Friday, July 26, 2019

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Buyer's Remorse : Former Supporters of Nigerian President Cry in Bitter Remorse on Facebook : Very Moving

See post below and rich discussion  at this link

I supported Buhari when he stood no chance to win any elections. I remember putting a megaphone on my car and driving around Abuja handing out CPC write ups in Abuja in 2011. I remember volunteering for the official campaign team when Baba Galadima chaired the campaign.

In 2003 and 2007 I actively campaigned for the emergence of a man I was certain would help plant the seeds of discipline required to rebuild our nation. 4 years after the emergence of Buhari as president am I certain my faith in him is justified? My answer is a sad NO.

I actually have sadly come to the conclusion that President Buhari and General Buhari are not the same people. General Buhari is who we we fought to enthrone all these years a no compromise upright man; President Buhari however is turning out to be another typical Nigerian politician.

Ogunyomi Sangogbamila Orunmilalana Edumareojekinte

Me: It is a feeling of great sadness to get to this point. One goes through a cycle of denials, making excuses, more denials before you finally accept what's been staring you in the eyes. To publicly acknowledge? Takes so much strength. At least, that's my experience.


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