Thanks, Gloria.
Please dont feel bad about your earlier response. It was polite but firm as you thought was needed. It was bracing and actually inspiring bcs you stated the fact of scholarship. Creativity is fed by knowledge and knowledge is generated by investigation, of which reading is strategic.
Please dont feel bad about your earlier response. It was polite but firm as you thought was needed. It was bracing and actually inspiring bcs you stated the fact of scholarship. Creativity is fed by knowledge and knowledge is generated by investigation, of which reading is strategic.
I have that Feyerabend text and will also address the others.
Great thanks for the offer to send me Feyerabend, which I have, but any other book/s we agree on would also be welcome. One cant have too many books.
Back to my comment on book recommendations.
What I was trying to state, which I might not have stated adequately perhaps bcs I did not edit my response carefully enough since I was anxious to dispatch it bcs it had lain so long in my drafts box, is that-
What I was trying to state, which I might not have stated adequately perhaps bcs I did not edit my response carefully enough since I was anxious to dispatch it bcs it had lain so long in my drafts box, is that-
I am happy to engage suggestions for reading but those suggestions need to be justified by the demonstration of a clear understanding of the rationale for making those suggestions.
In your previous response, you stated that I was over-privileging Western science and suggested reading particular scholars.
I responded by declaring that the centring of the West in the development of modern science is unassailable and I stated why.
I would need to see some effort to demonstrate why you think my position is untenable before we move to the books you recommend, books from which I could draw conclusions different from yours.
The argument for the "democratization of science; the restoration of local initiative and understanding; acknowledgement of the diversity and plurality of knowledge; and the recognition that science is not just one tradition" as you state, is a vital one.
I would benefit from more exposure to texts exploring that perspective.
At the moment, though, I have been exposed to such texts along such lines as George Gheverghese Joseph's The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics , Ron Eglash's African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design, Aime Dafon Segla's Yoruba Mathematics : Archeology and Anthropology of Knowledge in a Culture of Orality ( Segla is very important in this field and its intersection with Yoruba systems of thought generally. The book and a no of his articles are in French but he has some publications in English, some free online. My blog on him, Aime Dafon Segla, needs updating but its useful) texts on Indian mathematics such as the magnificent geometry of Sri Yantra, on the symbolism and application of which I have written severally, and texts on on the intersection of cognitive traditions such as the Buddhist Net of Indra and fractal geometry, which gives its name to David Mumford et al's Indra's Pearl's :The Vision of Felix Klein, exploring Klein's discovery in mathematics of an idea prefigured in Buddhist mythology, Laura Marks' Enfoldment and Infinity: An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art, discussing structural parallels between Islamic geometry and new media art in the context of the influence of Islamic culture on Western culture, and correlations between the mathematics of Islamic architecture and modern mathematics relatively recently foregrounded by Peter Lu and Paul Steinhardt's" "Decagonal and Quasi-Crystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture", discussed for laypeople in such articles as Sebastian Prange's "The Tiles of Infinity" and Philip Ball's "Islamic Tiles Reveal Sophisticated Maths : Muslim Artists Were 500 Years Ahead of Western Researchers" and US scientists Sylvester James Gates and Michael Faux' mathematical system of which they state in "Adinkras: A Graphical Technology for Supersymmetric Representation Theory " :
The use of symbols to connote ideas which defy simple verbalization is perhaps one of the oldest of human traditions. The Asante people of West Africa have long been accustomed to using simple yet elegant motifs known as Adinkra symbols, to serve just this purpose. With a nod to this tradition, we christen our graphical symbols as 'Adinkras.'
I detail convergences between their symbols and the Akan/Gyaman Adinkra in "Classical and Super Symmetric Adinkra : Visual Correlations".
Having noted the cultural and geographical diversity in the development of science, however, I wonder if it can be successfully contested that science did not become a dominant force of society, and even more so with such world shaping impact, until the 17th century Scientific Revolution in Europe and the 19th century Industrial Revolution, also in Europe, with further transformations emerging with the Information Revolution crucibled in the 20th century US.
I am happy to examine alternative histories of the development of science in terms of its globally transforming force represented by the emergence of a critical mass within particular societies, but I am happier with anyone making such claims first presenting the argument themselves rather than directing me to books without developing such an argument, even if only in brief.
If a significant case can be made for such an alternative history, then I would not need any persuasion to read the sources providing the knowledge justifying such a history.
I presented and justified my perspective on the subject instead of simply invoking such texts in support of my position as Frances Yates' Giodarno Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition which is foundational in making the case for the transition of epistemes in the 17th century or Richard Westfall's and others' revisionary works on Newton, strategic for Newton as exemplar of that transition, or Tian Yu Cao's preface and intro to his Conceptual Developments of 20th Century Field Theories, drawing heavily from Yates' thesis ( Cao is an Asian philosopher of science in the US who also has a book on the Chinese Model of Development, so he's likely to be in tune with the cross cultural issues in the development of knowledge).
On Thu, 2 Jul 2020 at 12:55, Gloria Emeagwali <> wrote:
TA,--Please ignore my last comment.This morning I looked at the rest of yourdiscussion and concluded that I rushedto judgement, because your follow-upsentence stated that you are ready tolook at the books - and judging fromthe number of books alreadyconsulted it is really unfair foranyone to suggest that you don'tread books. I have no right to assumethat you don't want to readnon-Eurocentric books either.So accept my apology.Gloria EmeagwaliSent from my iPhoneOn Jul 1, 2020, at 9:33 PM, Gloria Emeagwali <> wrote:"I would be particularly interested in reading summaries, with names and descriptionsof their achievements and impact in their fields, rather than being directed to bookswhich would take me more time to go through. " AdepojuSo you are looking for a quick fix and a short cut .But that's the problem with academics and scholarship.You have to do the spade work yourself and burn the candle, so to speak, especially if you want to get out of the eurocentrictrap that you are in with respect to the history of science. No. I would not give you summaries. The journey beginswith you. I urge you to read Feyerabend's "Against Method".It is a good place to start. I can even send you a copy.The Tyranny of science, Science in a Free Society and the Conquest of Abundance are his other relevant worksbut one step at a time.Feyerabend's mission is the demystification and democratization of science; the restoration of local initiativeand understanding; acknowledgement of the diversity and plurality of knowledge; and the recognition thatscience is not just one tradition. No need for me to give more references at this point. That is all that I would say for now.Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (Edison).GEOn Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 7:09 PM Chika Okeke-Agulu <> wrote:On current Ogboni research, you might want to check the ongoing work of David T. Doris at Michigan. His Vigilant Things: On Thieves, Yoruba Anti-Aesthetics, and the Strange Fates of Ordinary Objects in Nigeria (2011) compellingly challenged Robert Farris Thompson's dominant "cool" aesthetic that for decades served as the primary code for understanding Yoruba Aesthetic; and I suspect that his research on Ogboni, based on years of understudying leading members of the Ogboni Society--from the little I have seen--will vigorously trouble current scholarly on the subject.--Chika
On Friday, June 19, 2020 at 1:11:31 PM UTC-4, Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju wrote:Classics in Ogboni StudiesBabatunde LawalPhilosopher of OgboniBabatunde Lawal surrounded by great works of Yoruba art, his field of study
Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
Comparative Cognitive Processes and Systems
"Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge"
AbstractAn exploration of the insights of the work of art historian, art critic and art theorist Babatunde Lawal on the Yoruba origin Ogboni esoteric order in relation to developing a comprehensive grasp of its philosophy, as intrinsic to the order and in its integration within Yoruba thought.Philosopher of Ogboni
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