Monday, June 20, 2022

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Belgium returns Patrice Lumumba’s tooth to family 61 years after his murder | Patrice Lumumba | The Guardian

Just like that, eh! No invocation of the International Criminal Court? What should be done with "the Belgian police commissioner Gerard Soete [who in 2000] confessed that he had dismembered Lumumba's body and dissolved the remains in acid?" Award him a Nobel Peace Prize for "graciously" making it possible for us to witness a return of  "a gold tooth" from the body of his victim? Alas, for his butchery, Belgium has already handsomely rewarded him. Yes, he was able to rise to the position of police commissioner! 
Patrice Lumumba's heart-wrenching and cold-blooded butchery-murder is one of history's most infamous illustrative examples of how certain powers (aided, unfortunately, by local African collaborators) work towards their "we must keep Africa down" agenda. Contemporary Africans who, in a variety of ways, including intellectual servitude, also participate as tools and spies of these Western and Eastern anti-African agencies and their ideological pursuits, are no less culpable.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2022 at 11:28 AM Toyin Falola <> wrote:

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Victor O. Okafor, Ph.D.
Professor and Head
Department of Africology and African American Studies
Eastern Michigan University
Tel: 734.487.9594 

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