Thursday, July 2, 2020

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fw: Remembering Hachalu Hundessa, Ethiopian Singer And Activist

Why did the assassination "rubbish" the Nobel Peace Prize given in 2019 to the Ethiopian leader? Has it been established that he killed the super talent?

Please, do not use a language that would make Mr. Trump think that, by de facto, he deserved the 2019 prize due to his orchestrated "peaceful" acts! That was why Mr. Trump's base or supporters often at his rallies, to his applause, loudly chanted: "Nobel, Nobel, Nobel"! Have we so quickly forgotten that after the Ethiopian President received the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, his countryman, at the helm of the affairs of the W.H.O., has not known peace from Mr. Trump, who needed the prize to boost his U.S. electoral prospects.

Of course, it is sad that the super talent is wasted in Ethiopia through such an unfortunate assassination, as nobody knows what the aftermath will be. We, however, pray that justice will eventually prevail, and that -- as inscribed on the Atlanta tomb of the late civil rights hero, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it will also be said for the assassinated Ethiopian super star: "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I am [he is] free at last!" May he rest in peace as well.

A.B. Assensoh.

From: <> on behalf of Toyin Falola <>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 7:44 PM
To: dialogue; Yoruba Affairs; Yoruba Affairs
Subject: [External] USA Africa Dialogue Series - Remembering Hachalu Hundessa, Ethiopian Singer And Activist
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The super talent was shot dead, throwing Ethiopia into turmoil and fear of an ethnic war. This assassination has rubbished the Nobel Peace Prize given to their President.

His songs have inspired millions of people. If you don’t know him, listen to Maalan Jira for a start.



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