Tuesday, October 2, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Communique of the 27th Conference of the Association of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities - and Guidelines for Honorary Degrees, etc.






The 27th Conference of the Association of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities (AVCNU) was held at Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK), from 24th to 26th September, 2012.

The theme of the Conference was "EDUCATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY".

Goodwill messages were received from the Senate President, the Nasarawa State Governor, Minister of Education, Minister of Information, the Executive Secretary of NUC, Chairman, Committee of Pro-Chancellors and the former Governor and Founder of NSUK .


The Keynote Address was delivered by Professor Olufemi Odekunle, whose address focused on the role of the academia and the society as agents in the crossroads of socioeconomic development in a society where crime has evolved from social injustice and the attendant bane of corruption.


Papers were presented on the following sub-themes:

1.      National security, education and curriculum development,

2.      Student politics, insecurity and campus security networking,

3.      The nation and its security and

4.      Reframing leadership perspectives on security in our campuses.

The conference specially deliberated on the award of honorary degrees and academic traditions in Nigerian universities.

Conference observed:


  • the importance of the multi track diplomacy approach in security handling where the State, individuals, NGOs and religious bodies have critical roles to play,
  • the lopsidedness in the existing curriculum on security studies where emphasis is on security history instead of creative appropriation of security knowledge,
  • the importance of peace education in nation building,
  • the central role of leadership in guaranteeing security,
  •  that insecurity is a consequence of  leadership failure and neglect of responsibility


  • that  weak networking among security agencies with multiplicity of data base impacts negatively on national security
  • the dearth of comprehensive information on security status of  students
  • Failure of societal sanitizing roles on the youth leading to the erosion of  values and norms
  • Students conflicts and insecurity on campus could be linked to both internal and external factors which are mutually re-enforcing,
  • Student politics is a reflection of politics in the larger society, particularly with governmental infiltration and interference in student politics.
  • Cultism and examination malpractice which have become the bane of students activities result in poor academic performance and anti-social behavior.
  • The abuse of social media has become a threat to campus security.
  • There is a growing concern on the erosion of academic tradition in Nigerian Universities, for example the award of honorary degrees is based on wealth, holding political office or its use as a means of generating revenue.
  • The sanctity of convocation ceremony has become bastardised in terms of time management and procedure.


Following from these observations, Conference recommended as follows:

·         Endorses the multi-track approach to conflict resolution in Nigeria

·         Universities should pay attention to the development of a robust and effective       curricula for peace studies and adopting a bottom-up approach where focus should be on the lowest level of education

·         Cooperation and effective /networking needs to be strengthened among security agencies and tertiary institutions.

·         Leadership should accept responsibility and effectively mobilize followership to be security conscious.

·         Managers of higher institutions and security agencies should evolve an appropriate data base for the monitoring and vetting of students activities. Universities should engage the students positively and create a conducive learning environment as a means of mitigating social vices in the university campuses.

·         The adoption of Keffi Declaration 2012 on the award of honorary degrees and academic tradition in Nigerian Universities as in the attachment.


Conference extends its warm appreciation to the Nasarawa State University, Keffi under the able leadership of Prof. Shamsudden Amali, the Vice-Chancellor, and his team for being wonderful hosts of the 27th Conference of the AVCNU.



Conference appreciates the President of Senate (Senator David Mark), the Government and the good people of Nasarawa State, the Ministers of Education and Information, NUC, TETFUND as well as the staff and students of Nasarawa State University.

Conference is convinced that with renewed commitment on the part of the Governments, the Proprietors, the Society at large, and the Universities themselves, championed by the Vice-Chancellors, the Nigerian University System should be set for security awareness and the advancement of learning.




Prof Is-haq Oloyede,                                            Prof. M.O Faborode,

Chairman, AVCNU &                                          Secretary-General, AVCNU

Vice-Chancellor, University of Ilorin,



26th September, 2012






1.0            INTRODUCTION

At the 27th Conference of the Association of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities (AVCNU) held at Nasarawa State University, Keffi, and in the examination of the general erosion of academic culture/tradition with particular reference to the indiscriminate award of honorary degrees in our universities, AVCNU made a declaration (henceforth THE KEFFI DECLARATION) that the age-long, best practices of university culture be restored and maintained as detailed below.



a)      AVCNU member-Universities should make it a policy not to honour  with honorary degree anybody holding political office (elected or appointed) while such officers are still in service;

b)    The procedure for the selection of honorary degree recipients should be in accordance with the law and statute of the respective Universities, should be in line with best practices and the selection process should normally be through the   appropriate Committee of Senate;

c)     The Honorary degree award should normally be given to any professional who has made significant or ground breaking discoveries/accomplishments/invention/innovation etc to societal development in any field of human endeavour, i.e.  Humanity, Science or Technology. The award of honorary degree should not be tied to wealth consideration or political alignment but rather, it should be based on leadership and service and the contribution of the recipients to socio-economic development of the society. Some of the other criteria that could be considered in choosing recipients for the award of any honorary degree should include:

i.                                      Must have been a leading and reputable scholar

ii.                        Must have made important discoveries/accomplishment/ innovation etc

iii.                      An inventor, an artist, a musician or a social activist of great repute

iv.                     A successful entrepreneur who has contributed immensely to development of the University

v.                       Leaders of political organizations that have impacted positively on the lives of people, subject to (2a) above

vi.                     One who has rendered life-long service to the University, the community or the nation at large, etc.

vii.                   Men and women of integrity in the society

viii.                 The maximum number of recipients of honorary degrees at any convocation ceremony should not exceed THREE, and this may be in one out of several convocations;

d)    No University should award honorary degree if it has not graduated any Ph.D or has no Post-graduate school.

e)     Award of Honorary degree can be Posthumous, but no Honorary degree should be awarded in absentia to a surrogate;

f)      Award of Honorary degree to the Chancellor of one's University particularly before Convocation is not compulsory. This is without prejudice to (a) above

g)     Installation of a Chancellor can be done on a special day or a day preceding convocation. It depends on the decision of the University concerned.

h)    The use of 'Dr' as a title for honourary degree graduands/awardees is unconventional and therefore, not allowed.



Convocation is an annual formal assembly of the University for a Graduation Ceremony for its students. It provides the University an opportunity to showcase its graduands and give account of how the institution has fared to its stakeholders. It is presided over by the Chancellor, with the Chairman and members of the Governing Council or Board of Trustees/Regents present. The Visitor or proprietor of the institution usually attends in person or is represented.




a)     As a matter of policy, Universities should hold their Convocation ceremonies annually and, where possible, within the same month each year;

b)    Convocation should be a timely, statutory and solemn event  (needs to start on time and strictly within the timeline of programmes or activities)

c)     Certificates must be ready at convocation and issued to students after necessary clearance;

d)    Before the procession starts, there could be light music to be supplied by the Police band, the University choir or through stereo sound system.

e)      While guests are seated, officiating personnel (who may or may not be academics) can use the period before the commencement of procession to recognize dignitaries and make announcements.

f)      The norm about procession requires that people should not robe or de-robe in public except when such a person is being dressed publicly for honours. Furthermore, guests are not allowed to cross or interrupt a procession.

g)     Persons who are not robed should not be part of the procession.

h)    With respect to Order of Procession: the procession shall move to the Convocation Arena (while processional music is played) and the assembly shall stand as the procession enters the square in the following order.


Ø Graduands procession

Students Affairs Officer


Ø Alumni

Alumni Relations Officer

Ø Congregation procession (All Guests and Graduands shall stand)

Establishment Officer

Members of Congregation (who are not members of senate or Council)


Ø Senate procession

Academic Officer

Members of Senate (who are not members of Council)

Professors (who are not Deans)

Deans/Provost of Faculties/Schools/Colleges

Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies

Provost of Colleges (If the College contains faculties)



Ø Chancellor's Procession

Council Affairs Officer

University Mace Bearer

                  University Librarian

                  University Bursar

                  Registrars of other Universities

                  Visiting Vice-Chancellors

                  Visiting Pro-Chancellors

                  Members of Council

                  Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission

                  University Orator(s)

                  Honorary Graduands


                  Deputy Vice-Chancellors




                  Members of Federal Executive Council

                  Visiting State Governors

Members of National Assembly



Ø As soon as the Visitor gets to the front of his seat at the Dais, the National Anthem will be sounded. Thereafter, the Visitor takes his seat followed by the Assembly.


i)       At the Convocation Ground

·        The Faculty colours should be placed in front of the graduands for easy identification of the various faculties.

·        In academic procession, the mace, which is the symbol of authority, is usually carried by a designated mace bearer. After the sounding of the National Anthem, it is then positioned to seat on a platform in front of the Visitor

·        The sitting arrangement at the Convocation ground should be such that gives prominence and prime recognition to members of Senate, Deans, members of Council, State dignitaries from the education sector including Visiting Vice-Chancellors, parents, guardians and the press

·        Pre-Convocation rehearsal is very necessary and Vice-Chancellors must ensure that it is done before the Convocation proper so that observed lapses could be addressed.


j)       In the Procession, the following should obtain:

·        Academic ceremonies must always begin and end with a procession.

·        Academic processions are always formed in ranks of two

·        Processions are divided into divisions according to affinity groups. Each division should be separated by a gap of about 20 feet, enough space to keep marchers from bunching up as people move into their seating rows.  The gap is also to ensure a better view of the marchers' regalia

·        Only those people specified in the order should be in the procession. However, in view of the peculiarity of the Nigerian setting, Universities may look at what can be accommodated.

·        Where for example, Council members want to be part of the procession, they could only wear the gown but without the hood unless they are also qualified to wear the hood by holding appropriate degrees.



This is a ceremony where new students are inducted into the university. The ceremony comes early after orientation programme, usually within two or three weeks of freshers' arrival on campus



a)                 Matriculation ceremony be held not later than the fourth week of students arrival on campus;

b)                There should be no further admission and registration of students after matriculation;

c)                 It should be given the seriousness it deserves as all academic ceremonies with Principal Officers and members of Senate actively participating;




5.0      SENATE

Senate is the highest body on academic matters of a university. Many of the University Committees report to Senate, and through the Committee structure, Senate regulates the academic activities of the University.



a)     In terms of regularity, Senate meetings should hold monthly, which means other relevant committees such as Faculty Boards should meet monthly ahead of Senate meetings to submit matters for Senate consideration;

b)    All statutory meetings of Senate must also be held as scheduled;

c)     A university's basic governance system is the Committee System which is self regulatory. Consequently, the various committees must be allowed to function effectively;

d)    In Senate, and indeed in the University, robust debate and effective participation should be encouraged to ensure quality of decision;



Council is the highest policy making body in the university governance structure and superintends over the property and finances of the university.



·        Statutory meetings of Council should be held on a regular basis;

·        Council should adhere to its functions and not override Senate decisions on academic matters; and

·        A clear distinction between policy matters and day-to-day management of the university should be recognized and respected.



Congregation meetings provide opportunity for a large proportion of staff to be briefed on university matters and allow them to participate in the governance of the university.



a)     There should be regular meetings of the Congregation, at least once per semester;

b)    Congregation meetings be given adequate publicity and members encouraged to attend;

c)     Freedom of expression and robust debates and contributions should be encouraged and constructive criticism permitted.



By the University tradition, it is the inaugural lecture that inaugurates a person's chair as Professor and this is usually held within one or two years after the date of appointment, promotion and announcement. This cherished academic tradition has been neglected or is done on irregular basis in many universities, to the extent that some professors retire without giving their inaugurals. Also, public lectures in the university allow scholars and people from various works of life who have distinguished themselves in their different callings to speak on contemporary issues. This culture is gradually being neglected to the extent that in many universities the tradition of public lectures has almost been forgotten.


Valedictory lecture is the academic tradition where a retiring Professor or Emeritus Professor delivers a farewell address or oration in a valedictory ceremony. In many universities, this is no longer done.  The culture of Emeritus Professorship appointment has also been neglected or improperly done.


8.1.     Inaugural and Public Lectures

i.        The University authority should programme it in such a way that within 2 or 3 years of becoming a Professor, the person must deliver his/her inaugural lecture.

ii.      Efforts should be made to clear the backlog and since the programme is basically academic, it should be undertaken regularly so as to continuously enliven the academic community.

iii.    A calendar for inaugural and public lectures should be established and relevant committees enabled to ensure compliance.


8.2      Valedictory Lectures and Emeritus Professorship

                                i.             Valedictory lecture can be delivered by Emeritus Professors. However, such a person must still be seen to be professing even at that old age.

                              ii.            Nomination of candidates for the conferment of Emeritus Professor usually starts from the Department. A senior professor may nominally initiate the process which gets through the Faculty to the Senate and then to Council for final approval.

                            iii.            In some cases, the University may on its own recognize the academic contributions of some senior professors who have retired from service for the conferment of Professor Emeritus subject to laid down guidelines.

                           iv.            Emeritus Professors can be provided with official accommodation/ house and paid on the basis of the work they do, including the mentoring of younger academics.




                                i.            Universities must all have code of conduct to be embedded in the condition of service for all members of teaching and non staff that address research, examination, dress code, sexual harassment, cultism and social vices;

                              ii.            The code of conduct must address all anti- social habits with appropriate sanctions.

                            iii.            The issue of extortion and sorting of all kinds must be addressed and appropriately sanctioned by university authorities.


9.1 Examinations

                                i.            Universities must adhere strictly to examination time-line

                              ii.            Continuous assessments must be submitted before the commencement of examinations. The Deans and Heads of departments must ensure that all continuous assessment records are submitted and deposited with them before the commencement of examinations.

                            iii.            There must be strict adherence to examination time table and examination regulations 

                           iv.            The external examiners must not only ensure a proper vetting of the examination questions in order to maintain standards, he/she must write a report after reviewing the answer scripts.

                             v.            The departments should not overload young lecturers with sensitive academic matters in order to prevent abuse

                           vi.            Efforts must be made to address the problem of sorting and examination leakages and culprits must be appropriately sanctioned.


9.2      Research matters and Mentorship

                    i.            The issue of widespread plagiarism must be addressed

                  ii.            Universities must make funds available for research and research must be made to attract more scores for promotion purposes.

                iii.            Scholars with multi authorship must be made to indicate their specific contributions in the papers.

               iv.            Effort must be made to authenticate the originality of papers for the sake of credibility of the University.

                 v.            People appointed to Professorial chairs must be able to demonstrate competence through mentoring

               vi.            The mentor-mentored relationship between the old and the young academics should be revived and strengthened. The younger academics should sufficiently demonstrate their attitudinal and psychological preparedness to be mentored.

             vii.            Universities should encourage departments to establish research forum where young and old researchers can interact.




AVCNU and NUC are to act as whistleblowers and take appropriate actions to ensure compliance.


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