Monday, June 3, 2024


A Norwegian friend of mine has told me that the 'historical facts' presented by me in 'This World is Ruled by Psychopaths and Sadists' are 'mere opinions' because according to him, only Germans were National Socialists and that they, alone, were responsible for the holocaust committed against the Jews in Europe. I promised to respond to his challenge in part vii of this writeup.  When Hitler's Army invaded Norway on April 9, 1940, they were welcomed by the Norwegian Army Officer, Major Vidkum Quisling. It was not until 26 October 1942 that mass arrest of the Jews, led by the Norwegian Police Inspector, Knut Rodsom, began. Norwegian Police ordered for hundreds of taxi vehicles whereby they first arrested Jewish men followed few weeks later by the arrest of Jewish women and children. Seven hundred and seventy-seven Jews were carried onboard the ship "Danau" and ''Goten-land'' in Oslo harbour for further transportation to Auschwitz in Poland. Of the thousands of Jews that were sent to Auschwitz from Norway, only 34 returned alive after the war. When the war ended, 50,000 Norwegians were prosecuted and convicted for collaborating with German army of occupation. However, not one of about three hundred Police that participated in operation free Norway from the Jews were punished. Police Inspector, Knut Rodsom, was prosecuted after the war and he was not only discharged and acquitted but re-absorbed into the Police in 1950. So, to my respected Norwegian friend, it will not be 'mere opinion' but unmitigated historical fact to say that Norway was not only anti-Jews but a good participant in holocaust just like all European countries and the United States of America at that time.

Going back to 1920, history recorded that hatred of the Jews by the US and British National Socialists preceded that of German National Socialist under Hitler. Since US, Britain and most countries in Western Europe believed in control and exercise of powers over foreign territories (colonialism) in order to feed their nationals, they obviously saw the emergence of Communism in Russia after the Bolshevik revolution as a great threat to colonialism and imperialism as their means of living. Henry Ford, a capitalist US car manufacturer, published a book in May 1920 titled: THE INTERNATIONAL JEW - THE WORLD'S PROBLEM. The contents of the book were not flattering to the Jews as he linked them to the Russian Revolution. Winston Churchill of Britain was very hostile to the Jews when in a speech in Sunderland on January 3, 1920 he said, "The role played by these international and for the most atheistically Jews in the Bolshevik revolution was certainly a very great one, and probably outweighs all others." Churchill attacked the English socialists, who, he said, "believe in the international Soviet of Russian and Polish Jews." Pointing out that Bolshevism in Russia was a foreign import and the importers were Jews, Churchill added, "This movement (Bolshevism) among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt [a reference to the 18th century Jewish philosopher, Adam Weishaupt] to those of Karl Max, and down to Leon Trotsky - the founder of the Red Army (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the construction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and the possible equality, has been steadily growing." He called the Soviet Regime, "the tyrannic Government of these Jew Commissars." (See Jodie Collins in Winston Churchill and the Rise of Bolshevism, 1917 - 1927).

Ten years after Winston Churchill had blamed the Jews for the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, Adolf Hitler published his, "MEIN KAMPF." Therein, he wrote, "Jewish finance in opposition to the interests of the British State welfare desires not only the complete economic annihilation of Germany, but also her complete enslavement. The internationalisation of our German economy - that is, the appropriation of German labour power by Jewish world finance - can be completely carried out only in a politically Bolshevist state. But if the Marxist shock troops of international Jewish stock exchange capital are to break the back of the German national state for good and all this can only be done with friendly aid from outside. The armies of France must, therefore, besiege the German state structure until the Reich, inwardly exhausted, succumbs to the Bolshevistic shock troop of international Jewish world finance. ..//.. the Jewish stock exchange and Marxists until state after state abandoned neutrality. ..//.. The Jewish train of thought in all this is clear. The Bolshevisation of Germany ..... under the yoke of Jewish world finance is conceived only as a preliminary to the further extension of this Jewish tendency of world conquest. /..../ If our people and our state become the victim of these blood-thirsty and avaricious Jewish tyrants of nations, the whole earth will sink into the snares of this octopus; ...(p. 568)." In the predictable future there can be only two allies for Germany in Europe: England and Italy (p.570)." Henry Ford, Wiston Churchill and Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews for the emergence of Bolshevism in Russia which they saw as a threat to colonialism and imperialism. When Hitler began to hunt down the Jews in Germany after being voted into power in 1933, neither USA nor any European country protested. Most European countries sent fleeing Jews back to Hitler's carnage in Germany. Britain and the US believed then that Germany's hunger for colonies could be quenched in Eastern Europe and they expected Hitler to attack the base of anti-colonialism, which according to them was the Jewish created Bolshevik state of Russia. Western colonialists and imperialists were National Socialists and racists just like Germany's Adolf Hitler even though their hatreds were not based on racial features of the Jews who in reality were anthropologically classified Caucasians like them. Racism as applied by the Western world implied stigmatising the colonised people as inferior in order to justify the exploitation of the colonised as well as the resources in the colonies. Jews were never colonised because they did not have, a geographical territory, a kingdom, a country, and sovereignty and as such, they were not declared inferior by their fellow Caucasians in Europe and the USA, even though racial biologists (Eugenics) of the 1920s and 1930s in Europe and America classified the Jews as Asians. The persecution of the Jews, especially in Europe, in the 1920s up to 1945 was not because of race but because most propagators of Communist ideology in Europe and America, were Jews as indicated by Henry Ford, Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler as referrenced above. In addition to blaming the Jews for Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, American and European, Jews were envied because of their firm control of Banks and Stock Exchanges around the world. Let's not forget that in reviewing Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, on October 15, 1933, by the New York Times, Hitler was awarded high marks for "his unification of the Germans, his Destruction of Communism, his training of the young, his creation of a Spartan State animated by patriotism, his curbing of a parliamentary government, so unsuited to German character and his protection of the right of private property." In 1943, after the fall of Mussolini, Italy was ruled by a coalition of Christian Democrats, Socialists and Communists. But due to USA's pressure - no Marshall's money to countries with Communist in government - the Communist were expelled in 1947 from Italy's government. When the Communists built a front with the Socialists in the 1948 Italy's election, Italian electorates were in practice confronted to choose between the Capitalist West or Eastern Communism. In election Postals, the Vatican (Pope) promised to excommunicate every voter that voted for the Communist. On racism as a state's policy, it is noteworthy that when Hitler was openly engaged in the purification of German's body from the contamination of Jewish blood, USA and other European countries were holding international conference of Eugenics (racial biologists) in Berlin, Germany, in 1935. At the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936, a US black athlete, John Cleveland Owens, popularly known as Jesse Owens, won four gold medals but Hitler refused to shake hands with him during the ceremony of medal's presentation. The irony of Hitler's open racism was not the silence of the US government over racial discrimination against Owens by Hitler, but when Owens returned to the US after Berlin Olympics, he was confronted with signposts captioned, Whites only, at public restaurants and toilets emphasizing that Negroes and dogs were forbidden to enter.  

The end of World War II provided United States a unique opportunity to create a just and peaceful World among mankind. Except Russia and Britain, all countries in Europe were militarily occupied by Germany. Russia was besieged and Britain was severely bombed by Hitler's Airplanes. USA was far away from the theatres of war in Europe and Asia, and as such the impact of that war on the US, physically, was very light. As I did point out before, the cause of World War II was the struggle among European countries for colonial possessions in Africa and Asia. At the end of the war, European colonialists had become so weak militarily that they could not hold the colonies without the support of the US. Instead of supporting total freedom for the colonies, the US was only opposed to what it termed old-styled colonialism and it introduced what was known later as neo-colonialism through IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organisation controlled by the United States. In 1948, a US Diplomat, George Kennan asserted, "The US has about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3%of its (world's) population. In this situation we cannot fail to be object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national unity. To do so we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming, and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford the luxury of altruism and world benefaction. We should cease to talk about such vague and unreal objectives as HUMAN RIGHTS, THE RAISING OF LIVING STANDARDS AND DEMOCRATIZATION. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better." (p. 10-11, War on Iraq By Scott Ritter & William Rivers Pitt). That same 1948, the Palestinian Arabs were dispossessed of their land and supplanted with European and American Jews under the pretence of compensating them for Holocaust in Europe during World War II. Since 1948, the Palestine Arabs have been hoarded into Gestapo type of concentration camps and issued with UNRWA refugee certificates.  
The current pummelling of Gaza by Israel cannot be called war because the people of Gaza have no standing Air, Naval and Military Forces to engage or oppose the invading Armed forces of Israel. Therefore, it would have been more reasonable for the United Nations to call on Israel to immediately stop the destruction of Gaza and its people instead of calling for ceasefire. Ceasefire can only occur when two equally opposing armed forces are shooting at one another, which is not the case in Gaza. Relying on one-sided monopoly of weapons of life extinguisher, Israel's Minister of education, Yoav Kisch, was reported in many international media to have said about Arabs in Palestine that, "They are animals, they have no right to exist." The Deputy Speaker in Israel's Parliament, Nissim Vaturi, demanded, "Eradicate Gaza. /.../ Don't leave even a child." The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu claimed, "We are a people of light, they are a people of darkness." Former Foreign-,Finance- and Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman declared, "There are no innocents in Gaza strip." There is difference between Hebrews and Jews which I will explain in part VIII.    

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