Monday, September 30, 2019

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Trump, Russia and a Racist Theory

This theory is interesting because it would give insight into reasons behind Trump's anti immigrant stance. He is on record of asking why immigrants from minority countries come to the United States. Then said he wanted the immigrants from white countries to come. Seeing that Russia also has a strong white nationalist background, it could be why Trump has been the most lenient president with Russia in recent times. Despite his contact denial, Trump does have white supremacist ideals, so Trump's affinity with Putin and Russia could very well be for those reasons.

On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 9:30:43 PM UTC-5, Toyin Falola wrote:
A theory for discussion:

My theory is that another reason for Trump's affinity for Putin and Russia may be because he sees both as strong representations of a white nation, unlike the Western Europeans whose nations, as Trump sees things, have been ravaged and sullied by immigrants. You need only look at the composition of the English, French and German soccer teams to understand that way of thinking.
A theory is an entry point....

Sent from my iPhone

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