Saturday, August 29, 2015

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Interview: The short story is not a try-out for the novel—EC Osondu

"They are intellectually lazy non-thinkers with nothing to offer but moans and groans. There is no sunlight, no bright colors, no glimmer of hope, no silver lining, no opening for a better day, no encouragement." Prof. Gloria Emeagwali

Dear Prof. Emeagwali,

I agree with you. With the instantaneousness of Twitter, Face-book, and Instagram, many people are exposed to secondary trauma, with the negative postings floating on the Internet. Thus, I'm very selective of the people that I follow on social media, or read online.  And with books, I prefer first-hand exposure before sharing with others. Some people are wired to be moaners and groaners, and some with propensity to be negative. It is best to safeguard one's and others' mental health from craziness.

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