Hitler was elected with a plurality of 30% of the votes, not a majority. It might be misleading to call this democratically elected without explaining that the majority did not vote for him. As for the term anti-semitic, it means against jews. Words do not have meaning from literal readings, salimonu, but from usage. You are using logic, but we don’t speak that way. The common usage is a hatred or dislike of jews. The equivalent for anti-arab is not anti-semitic, but anti-arab, or arabaphobic.
As far as nazis being the same as the rest of europe in its antisemitism, that is not to recognize how that became one of their core principles. For other europeans it might have meant a mild dislike or support for jews; not all one kettle. That’s why jews mostly migrated from one region to another, as in leaving germany for poland. The nazis were extremist anti-semites; unfortunately not alone in europe, but not the majority.
In the end they destroyed one third of all jews in the world and jewish culture ineurope that had been 1000 years old.
Kenneth Harrow
517 803 8839
Emeritus Professor of English, Michigan State University
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From: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Salimonu Kadiri <ogunlakaiye@hotmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2024 7:56:20 AM
To: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2024 7:56:20 AM
To: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com>
Immediately Adolf Hitler became a democratically elected Chancellor of Germany, he began to purify Germany of non-German's blood in order to accomplish his dream as stated on page 1 of his Mein Kampf that when the German Reich had contained one blood whose peoples' need for food could no longer be assured would the Germans be susceptible to the clamour for the right to win foreign soil. Anti-Hebrew or racism in general was never a German or Nazi phenomenon as it was widely a norm in Europe since the Middle Ages and later in Europe's extension, the United States of America. Before highlighting the relationship between Hitler's Germany and the USA as well as other parts of Europe prior to the beginning of 2nd World War, let me clarify why I prefer to use the expression, Anti-Hebrew instead of Anti-Jew.
What does COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY (1994 Edition) say the words : Hebrew, Israel/Israelite, Semite/Semitic, Jew/Jewish, Pharisee and Sadducee connote?
According to the dictionary, the word Hebrew is a noun meaning (1) the ancient language of the Hebrews, revived as the official language of Israel. It belongs to the Canaanitic branch of the Semitic subfamily of languages. (2) A member of an ancient Semitic people claiming descent from Abraham, an Israelite. (3) Archaic or offensive a Jew. (4) of or relating to the Hebrews or their language. (5) Archaic or offensive, Jewish. (p. 719 - 720).
The dictionary identifies Israel as a Republic in SW Asia on the Mediterranean Sea; and its official languages are Hebrew and Arabic. Israelite (1) Bible, a member of the ethnic group claiming descent from Jacob; a Hebrew. (2) Bible, a citizen of the Kingdom of Israel (p. 820).
Semite the dictionary says is a member of the group of Caucasoid peoples who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and the Arabs as well as the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians. Semitic is defined as a branch or subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Amharic, and such ancient languages as Akkadian and Phoenician (p.1407).
A Jew, the dictionary says is a member of Semitic people who are notionally descended from ancient Israelites, a person whose religion is Judaism; offensive - Jewish: a person who drives a hard bargain especially in order to defraud, a miserly person, a usurer. Jewish - relating to, or characteristic of Jews, offensive: miserly (p.830).
A Pharisee the dictionary says is a member of an ancient Jewish Sect believing in life after death and the coming of a Messiah; a self-righteous or hypocritical person (p.1167). A Sadducee is also a member of an ancient Jewish sect denying the resurrection of the death and the existence of Angels (p. 1361).
By definition, the Hebrews and Arabs are Semites, thus, the term anti-Semitics must embrace all Semites and not just exclusively to the Hebrews (Jews) as it is being applied nowadays. Europeans prefer to refer to the Hebrews in their midst as Jews because of the negative meaning attached to it. Europeans think and deal with any Jew as a person who drives a hard bargain especially in order to defraud, a miserly person, a usurer, a self-righteous or hypocritical person. It was in that spirit that Shylock, a Jewish usurer, in the Shakespear Play, Merchant of Venice, was portrayed as a person who wanted to cut a pound of flesh near the heart of Anthonio for defaulting in paying back money loaned to him. At a stage in English History, the Jews were not even regarded as human beings since, for instance, English criminal code from 1290 stipulated that anyone who had sexual intercourse with a Jew, cattle or a person of the same sex must be buried alive (see page 20, Doctoral Dissertation, 1991, by Jonas Liliequist titled, Brott, Synd och Straff: Tidelagsbrottet i Sverige under 1600- och 1700-talet) {Crime, Sin and Punishment : The Crime of Bestiality [Zoophilism] in the 17th and 18th Century Sweden}.
As stated in part 1, anti-Hebrew was neither specifically a German nor a Nazi Germany phenomenon but Euro-American where the ruling class has always hated the Hebrews for their abilities to match or even surpass the ruling class of Euro-America intelligent-wise. Unlike the Africans (Blacks) who had always been despised and humiliated as a result of their being easily enslaved and colonized by the European aborigines, the Hebrews within Europe and the USA have always been treated as rivals that must be eliminated. Despite the fact that Adolf Hitler began the persecution of the Hebrews (Jews) in Germany in 1933 after he became German Chancellor, a USA eugenist, Henry Fairchild Osborn, was awarded the Goethe medal by Adolf Hitler in 1934!! In 1935, USA Eugenics Records Office sponsored a conference on world population that took place in Berlin, Germany, and the keynote speaker was Hitler's Minister of Interior, Dr Wilhelm Frick. An American delegate to the conference, Dr Clearance G. Campbell, stated partly in his address thus, "The leader of the German nation, Adolf Hitler, ably supported by Dr Frick and guided by Germany's anthropologists and social philosophers, has been able to construct a comprehensive policy of population development and improvement that promises to be epochal in racial history. It sets a pattern which other nations and other racial groups must follow if they do not want to fall behind in racial quality, in their racial accomplishments and in their prospects for survival." At the time Dr Campbell uttered those words, Hitler's law for the protection of German blood and honour which was already in force in Germany was based on a model developed in 1921, at Cold Spring Harbour, USA. Gypsies and Hebrews (Jews) were under extinction in Germany as Hitler was bent on achieving one blood, one nation in Germany. Although it was known in the USA that Hitler had got rid of the Jews in Germany by 1938, yet the Times Magazine of December 1938 declared Adolf Hitler man of the year.(see p. 223, Farfar var rasbiolog av Eva F. Dahlgren meaning, Grandfather Was A Racial-Biologist).
By the middle of 1935, the Third Reich had formed active colonial policy in Berlin, of which General von Epp was the mouthpiece of the new colonial demands. Simultaneously, the German Colonial Society and the Reich Colonial League were set up under Adolf Hitler. There-after, a school for Colonial officials was established although it was not stated where was to be colonised. A hint came when Hitler's German Prime Minister, Herman Goering, wailing at a public rally on October 30, 1936, declared, "In these four years, we Germans have tried to work to feed our people, although we have no colonies. Although raw materials are lacking, in spite of everything, Germany has become a land of peace.... You know my dear fellow-country-men, and the Fuhrer said this at Nuremberg, that in spite of all the increased security of our food supplies, not all our food requirements can be met in Germany, whatever efforts we make. In Germany there are 136 people to the square kilometre. In England there are 137 people to the square kilometre. For these 137 people to the square kilometre, England owns a third of the world as colonies, and we own nothing! If we had a fraction of these colonies, then we should have no need to talk of a shortage of raw materials and a lack of foodstuffs. We have no colonies because they have been stolen from us (p.16-17, The Nazi Conspiracy by Emile Burns)." In the German Reichstag (National Assembly), on 20 February 1938, Chancellor Adolf Hitler declared, "Our economic position is a difficult one, not because National-Socialism is at the helm, but because 140 people must live on a square kilometre; because we are not in possession of those great, natural resources enjoyed by other people; because above all, we have a scarcity of fertile soil. If Great Britain should suddenly dissolve today and England become dependent solely on her own territory, then the people there would perhaps have more understanding of the seriousness of economic tasks which confront us. If a nation which commands no gold reserves and no foreign exchange - not because National Socialism reigns but because the Parliamentary democratic State was exploited for fifteen years by a world hungry after loot - if, in other words, a nation which must feed 140 people to the square kilometre and has no colonial rounding-off, if a nation which lacks numerous raw materials and is not willing to live an illusory life through credits, reduces the number of its unemployed in five years to nil and improves its standard of living, then all those should remain silent who in spite of great economic advantages, scarcely succeed in solving their own unemployment problems. No matter what we may achieve by increasing the German production, all this cannot remove the impossible nature of the space allotted to Germany. The claim for German colonial possessions will, therefore, be voiced from year to year with increasing vigour, possessions which Germany did not take away from other countries and which today are virtually ......... indispensable for our own people (p. 63-64, Peace With The Dictators? By Sir Norman Angell, quoting from the German Newspaper, Der Angriff of February 21, 1938).
Even if Italy was part of the Entente that imposed the terms of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany, Signor Benito Mussolini had by 1935 come to realize that Italy needed colony to feed Italy's population. In his book, 'THE FRONTIERS OF ENGLAND,' Sir Arthur Willert supported Mussolini's demand for colonial possession thus, "Italy must expand. She came late into the world as a Great Power and found that the good parts of the earth had already been apportioned between luckier countries. She cannot with her rapidly growing population, now in the neighbourhood of 45,000,000 (45 million), remain forever cooped up in her peninsula with its large tracts of barren mountains and its lack of essential raw materials (p. 206)." And where could Italy get raw materials and food to feed her rapidly growing population? Sir Arthur Willert answered that question on page 211 of his book thus, "Italy, in going for the Abyssinians (present day Ethiopia), is fighting on behalf of Europe. Europe is loosing Asia; the Western Hemisphere is full up. So, of the great spaces of the world from which a short time ago her countries (European countries) could draw cheap supplies of food and raw material, only Africa remains. If Europe loses this last reservoir, it is done, it will shrink to nothing." Consequently, Italy under the leadership of Signor Benito Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in 1935.
On September 1, 1939, Germany under Adolf Hitler commenced World War II by invading Poland which in turn caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany, September 3, 1939. Subsequently, the Axis Powers consisting of Germany, Italy and Japan fought against the Allied Powers consisting of Britain, USSR and USA. German Forces matched into Paris on June 14, 1940 and as large parts of France were occupied by Germany, the French entered into armistice on June 22, 1940. Twelve days before the collapse of the French Army, Italy under Mussolini entered the war on the side of Hitler. Germany and Italy had no colonies and Japan had watched European colonisers marauding around her in Asia. The US which under President James Monroe had promulgated the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 that barred European powers from influencing or interfering in any country in the Americas had not only self interfered in Asia but was expanding its territories at the backyard of Japan. How USSR and the USA came to be involved in the World War II, will be the beginning of part 3.
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