Friday, November 2, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Romney Maintains His Lead In Battleground/Swing State Colorado

Mwalimu Bangura,

I know that you only teach (and sometimes preach)

"50% say they would rather get advice from Romney "?

Pretty nice figure.but Senor, this sounds a little far-fetched to me. Advice? Advice about what – if they should get married ? Should the state also decide who should marry who? Which free citizens can be paired together ?

Does your "50%" include some of Romney's 47% of the USA's irresponsible,worthless buggers who like you would also "rather get advice from Romney "?

Freedom of speech.

I was only asking.


On Friday, 2 November 2012 10:55:25 UTC+1, Abdul Karim Bangura wrote:
Yay! This is a state Obama won in 2008 with 54% of the vote. Are the Bradley and Wilder Effects in play? You bet! Here is the Real Deal: "If faced with the toughest decision of their lives, 50% say they would rather get advice from Romney, while 46% would turn to Obama instead."

Election 2012: Colorado President

Colorado: Romney 50%, Obama 47%

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Mitt Romney still holds a narrow lead in Colorado. 

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Colorado Voters shows Romney still holding 50% support, while President Obama earns 47% of the vote. Two percent (2%) favor some other candidate, and one percent (1%) is undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Colorado, which Obama carried with 54% of the vote in 2008, remains one of eight Toss-Up states in the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections. 

The latest findings mark little change from last week when Romney led 50% to 46%. Two weeks earlier, Obama was ahead by one – 49% to 48% - but there's been a shift in several of the swing states since the first presidential debate on October 3. In surveys in Colorado since July, Romney has earned 45% to 50% of the vote, while the president has picked up 45% to 49% support.  

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of likely Colorado voters have already cast their ballots, and Romney leads 50% to 47% among these voters.

The president leads 50% to 44% among voters in the state not affiliated with either of the major political parties. 

Colorado voters are now almost evenly divided when asked whom they think will win the election: 45% say Obama, 42% Romney.  Seventy-five percent (75%) are excited about the choice between Obama and Romney, but 22% still say they will be voting for the lesser of two evils. 

Voters in the state trust Romney more than Obama by nine points – 53% to 44% - when it comes to handling the economy and by five points – 51% to 46% - in the area of national security. That's slightly more confidence in both areas than voters express in Romney nationwide. But by a 51% to 46% margin, Colorado voters think the president better understands the issues of the middle class. 

The survey of 750 Likely Voters in Colorado was conducted on October 29, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is  conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Romney is viewed favorably by 52% of voters in the state and unfavorably by 46%. This includes 37% with a Very Favorable opinion and 34% with a Very Unfavorable one.

Forty-eight percent (48%) now approve of the job the president is doing, while 51% disapprove. This includes Strong Approval from 31% and Strong Disapproval from 46%. 

If faced with the toughest decision of their lives, 50% say they would rather get advice from Romney, while 46% would turn to Obama instead.

In addition to Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin are Toss-Ups.

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