Saturday, October 17, 2020

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Job Posting: FIT (SUNY) Seeking African Art and Civilization instructor for January 2021 term [ See Mode of Instruction-The World has Changed]

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Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 22:10
Subject: H-AfrArts: Job Posting: FIT (SUNY) Seeking African Art and Civilization instructor for January 2021 term
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Greetings Olowatoyin Adepoju,
A new item has been posted in H-AfrArts.

Job Posting: FIT (SUNY) Seeking African Art and Civilization instructor for January 2021 term

by Justine De Young

Dear colleagues,

We unexpectedly need to find an instructor for our African art survey class that we're offering in January.  It's an in-person course, but would almost certainly run remotely (online) from January 4-20, Monday-Friday from 1:10-4:45pm, and could be taught from anywhere.

HA 223 — African Art and Civilization

Surveys cultures of sub-Saharan Africa. Illustrated lectures present art and architecture in relation to history, religion, economic conditions, and social and political structures.

Remote classes meet live via an online platform like Zoom/Google Meet for lecture/discussion for at least half the scheduled course time, but the rest of class time can be spent on asynchronous activities.  [You could meet live three days a week and do asynchronous work on the other days or you could meet every day but only for half the time with the rest devoted to asynchronous work.  The exact balance is up to you].

FIT is firmly committed to creating an environment that will attract and retain people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. By providing a learning and working environment that encourages, utilizes, respects, and appreciates the full expression of every individual's ability, the FIT community fosters its mission and grows because of its rich, pluralistic experience. FIT is committed to prohibiting discrimination in its employment, programs, and activities, whether based on race, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, religion, ethnic background, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military service status, genetic information, pregnancy, familial status, citizenship status (except as required to comply with law), or any other criterion prohibited by applicable federal, state, or local laws.

Please alert your colleagues and reach out to me directly if you're interested. Thank you!

All the best,

Justine De Young

Prof. Justine De Young, Ph.D.
Chairperson, History of Art
Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY
Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, B-634
New York, NY 10001-5992
Pronouns: she, her, hers

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