Sunday, January 3, 2016

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - RE: Birthday Wishes sent with Much Gratitude!

I had a good laugh too sir, regarding that creative menu. It is indeed completely and totally made in the Diaspora.
And I have seen such combinations indeed, so this is not just imaginary.)

Many happy returns to Prof Falola, our intellectual giant in the US. To join in celebrating this academic guru is to share in the honour he brings our community at home and abroad.

But we have to table this request publicly to Prof. Falola as we celebrate him-as we must to all our scholars and top ranking professionals abroad: What is the endgame for them and the nation that produced them in tapping from their wealth of knowledge?

Is there a better way to facilitate a much buoyant relationship between them and a country/continent they love so much?

Once again, we celebrate Prof Toyin Falola, may the food Lord grant all your heart desires-Amen.

LAolu A

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: 'Adeshina Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Date:2016/01/02 03:35 (GMT-05:00)
To:, "Assensoh, Akwasi B." <>,
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - RE: Birthday Wishes sent with Much Gratitude!

Oga AB, 
I roared with laughter when i saw the delicious culinary combosis you prescribed for Oga Falola's birthday--eba and amala with egusi and dodo!!

This is a wonderful menu made in the diaspora sir!

Happy new year to you and mummy!!

Adeshina Afolayan

On Sat, 2 Jan, 2016 at 3:25 AM, Assensoh, Akwasi B.
<> wrote:

SIR Toyin:

We send happy and blessed birthday greetings!

Please, remembr us when enjoying Eba and Amala, laced in Egusi soup, p;lus Dodo!

A.B. & Yvette.

From: <> on behalf of Folu Ogundimu <>
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2016 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - RE: Birthday Wishes sent with Much Gratitude!
Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, Ojogbon. Peace, Good Health, and Prosperity unto you and your family in the new year.

Warm regards,

On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Pamela Smith <> wrote:


Mo ki yin o (greetings). E ku ojobi ayo oni o!



               Happy New Year…

                              E ku odun o

                              E si ku iyedun

                              Emi a s'opo re o!


E se o; E si ku gbogbo ise na a! (Thanks for work well done).


Sent with a deep sense of gratitude for your solid scholarship and leadership.

Long live the usaafricadialogue.




Pam Smith


From: [] On Behalf Of Toyin Falola
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2016 7:34 AM
To: dialogue <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Moderator's Gratitude


Greetings to you all in the New Year! Silver and gold have I none…but words of affection are plenty, from me to you.

Today is also my birthday and if you are considering a gift, here is what I want:


1.   Civility: do not insult anyone, either directly or indirectly. Supply your arguments, and let it rest there.

2.   "Tribalism": Create your own "tribal list" and do your insiders' talk, even plan your wars if you want one, but there are some of us who think beyond this, who see all individuals as humans and citizens, who want everyone to live well and in peace. If you want only your "tribal fellow" to be the center of your life, generate your own list, leave this list, and respect some of us.

3.   No private email to me: Due to declining energy, it has become difficult for me to be replying private notes. I receive almost 200 E-mail messages on a daily basis, and replying to them all, which I do, has taken a heavy toll on me. I am in good health, but there is no more high energy level to sustain many activities. I wont be replying to private email messages regarding the dialogue other than on subscription matters. No more such things as "why did you reject the post" or messages from me for you to re-write certain portions.

4.   No anti-this or anti-that: There is no need to be anti -Islam, anti-Hutu, anti-Zuma, anti-this, anti-that. Give us ideas; tell us how to translate the ideas into practice; if you criticize Africa or a government, tell us how you will do things differently. 

5.   Exaggerations: Caution is needed. I have declined posts that say 1000 Igbo were killed at Onitsha; 400 Hausa traders were killed at Aba. A reasonable person must not say something that is not correct and one that could let mobs organize to kill others. One time, I panicked over this kind of information, calling people all over the country to prevent conflict. It turns out that the postings are not correct. Exercise caution.

6.   Armchair Diasporans: Many Africans abroad are now to be counted as among the enemies of Africa. You cannot be enjoying the comfort of your London or New York home and be talking about creating wars and conflicts in your places of birth, be abusing people who struggle to survive; traders who parade their wars; suffering poor, etc. If you cannot contribute to their lives and struggles in positive ways, just watch television in your private homes and let them live their lives in peace.

All best wishes for 2016.

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Folu F. Ogundimu, Ph.D.
Michigan State University
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