Wednesday, March 30, 2016

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: Nigerians Contemplate Self Help Against State Aided Fulani Herdsmen Terrorism

From Facebook

'Please guys, I need your help.

I need you guys to please suggest a way through which we the ordinary people who are the victims of these mindless bloodletting by the fulani herdsmen can put a stop to these senseless killings.

Any suggestion you can come up with will be highly appreciated.

It is now beyond argument that these Fulanis enjoy special protection from the government. The reason they seem unstoppable is not because they are invincible but because they enjoy special protection from the highest level of our government.

They can go around with AK47 but once the police sees you with even an Awka-made gun, you will be arrested for illegal possession of fireman. If you report them to your local police station, you will end up behind bars on charges of cattle rustling while they are allowed to continue killing and maiming.

In most states, the police and military are busy protecting cows and arresting cattle rustlers while the Fulanis are busy visiting death on defenceless Nigerians.

While coming up with your suggestions, do remember that possession of guns is still illegal in Nigeria. Most of my homies who tried to acquire weapons to defend themselves against those killers are still in detention as I write this. Also remember that there is so little anyone can do against the world fourth most dangerous terror group which sadly enough, is state sponsored.

We are on our own. We either device ways to protect ourselves from these beasts or we die!! '

Onoz Ohwo Agbarhayovwe
Onoz Ohwo Agbarhayovwe to me the one en only way is to break away from dz hoax called Nigeria once en fall all dat way we can have our own country en laws to stop them from coming down here for any reason what so every.
Like · Reply · 3 · 8 hrs
Charles Ogbu
Charles Ogbu I believe this is the best solution but unfortunately, it is also a long term project and as you know, this problem is an immediate one and it requires immediate solution.

If we wait till we get our own country, we might all be dead by then.
Onoz Ohwo Agbarhayovwe
Onoz Ohwo Agbarhayovwe then we should start to poison all the grass on the route that we know they use like somebody said that way when they know there cattles are dying they will have no choice but to stop bring their cattle down south.
Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
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Sunday Orija
Sunday Orija POISON YOUR FOOD CROPS, BY THE TIME THEIR CATTLES ARE DYING ONE AFTER THE OTHER, THEY WILL PICK RACE. This was what we did in my own village. Nobody told them bfor they quickly left. Within 2 days, they lost about 6 out of their cattles.
Like · Reply · 4 · 8 hrs · Edited
Charles Ogbu
Charles Ogbu But my village folks who eat the poisoned food crop might also die. And most of them cannot afford to forgo their crop because they largely depend on these crops to survive.
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Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
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Chinedu El-Dee
Chinedu El-Dee Well articulated.

As you said, it is "state sponsored" which is the FG to be precise.

One way around this is, organized revolution but this must be local starting with State House of Assembly members representing the affected constituencies and then the governor. They have to feel a different kind of pain since they are never on the receiving end of these fulani militia. How and what should be done to them and their immediate family should be off social media.

You could start with a peaceful protest at the state house of assembly and then you advance depending on how responsive they've been to your demands.

Our problem is that we somehow always forget these local elected officials while looking up to Abuja for everything. Now, it's obvious Abuja will always turn a blind eye, no need to bother.
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Charles Ogbu
Charles Ogbu Please feel free to hit my inbox if you need to.

This matter is very personal to me
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Chinedu El-Dee
Chinedu El-Dee You bet, will give it more thought and revert.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Charles Ogbu
Charles Ogbu Thank you
Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
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Chinedu El-Dee
Chinedu El-Dee May I also add that sit at home strike, would be very helpful. Even market would be closed down. Our people need to realize that they elected these guys and power belongs to the people. They can cripple a state/city with organized strike. Our politicians are wired in a way that they will only act, when action is the last viable option so we need to push that button ALWAYS for them to go to work!
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Vince Amateri
Vince Amateri In the past, mallams were known and permitted to carry knieves (dagas), because it was partly their religion and culture, and partly because they were seen more as security guards in homes and establishments. At home, they were therefore allowed to keep bows and arrows. Crime and defense mechanism these days have gone sophisticated, hence which prompted the use of fire arms both for offensive and defensive measures. What is happening presently between herdsmen and farmers nay village farming communities no doubt is systematic encroachment, and partly due to illiteracy and unawareness coming back from the past, even in times of Abraham, Jacob, Gideon until now. It took a Gideon and David to actually decimate the Amalakites. Wars these days are fought on three fonts: spiritual, physical and electronic. You are already doing one, which is electronic warfare. Spiritual warfare is a private thing. Now the bomb: since carrying of weapons by the youths in these villages will draw the ire of the police, let them acquire sophisticated and cheap to buy poisonous gas that kills instantly the cattle without trace. One canister can wipe out 200 herds of cattle at a time and they will just fall down and die, without affecting the crops and surrounding bushes. Systematic killing and no human life is lost or visible blood is shed.
Like · Reply · 5 · 7 hrs · Edited
Vince Amateri
Vince Amateri In Egypt Moses developed a special chemical that wiped out all the cattle in Egypt and yet not a single one died in Goshen a suburb of Egypt where the Israelites lived. Moses also developed genetically modified locust that ate all the crops and anything green in Egypt whereas did not go near any plant in Goshen. There are specially genetically modified bees and tsetse flies that are able to identify and sting to death in fifteen minutes cattle from the Sahel and Zagreb regions. Also the grazing routes of these herdsmen can be identified and the grass tinted with special chemicals that as soon as the cattle eat them, will fall down and die in twenty minutes. Afterall when the cattle are dead, herdsmen will disappear, no violence and no human life is lost. Except that these have their backlashes: there will be scarcity of beef to eat in these places. So it's a matter of choice, what should go or what should be endured.
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs · Edited
Charles Ogbu
Charles Ogbu Any hint on the name of the chemical?? The most effective one I mean.

Fuck that shit about scarcity of beef. A dead man don't eat beef
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Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
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Odurukwe Finecountry
Odurukwe Finecountry Whatever people say the argumens remains that being state sponsored Terrorism some other motives are implied. Now where are the National and State Lawmakers, even the Governors in this? So long there are no organ of checks and balances the future is scary because masses revolution and possibly conflict is loading. You het such in a jungle which is clearly what this nation is.
Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs
Charles Ogbu
Charles Ogbu Please guys, feel free to hit my inbox if you need to.

To me, this is personal.

These killers are on the verge of sending my village folks into extinction with active connivance of the police and army.

Thank you all for your wonderful contributions so far.
Instincts Kreations
Instincts Kreations I wish most of the affected states can ban cattle meat into their state. Let them go to the market and stop the selling of beef .we can make do without it .I for one can't remember the last time I eat beef meat.

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