Tuesday, February 4, 2020

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Tribute to Dr Patrick Esiemogie Idode

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From: CODESRIA <codesria@codesria.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:11 AM
Subject: Tribute to Dr Patrick Esiemogie Idode
To: <chachagechambi@gmail.com>

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Tribute to Dr Patrick Esiemogie Idode

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, joins family, friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Patrick Esiemogie Idode, a Nigerian academic, who was head of department and Lecturer at Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria. Dr Esiemogie passed on in January 2020 at the age of 45.
Patrick Esiemogie Idode was among the pioneering class of doctoral students admitted into the CODESRIA College of Mentors in 2016 for support and mentorship towards completion of their doctoral studies. Then, he was undertaking his doctoral studies at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, in Nairobi, Kenya in the Department of Economics, Accounts and Finance. Colleagues from the inaugural mentees' induction institute in Nairobi in August 2017 remember him as an engaged and welcoming colleague. He became the spokesperson and leader of this pioneering group of students, coordinating them during the institute and thereafter maintaining virtual contact through a common WhatsApp platform for the group. 
Patrick committed to the ideals of the college fully and the reports from his mentors attest to this commitment and zeal. Indeed, he was among the first to complete his doctoral studies under the support of the mentors. And he remained within the network, exploring opportunities for further academic growth under the support of his mentors. Alongside other colleagues, he attended several international conferences and jointly published with their mentors. This is evidence of an academic journey that had just started and looked promising. The friendship and recognition from his peers, mentors and the CODESRIA staff he interacted with spoke positively of his demeanour, enthusiasm and humility, and his ability to communicate and coordinate with others.
Patrick was such an inspiration and good advisor for his students and friends. Within the CODESRIA fraternity that interacted with him, Patrick will be remembered as a promising academic, passionate about scholarship and one always eager to learn and share academic opportunities with others.  With deep regret, CODESRIA will miss the good he brought to the Council and the intellectual opportunities that associating with him often yielded.
May his intellectual and scientific spirit continue to inspire and empower!
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