Sunday, July 28, 2019


Baba Kadiri:

Its obvious what the current multifaceted salvos against the President is about having failed to remove him through the ballot box for the second term, the only other option (barring a military coup) is portray him so incompetent as to justify impeachment proceedings against him going by the chief opposition chieftains (Chief Obasanjo's) wording of his latest  intervention citing gross dereliction of duties (as if the Constitution
allows the President to assume dictatorial powers to solve all problems by himself).  

Farooq Kperogi tried a similar trick in the run up to the last elections by portraying the President as a person of clinically unsound mind in one of his columns.

But unfortunately the Constitution is very specific on articles if impeachment.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Salimonu Kadiri <>
Date: 27/07/2019 12:54 (GMT+00:00)

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​The father of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, wrote the Nazist Bible, Mein Kampf, in two volumes. The first volume, titled Eine Abrechnung (A Reckoning), was published on 19 July 1925. The second volume titled Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung (The Nazi Movement) was published on 11 December 1926. The two publications of 1925 and 1926 were combined into a single book known as Mein Kampf which in the United States was translated to, My Battle and in Britain as, My Struggle. In chapter 1, titled, In the House of My Parents, page 3, Hitler wrote that one blood demands one Reich and until German borders contained only pure blood Germans there would be no future for German people. During the 1933 German election he promised to purify Germany of contaminated blood and by so doing German mouths would munch bread spread over with butter, gem and honey. He was elected Chancellor and before anyone could understand what he meant by one blood demands one Reich, he had wiped out the Jews in Germany and chased others out of Germany. After expunging the Jews from the German geography, Germans had no bread to eat not to talk of spreading butter, gem and honey on it. Already on 30 October 1936, the German Prime Minister, Herman Goering declared at a public square meeting thus, "In these four years we Germans have tried to work to feed our people, although we have no colonies. …//… You know my dear fellow-country-men, and the Fuhrer said this at Nuremberg, that in spite of all the increased security of our food supplies, not all our food requirements can be met in Germany, whatever efforts we may make. In Germany there are 136 people to the square kilometre. In England there are 137 people to the square kilometre. For these 137 people to the square kilometre England owns a third of the world as colonies, and we own nothing. If we have a fraction of these colonies, then we should have no need to talk of shortage of raw materials and lack of foodstuffs. We have no colonies because they have been stolen from us (p16-17, The Nazi Conspiracy by Emile Burns)." Later in the German Reichstag (Parliament) on 20 February 1938, the Chancellor, Adolf Hitler wailed thus, "Our economic position is a difficult one, not because National-Socialism is at the helm, but because148 people must live on a square kilometre; because we are not in possession of those great, natural resources enjoyed by other people; but because, above all, we have a scarcity of fertile soil. If Great Britain should suddenly dissolve today and England become dependent solely on her own territory, then the people there would perhaps have more understanding of the seriousness of economic tasks which confront us. …//… No matter what we may achieve by increasing the German production, all this cannot remove the impossible nature of the space allotted to Germany. The claim for German colonial possessions will, therefore, be voiced from year to year with increasing vigour, ….. possessions which appear indispensable for our people (p.63, Peace With The Dictator, by Sir Norman Angell)." First Hitler wanted Germany only for Germans but later he wanted other countries for Germany so that Germans could feed themselves. Today, the paranoid, Neo-third-Reich Nigerian intellectuals are propagating for the expulsion of Fulani people and herdsmen from where they have lived for decades as cattle breeders in the Middle-Belt and Southern Nigeria. The paranoid Neo-third-Reich Nigerian intellectuals attribute all heinous crimes committed in Nigeria to Fulani herdsmen, whereas by nature of their trade, they are the most peaceful people in Nigeria and this is because they stand to lose their cattle in the event of any outbreak of violence. The question which the paranoid neo-third-Reich Nigerian intellectuals should consider is, can the rest of the country live together as a country, if the Hausa/Fulani North is forced out of Nigeria?

​For instance, Edo State with a land mass of seventeen-thousand, eight-hundred and two square kilometres and which according to the population census of 2006 is inhabited by three million, two-hundred and thirty-three thousand, three-hundred and sixty-six people, is not mono-ethnic state. If Nigeria should disintegrate, Edo cannot survive as a country. At moment a crisis far more serious than Fulani herdsmen and farmers is developing in Edo State. After the last elections into the State's House of Assembly, the APC won all the twenty-four contested seats. Since Adam Oshiomhole became the National Chairman of the APC in June 2018, he had advocated for party supremacy and discipline. He has said that the APC is not a State Party and as such the Party machineries in each State should not be under the control of the Governor but the National Secretariat.  Godwin Obaseki, who incidentally succeeded Oshiomhole as the Governor of Edo State, would like to control the APC in the State. After the last elections to the State's House of Assembly, Governor Godwin Obaseki secretly inaugurated the State's House of Assembly with nine members while shutting out fifteen elected members. When the National Assembly in accordance with the power vested on it by the 1999 Constitution reacted against the infraction in Edo State, Governor Obaseki purchased a Court Order from a Benin High Court, barring the National Assembly from exercising the power the Constitution confers on it in respect of nine elected members shutting out fifteen. If this can happen now, one can only expect disaster in Edo if Nigeria were to disintegrate.

For ages, Fulani herdsmen living in all parts of Nigeria have roamed about in the bushes of the Communities in which they have permanently been residing to graze their cattle without any problem. That practice is no longer tenable partly because it is now leading to constant trespass of cattle into farmlands and partly because armed hoodlums are imposing taxes on herders grazing their cattle in the bush and seizing cattle (cattle rustling) if herders refuse to pay. The solution to the problem, as everybody has agreed, is ranching through government subsidy from which every settled Fulani livestock farmer in any part of Nigeria shall benefit. The group named, Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum, led by Chief Edwin Clark, has said that all Fulani livestock farmers that have been permanently resident in the Southern and Middle Belt communities should be provided with ranching opportunities. They, however objected to providing RUGA for ECOWA Fulani in Nigeria. That is what the paranoid, neo third Reich Nigerian Intellectuals are yet to grasp and the earlier they understand, the better it will be for Nigeria.
S. Kadiri     


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