Saturday, June 1, 2019

USA Africa Dialogue Series - New ASR issue on Bodily Practices and Aesthetic Rituals live!



From: "Mougoue, Jacqueline" <>
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 2:51 AM
Subject: New ASR issue on Bodily Practices and Aesthetic Rituals live!


Dear colleagues and friends,

I hope this email finds you well! I am very excited to share an issue of African Studies Review that I guest-edited is available as of today. The issue is titled "Bodily Practices and Aesthetic Rituals in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Africa." I attach my editorial introduction; I also attach my contribution, "Over-Making Nyanga: Mastering 'Natural' Beauty and Disciplining Excessive Bodily Practices In Metropolitan Cameroon." Please, let me know if you would like a copy of the other (excellent!) contributions in the issue. 


You can try and access the articles here


Further, ASR made a video advertising the issue; it's basically me talking for a few minutes and the videographer desperately waving his hands in the background (unseen in the video) to signal that's time for me to hurry up très vite, and wrap up. You can view it here








About this photo: The photographer was Malick Sidibé, a Malian photographer noted for his black-and-white studies of popular culture in the 1960s in Bamako, Mali, a West African country. During his life, Sidibé gained an international reputation and was considered, along with Seydou Keïta, to be Mali's most famous photographer.

Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué

Assistant Professor of African History

Baylor University | Department of History





Waco, TX 76798


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Co-Convenor of African Studies Association's (ASA) Women's Caucus

"Comrades, there is no true social revolution
without the liberation of women." 

-Thomas Sankara 

Click the below to schedule a meeting:  



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