Friday, April 10, 2015

FW: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Baboon of the Lagoon

"Let me make two predictions:  (1)  Ambode will win on Saturday, and it will have nothing to do with the Oba's approval or incontinence (2)  Nobody will be drowned in the Lagoon thereafter."




If Ambode wins Saturday, it will be because the Oba of Lagos  threatened those he believed were not going to vote for Ambode, if not for his (Oba's bare-faced threat. There is no good reason to believe that BA knows Lagos voters better than the celebrated "owner" of Lagos. His title  we have been told is Eleko of Eko. The Oba was absolutely certain that Ambode will lose the election if the Igbo cast their ballot for Ambode's PDP opponent. Why else would the Oba take the shameless path of indiscretion, kicking caution, decency, the law, and reason to the kerb, and criminally try to influence the governorship elections outcome?

Only the Oba can ensure that no Igbo are drowned in the sewers called lagoons in Lagos after the election. The Oba thoughtfully choose the waters he wants them drowned in. There are wells among others in Lagos are there not? The hope and prayer is that he changes his mind.



From: [] On Behalf Of Mobolaji Aluko
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 2:45 PM
To: USAAfrica Dialogue
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Baboon of the Lagoon




Obi Nwakanma:


You can see why I will never allow your super-menschen attitude to go past me.


Is it for "threatening the Igbo with murder" that you are venting so much, or is it for threatening ANYBODY at all?


Let me ask this:  if ALL the Igbo vote for Agbaje, and NO YORUBA votes for Agbaje, can Agbaje win the Lagos gubernatorial election?  Absolutely not!  So for Agbaje to win, MANY non-Igbo, including MANY Yoruba, must vote AGAINST Ambode, who PRESUMABLY will also be sunk in the Lagoon by this ALL powerful Oba Akiolu, who will have to REACH beyond his tiny suzreinty in Eko-land, to pick them up one by one, and drown them.


So why are you all not BENT over backwards about his threat to ALL NIGERIANS who vote against Ambode, rather than just the Igbo?  Is this why there is still SHRILLNESS in your community?


Answer me.......


Listen up:  I am OFFENDED by his threat against ANY Nigerian, any person, simply because they vote against Ambode.  I believe that I am thereby one hundred times better than some of you who are simply angered because he addressed your own Igbo group, most of whose Ezes in attendance at the Iga Idunganran were APPLAUDING at that very time, not completely sure of the gravity of the statements.


Let me make two predictions:  (1)  Ambode will win on Saturday, and it will have nothing to do with the Oba's approval or incontinence (2)  Nobody will be drowned in the Lagoon thereafter.


And there is no syllogism implied there.


And there you have it....but I have been wrong before, and my predictions are not water-tight.



Bolaji Aluko



On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:15 PM, Rex Marinus <> wrote:

All I'm saying, Dr Aluko, is tat the "incontinent Oba" should be called by his proper name. I'm saying, it is eough enough to just say, "His Royal Majesty went too far and we condemn his words and action." Such a statement makes the words "Royal" and "Majesty" inappropriate. I should think that saying, "Akiolu behaved like an idiot by threatening the Igbo in Lagos with murder" is more appropriate because it drives home the truth, while the other plays with euphemisms. But on this matter, there should be no tongue-in-cheek. Even his "incontinence" should not be an excuse.
It is interesting that you bring up the calumny that characterized the last campaigns. It did not bother me because often politics is about disputes and name-calling between opponents K.O. Mbadiwe once described M.I. Okpara as "that bumpkin from Bende." Zik himself had called Mbadiwe "a political Liliputian."That's ok with me. The difference, and I hope you see this, is that Akiolu threatened to drown the Igbo in the Lagoon if they do not do his will by voting he candidate the has backed. We must draw the line there. That is the basis of my outrage, nothing else, I assure you. But I do not want him commit suicide, jut he is prosecuted, or the very least, forcefully sanction for hate-speech
Obi Nwakanma

Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 19:24:12 +0100

Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Baboon of the Lagoon



Obi Nwakanma:


I should not "act like (a baboon) or even beneath one" simply because I ask that you and some of your very shrill co-travelers not call the incontinent Oba "a baboon?"  


You can see why I believe that some of you doth protest too much and are probably worse (in your own palaces, when no one is taping you)  than the Oba Akiolu himself that you are denouncing.  There must be something more that is biting you than this already-oft-denounced statement.


You are right:  The Oba is NOT Oba of Lagos State, but Oba of "Lagos", a small part of the state, even a small part of what is known as "Lagos City."  So what is the big fuss?  The man has backtracked; some of his "subjects" have condemned his statement; even Ambode has thrown him under the bus.  So you want him to commit suicide, or to have him deposed?


Come this campaign, terrible things were said about persons and peoples, and nary did I read a word from many of were probably clapping in the background, and/or crafting the words.  I believe that there hypocrisy - and some unrighteous indignation - is going on here.


And there you have it.



Bolaji Aluko



The area around the Oba of Lagos Palace (Iga Idunganran)




Lagos State:




On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 5:35 PM, Rex Marinus <> wrote:

Dr Aluko:
I will be quite, personally unhappy to think of you as a Baboon, so do not act like one or even beneath one. I think that the Oba of Lagos has no suzerainty over Lagos. At best, Iga-Iduguran is  a fine museum, and the Oba part of its museum pieces. He is good for tourism, and has no political significance. Subjectivity and subjection are not abstract conditions. Perhaps you should "abolish all monarchies" first from your mind, and help install the Republic and all its privilege of freedom and the equality of all citizens in your consciousness. That way, you will stop thinking of people as the "subjects" of a single individual. Nigerians are not even "subjects" of the President of the Republic, not to talk about of some provincial has-been.  Lagos is a city; run as a city government by elected people. The Oba of Lagos does not run Lagos; does not maintain an Army or a Police  Force answerable to him; nor does he constitute a parliament. He can not raise or collect tax, nor compel anyone to forced labour. In what ways therefore are the citizens of Lagos his "subjects?" In any case, which part of Lagos are we talking about? About my "super-menschen mentality" - well, I think the republic is still better than the monarchy or its association, feudalism. Those who established the republic with its laws of human equality and freedom are simply asking monarchists and all those right-wing conservative intellectuals who rally around its cause in the excuse of "cultural nationalism" to catch up. They're just too slow for the rest of us:-) I wear my "super-menchenism" proudly, as you do know.
Obi Nwakanma


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 16:51:51 +0100

Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Baboon of the Lagoon


Obi Nwakanma:


You are in your elements, waxing strong, philosophical, poetical, recovering your voice in usual defence of your "super-menschen" mentality........I know that you will over-do yourself......


I am presumably the next "baboon", being more vile than Oba Akiolu for daring to call people under the Oba's territorial suzreinty "subjects."?


Okay o......left to me, I would abolish all monarchies.  But while they last, I would limit their roles....and their behavior ACROSS the political spectrum encourages that delimiting.


And there you have it.



Bolaji Aluko

Having a belly laugh



On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rex Marinus <> wrote:

I actually disagree with Dr. Obioma Nnaemeka on this. The comments directed at Akiolu is necessarily harsh. It is the equivalent of Sartre's "racist anti-racism" - a necessary deployment of extreme speech in other to free people of the consequences of even more extreme conducts or speech or beliefs. Rather than detract from the situation, it amplifies the exact nature of Akiolu's  "reprehensible" conduct. I think we must be unwilling to mealy-mouth on this matter by this attempt to separate the meaning and intentions of the man, from the significance of the office to which he is purportedly endowed. Ogugua's statement earlier is quite apt: respect is not an inheritance; it is the value of conduct.
I also think Dr. Aluko insults and undermines Nigerians citizens of Lagos by calling them "subject" people. We must be very careful about the words we use. The Nigerian constitution endows everyone in Lagos, including Akiolu with the fundamental right of citizenship. Nigerians are only subject to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, whose charter of fundamental rights is unambiguous in endowing the rights of EQUAL CITIZENSHIP to every Nigerian irrespective of religion, gender, ethnicity or status. The continuous ascription of limited rights and values to the citizens of Nigeria, whom Dr. Aluko describes as the "Lagos subjects" of the Oba of Lagos carries no less a reprehensible meaning, and it ought to be clear and really challenged.
I myself felt that it is the Baboon that we insult by comparing Akiolu to him. Anyone who has seen the video or heard the audio of this guy's foolish utterances, should rather challenge Dr. Biko Agozino for insulting the Baboon, who in my view has greater civic manners than Mr. Akiolu. And just so it be clear, Agozino did not bring anybody into this matter - not Ambode; not Akiolu's neighbours in Lagos; not Yoruba people; not even the laughable cluster of comedians called "Eze Ndi Igbo" in Lagos, towards whom Akiolu directs his choler. So, please, do not bring his children into this matter, unless his children echo Akiolu's statements.
Obi Nwakanma

Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 15:25:44 +0100
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Baboon of the Lagoon



May your tribe increase, Dr. Nnamaeka, Obioma!


Some of those criticizing and abusing the Oba for his reprehensible outburst seem to be as hateful as he himself, especially those who have called him a baboon, or support those who have.  What do you expect his children, his Lagos subjects or his supporters to do ....jump up with glee for calling him a baboon?  Yet, if you describe his speech for what it is, you will win people to you to condemn him.


Do baboons talk?  Are they over-supportive of Ambode, or hateful of Igbo?  Or is it how the Oba looks...and can he change his looks?   Or is it just poetic exuberance....baboon...lagoon?


So let us watch it:  the Oba is not the only hateful interlocutor on this issue.  Yes, let us focus on the issue, and stop quoting Obasanjo's This animal Called Man.


And there you have I.



Bolaji Alukome

On Wednesday, April 8, 2015, Nnaemeka, Obioma G <> wrote:

The problem with the name-calling is that it takes us away from a serious discussion of what the Oba said. Calling him a baboon does not advance the discussion; it diminishes it. What the Oba said was reprehensible and condemnable. Let's focus on that and leave the animal kingdom alone.

Obioma Nnaemeka, Ph.D.
Chancellor's Distinguished Professor
Department of World Languages and Cultures
Women's Studies Program
Indiana University School of Liberal Arts
Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
425 University Blvd, CA 543A
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 317-278-2038/317-274-0062; Fax: 317-278-7375;


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Baboon of the Lagoon


I apologize to our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, baboons, for suggesting that the clown who wears the crown as the descendant of slave trading chiefs is like them; it was my poetic license. Although Baboon rhymes with the Lagoon in which he threatened to drown innocent citizens for performing their civic duties of voting, baboons are completely innocent of threatening genocide against human beings and they have never committed such a barbaric crime against humanity. The Igbo, having suffered such a painful history in recent memory, deserve to alert all those with conscience worldwide when genocidists start making hateful threats. No matter how highly respected anyone pretends to be, no one is above the law and the chief law enforcement officers should be urged by all peace-loving Africans to promptly arrest the thug and prosecute him to set an example to others in order to prevent his self-fulfilling prophecy of hate from being fulfilled. Moreover, rather than worry about the prestige of your traditional ruler when he misbehaves gravely, you should add your voice to demand that justice should be done to your Igbo brothers and sisters for the past wrongs visited on them.





On Tuesday, 7 April 2015, 16:39, Segun Ogungbemi <> wrote:


There is need for caution here. It is an aberration of the highest order to call or address an Oba a baboon. Whatever the merit of the argument, insulting one of the most highly respected Royal Fathers in Yorubaland and in Nigeria by anyone is despicable. 'Biko Agozino should first of all withdraw the description of His Royal Majesty the Oba of Lagos a baboon. 

This inflammatory description can cause mayhem if care is not taken. It is therefore demanded that Biko Agozino withdraws it with an apology. 

Prof. Segun Ogungbemi

On Apr 7, 2015, at 10:42 AM, "'Biko Agozino' via USA Africa Dialogue Series" <> wrote:

A baboon has threatened to drown masses of Igbo citizens of Nigeria in the lagoon if they do not vote for his preferred candidate for the governor of Lagos State. This is a leadership moment for President Jonathan and the President-elect, Buhari, to show leadership by repudiating such a brazen terroristic threat against model citizens who have ventured immensely to help build a modern nation and who have suffered unprovoked genocidal violence repeatedly in the history of Nigeria. Leaders should call for the arrest, dethronement and prosecution of the Oba of Lagos for this hate speech; apologize to the Igbo for past wrongs especially during the civil war when 3.1 million were estimated to have died with their young women abducted, their properties destroyed or seized, and their life-savings withheld. Propose a law against any denial of the Igbo genocide and against genocidal threats and establish the Igbo Reparations Fund along with the creation of the sixth state in the South East for the sake of geopolitical equity. Other Nigerian groups have been offered reparations for lesser wrongs and the continued denial of fair reparations to the Igbo who have suffered most may be contributing to the entrenchment of the culture of terrorism in Nigeria. Show some leadership now!




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