Prof Okafor,
No one on this forum was surprisedat the content, or disclosure aboutWestern intentions for Africa. Catchingthe person on tape was the surprise. Iwanted to know whether it was aTony Blair type personality or someIMF or World Bank official caught ontape.These are the masters of doublespeak and denialism and we shouldgrasp every opportunity to documenttheir accidental confessions.Documentation is key for AfricanStudies.When I started my seriesof video interviews in 2012, orthereabouts, that is what I had inmind, although my series focusedon the good guys not the "evil"doers-but it would have been great to catchone of those policy makers on tape.
Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Prof. of History/African Studies, CCSU; gloriaemeagwali
Recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Research
Excellence Award, Univ. of Texas at Austin;
2019 Distinguished Africanist Award
New York African Studies Association
From: <> on behalf of Victor Okafor <>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2022 10:59 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Secret taping- "We must keep Africa down" caught on tapeEXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
When I was in graduate school, one of my professors was fond of saying to us, his students, that "what surprises me is that people are still surprised after a thousand years of being surprised." So, who on this forum is surprised about a historical truth (as reflected in the so-called secretly-recorded "We must keep Africa down" verbal affirmation) of the fundamentally-mercantilist agenda and purpose of the Western world's engagement with Africa, historically and contemporaneously? Anyone on this forum who is surprised by the video recorded reaffirmation of this historical strategic and underlying principle of the Western world's engagement with Africa is not only out of touch with a well-established, well-documented, a zillion-times analyzed ideological and practical truth of earthly geopolitical and geo-economic human relations, but must have also been living in intellectual outer space all this while. And, I dare submit, with all due humility, that such a person should have no business with the enterprise called African Studies.
On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 12:09 PM Gloria Emeagwali <> wrote:
Does anyone recognize the speaker?Please share the information.--
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Victor O. Okafor, Ph.D.Professor and HeadDepartment of Africology and African American StudiesEastern Michigan UniversityEmail:
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