Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 5:39 PM
Subject: OCCUPYGHANA seeks answers on Gitmo Detainee
13th January, 2016
The Hon. Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Attention: Madam Hannah Tetteh
Dear Madam:
Pursuant to Article 21 (f) of the 1992 Constitution, OccupyGhana® writes in respect of the above-mentioned former detainees of the Guantanamo Bay Prison, whom you have confirmed the Government of Ghana (GoG) has agreed to accept to live in Ghana for a period of two years, after which period they may opt to leave Ghana.
We of OccupyGhana® are alarmed by the conduct of GoG in respect of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby respectively and demand that you answer the following issues:
- What are the real names and any aliases of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby that are known to GoG?
- Prior to the detention of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby, what were their professional/vocational/occupational backgrounds?
- When did GoG execute an agreement with the government of the United States for the acceptance of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby?
- Why did GoG make an announcement to Ghanaians of the acceptance of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby only after FOX News had broken the news?
- Was Parliament or any of its Committees at any point in time briefed on the decision of GoG to accept Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby? If Parliament or any of its Committees was involved, kindly furnish the name(s) and the date(s).
- Are Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby among former Guantanamo Bay Prison detainees who have expressed fears at any time of torture or persecution if they returned to Yemen, their home country?
- Has Yemen confirmed to GoG that Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby risk criminal trial if they return to Yemen?
- If there is no confirmation that Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby do not risk a criminal trial if they return to Yemen, why has GoG accepted them to live in Ghana?
- Why did GoG agree to accept Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby when the United States as the country that has primary responsibility for the two and other Guantanamo Bay detainees and former detainees is unable to do so because of strong opposition to settle even a single of the former detainees on American soil?
- Did GoG consider the fact that some former Guantanamo Bay Prison detainees have joined terrorist organisations on their release before agreeing to accept Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby?
- Did GoG consider the fact that some former Guantanamo Bay Prison detainees have engaged in "propaganda warfare" by speaking out publicly against their detentions and justifying terrorism before accepting Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby?
- What legal status has GoG given Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby?
- Do Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby have a right to work whilst in Ghana?
- Do Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby have the opportunity for family reunion whilst in Ghana?
- Do Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby have the right to access public services, including housing, education, medical care, socialization and integration programs whilst in Ghana?
- Do Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby have voting rights whilst in Ghana?
- Will GoG grant Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby residence permits whilst in Ghana?
- Will GoG grant Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby refugee status whilst in Ghana?
- Is GoG aware that restrictions on the movements of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby whilst they are in Ghana can only be ordered by a court and not the executive branch of Government?
- Did GoG consider that by agreeing to accept Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby, Ghana and its citizens worldwide can be viewed by terrorists organisations as collaborators with the United States in its fight against terrorists such that the country and its citizens may be targeted for terrorist attacks?
- Are there any financial gains to Ghana for its acceptance of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby?
- If there are any financial gains for Ghana's acceptance of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby, into which bank account(s) of the Republic of Ghana would the said financial gains be paid?
- If there are any financial gains for Ghana's receipt of Messrs. Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby, what uses would the said financial gains be put?
We trust that you would use your good offices to furnish OccupyGhana® responses to these questions within a week of your receipt of this communication.
Yours in the service of God and Country,
Nana Sarpong Agyeman-Badu (0264771508)
For OccupyGhana®
The Chief of Staff
Flagstaff House
Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament
Parliament House
Hon. Majority Leader
Parliament House
Hon. Minority Leader
Parliament House
All Media Houses

Telephone: +233 302 769 271
Website: Email:,
Twitter: @Occupy_Gh
Occupying Hearts & Minds for God and Country!!!
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