Saturday, October 17, 2020

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Pius Adesanmi as Ancestor [ Expanded ]


                                                                                Pius Adesanmi as Ancestor                    

                     Pius Adesanmi having a good laugh as Carleton University's Director of the Institute of African Studies 

                                                                                    Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
                                                                      Comparative Cognitive Processes and Systems
                                                      "Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge"

How are you, brother, in the place beyond time and space?

May the flame that is your core continue to glow
the distillation of possibilities within the nexus of power continue to burn.

Meteor ever rising, may the spark from your incandescent force illumine us.

I salute you from the terrestrial point of the journey we are all embarked on
the journey in which you have moved on to the next stage in the cycle recreative.

Concentration of power freed from the bonds of flesh
irradiate us
the spirit of creativity unceasing
of ceaseless and multifarious projection of thought that you embodied while walking the globe with us
inflame within we.

Brother of the fraternity cognitio 
assembler of the brethren at your watering holes digital
your name resonating across the world
in our hearts and minds you live on
incarnator of values that transcend this or that person
even within our human  imperfections 
polishing those qualities to white hot heat 
quintessence of that which we may be.


                                                Pius Adesanmi, left, Eating with Ex-Student Activist, Poet and Politician Ogaga Ifowodo
Picture from 

''The one disadvantage of being friends with the artist/photographer, 
, whose camera has been documenting the social life of Nigeria's literati and culturati for nearly two decades, is that when you least expect it, he digs up something from his archive. This was in 2002. 
Ogaga Ifowodo
  and yours truly did a road trip from Ithaca, New York, to 
Victor Ekpuk
's [artist]  crib in Virginia. We had stops at my end in Pennsylvania and at Victor Ehikhamenor's crib in Maryland where poundo, stout, edikan ikong, and orisirisi moderated hours of literature and politics talk. Now the photographer sends me this from Lagos today. Chai!   

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