Saturday, July 27, 2019

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Perspectives on Ethiopia and Eritrea ( Interview of Kassahun Checole on KPFA)

Thanks for sharing. I was invited to the show several times by Walter, the presenter, more than ten years ago to discuss the tragedy of Ivorite during the civil war in Ivory Coast. He is a consistent Pan Africanist who uses the thesis of Fanon to critique the pitfalls of national consciousness given that a united Africa would eliminate the conflicts over millimeters of colonial boundaries between states like Ethiopia and Eritrea.

I have reached out to the Sickle Cell organization that he mentioned at the beginning of the program to see if my work on ADAM: Africana Drug-Free Alternative Medicine may be of help. 


On Saturday, 27 July 2019, 15:32:34 GMT-4, Emeagwali, Gloria (History) <> wrote:

This is an illuminating interview on Ethiopia and Eritrea

 by Publisher Kassahun Checole of Africa World Press.  
 As I told him,  I  listened to it from start to finish, and agree
 with 99.5% of his views. The interviewer was also quite informed.


Michael Afolayan, thank you for your fine words of encouragement on the
piece on  Molara. Appreciated.


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