw this when I worked on Doug Wilder's campaign. I see similar patterns right now. It did not happen in 2008 because a majority of the white voters went fishing on election day because they were not enthusiastic about McCain and were angry at the GOP for losing their wealth in the economic meltdown. I am just glad that the ultra-liberal and Obama-supporting POLITICO has smelled the proverbial coffee.
> > > > I doubt, but read a pro-Bangura analysis
> > > > []<>
> > > > The parallel universe where Mitt Romney leads all polls
> > > > By: Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns
> > > > October 1, 2012 04:27 AM EDT
> > > > To talk with any working Republican political operative these days is to hear the same tale of woe: a grim accounting of the past few weeks, a dash of gallows humor and a measure of hope that President Obama is still beatable. Never in question is that Mitt Romney<> is trailing - the private surveys these strategists see for their down-ballot clients make that clear. The only question is by how much.
> > > > But hanging up the phone or clicking out of e-mail is to find a parallel universe on the right. On TV, talk radio and especially the Internet is a place where the swing-state polls that show Romney losing are not just inaccurate but part of an intentional plot by the heretofore unknown media-pollster axis to depress Republican voters. In this other world, Romney not only isn't losing - he's on the verge of a convincing victory.
> > > > "I believe if the election were held today, Romney would win by 4 or 5 points," trumpeted Dick Morris on Fox News last week, predicting a win for the GOP ticket in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. In public polls right now, Romney is losing in each of those states<>. But, Morris said, that's because the data are all wrong.
> > > > "People need to understand that the polling this year is the worst it has ever been," said the onetime Clinton svengali turned conservative pundit.
> > > > (See also: POLITICO's poll tracker<>)
> > > > Conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh<> senses something more nefarious in the media and university polls.
> > > > "They are designed to do exactly what I have warned you to be vigilant about and that is to depress you and suppress your vote," Limbaugh told his listeners last week, after bringing up swing-state surveys from The Washington Post and CBS News and Quinnipiac University. "These two polls today are designed to convince everybody this election is over."
> > > > There has always been a divide between the Republican consultant class and conservative media figures. Operatives must dwell in the real world because their jobs depend on winning and losing. The likes of Morris and Limbaugh have different incentives. They want to build their email lists and listening audiences and there's no faster way to conservative hearts than to kick the dreaded mainstream media. And when it's well after Labor Day of a presidential year and the Republican nominee isn't faring well, reassuring the home team that there's just a scoreboard malfunction offers a seeming dose of logic to the situation.
> > > > But the Internet has let the alternate campaign reality flower this fall in a way that's both striking and depressing to political professionals and pollsters. One website,<>, even readjusts the public polling to include more Republicans in samples. The results: Romney leads in nearly every national poll released in September. Of course arbitrarily reweighting polls is wildly unscientific, but that hasn't stopped Republicans like Limbaugh and even Texas Gov. Rick Perry from mentioning the site.
> > > > "Always nice to get unfiltered, or in this case 'unskewed,' information," Perry tweeted last week with a link to the page.
> > > > Andrew Kohut, President of the Pew Research Center and before that the head of Gallup, said it's a matter of simple denial.
> > > > "We've moved from a place where it looked like the race was close, and there's now an unwillingness to accept reality," said Kohut. "So if you don't like the message you shoot the messenger."
> > > > The attempt to debunk polls is in many ways the logical, if absurd, outgrowth of a choose-your-own-adventure political news environment where partisans have outlets that will echo their views.
> > > > "It's 'you-are-right' news," sighed longtime Republican strategist Mike Murphy, adding that if it was Democrats losing liberals would be baying about "Rupert [Murdoch] doing mind control on the numbers."
> > > > But it's one thing to advocate for a preferred party and portray the other in the worst possible light. Questioning the integrity of professional pollsters is something different: It's preposterous.
> ...
> read more »
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