Sunday, June 26, 2016

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: Insults as Verbal Art : Between the Academic and the Snake : Brexit Comedy




                                                                                                                                                                    Insults as Verbal Art

                                                                                                                                                         Between the Academic and the Snake  


                                                                                                                                                                    Brexit Comedy

                                                                                                                                                          Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
                                                                                                                                             Comparative Cognitive Processes and Systems
                                                                                          The Comparative Study of Ways of Developing, Assessing, Storing, Applying and Transmitting Knowledge                                                                                                                
"Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge"




                                                                     Image from 'Bridging Beer' and Chibuku to Go: SAB Miller Plays Africa's Price Ladder
                                                                                    By Ben Bouckley+, 10-Mar-2015 from
                                                                                                              Accessed 26 June 2016. 




 The beauty of insults demonstrated in this exchange over Brexit, British Exit from the European Union, voted for by referendum on 23rd June 2016, with an introduction on the nature of the insult, of art and of how insults can be art. Compiled from a Nigerian centred listserve.





                                                                                                    The Ubiquity of Art


What is an insult and in what sense can it be art?


An insult is an effort to disparage, to put down another person, to make them look small or ridiculous, deliberately carried  out through speech or some other action.


An insult becomes art when it is carried out with an imaginative flair that goes beyond the mere act of attacking the person addressed. The introduction of striking imagery, the framing of the insult in terms of a range of references, possibly more comical or biting than factual, are factors that contribute to making the insult a work of art.


What is art, one might ask?


A question that will continue to attract various responses into eternity, but in this instance, I would describe art as the effort to project existence in terms that are more explicit to the imagination than to linear logic. Along those lines, in the following dialogue, a human being refers to themselves and is referred to in terms of some other biological form that is not human while another person is recurrently addressed in terms of an occurrence that has no relationship with the subject being discussed but is meant to take the mind's eye back in time to frame the person being addressed in the image of that occurrence.


Let me leave you here, so I don't further convolute your enjoyment of an offering from a Nigerian centred listserve, excellent sources for insult art.

 Cover image from 'Bridging Beer' and Chibuku to Go: SAB Miller Plays Africa's Price Ladder By Ben Bouckley+, 10-Mar-2015 from Accessed 26 June 2016.

Mobolaji Aluko :


Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 9:22 PM


My People:


This is getting comical......The Brits are making a joke of is no longer just 1 million petitioners [ for a revote on Brexit, British Exit from the European Union voted for by referendum on 23rd June 2016] , but 2 million.  Soon it will be 3 million.  They should only be listened too when it is  18 million...:


"Nigel Farage's EU Referendum '52-48 Result' Comment Comes Back To Haunt Him"- Huffington Post



Wharfery Snake :


Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 10:35 PM


VC Aluko (dismissed)


It is indeed comical at this point. The question is whether the EU should sit around and wait for a second referendum. Methinks, once one entity leaves they should stay that way for at least 10 years. What do you think Ex-VC Aluko? 

WS - A revered prince of Mushin.



Mobolaji Aluko :


Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 12:20 AM


Canice Onuoha (Pea-Brained SwampSnake):



What is your business among human beings, you reptile?  What do you wish to know about Articles 49,  50 and 283 of the Lisbon Treaty:





Article 50 – Treaty on European Union (TEU) 




5. If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article 49




While Article 49 means they just join LIKE ANY OTHER nation who NEVER were once members - no time schedule:




Article 49 – Treaty on European Union (TEU) 


Any European State which respects the values referred to in Article 2 and is committed to promoting them may apply to become a member of the Union. …The conditions of admission and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the Union is founded, which such admission entails, shall be the subject of an agreement between the Member States and the applicant State. …'


But what does a reptile like you understand about these complex issues?  All you do is crawl in Mushin swamps, and spit like the snake that you are in pidgin Yoruba with poisonous Igbo phrases.


Please don't waste my time any further.


And there you have it.


Bolaji Aluko



Wharfery Snake :


Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 2:22 AM


VC Aluko (sacked with immediate alacrity),


Thanks for all the information below. I do appreciate the knowledge.


Frankly your time off in the creek did not diminish that urge to teach huh? You see that has always been my argument with Nigeria. People should be left alone at the level of their competence instead [ of] promoting [them]  into a level of incompetence. I think there is a principle named after that phenomenon - Peter principle! 


WS - A revered prince of Mushin.


Sent from my iPad




Mobolaji Aluko :


Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 2:32 AM


Canice Onuoha (Pea-Brained SwampSnake)


You think that I was tutoring you?  I would have sent it to your reptilian email, if it was for you.


But the world can read your reptilian sub-human nature:  intrinsically and cynically ungrateful, even when you are spared a few minutes not to completely quash your Mushin-infested snake head.  You and your ilk are ever deceitful and contemptuous of everybody else that is not as reptilian as yourselves, born and bred with lies, acultutrally condemned.  You spit lies in various languages, and were conceived in know what I mean....they are not even codewords any more.


But that is your nature........condemnable and condemned.


Bolaji Aluko



Wharfery Snake :


Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 3:17 AM


VC Aluko (sacked),


This is the problem with Nigerians that I do not understand. Why won't just accept with quibbles the accolades. Why are you whining and bitching? I am only trying my best as a gentleman but your crabbiness is getting in the way. I hope this is not the usual behavior you exhibited in the creeks? Could this be the reason for your summary termination? 


By the way why do you not give credit where it is due. My understanding of the Yoruba language is excellent and I can bet a good amount of shekel that it is better than yours - paapa!

WS - A revered prince of Mushin.


Mobolaji Aluko :


Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 3:35 AM


Pea-Brained Canice Onuoha:



What do snakes like you know about crabs - o yes, living in near quarters.  Or are you now a crake:





And what does gentlemanliness have to do with a snake?  This must be you then, a snake with a top hat, which is still lower than a crab on its hind legs:


I see....gentle-snaki-ness...


Silly fellow....


Bolaji Aluko

Having a belly laugh

Text source : African World Forum Google group. Accessed 26 June 2016.


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