Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Six observables - you see it and you know it


Bear in mind, The carnage in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon

Only in a spirit of true affection and with the aim of giving you maximum publicity do I write this.

Or should " Mwalimu Cornelius" start referring to you as " St. Anthony " ( your namesake )? 

I ask because the Saro people are fond of awarding titles: "Chief", " Professor" -  like "The Professor", the terrorist bomb-maker in Conrad's "The Secret Agent ". 

Saro people also like awarding powerful degrees. 

Yesterday, I visited the Facebook page of Cecil Blake ( an old friend from Sierra Leone) and smiled when I read what he had to say :


So many folks being addressed/referred to as "Dr." who did not STUDY for it, that it is becoming absolutely ridiculous and annoying to read about, and even meet these so-called "Drs." so and so: charlatans, opportunists etc., who never graced the halls of medical schools  or earned post-graduate (doctoral) degrees from accredited universities. Just to be clear: I earned mine."

I understand that on this people's planet, there's the famous Owerri Motor Park which is one of the favourite haunts of the Poet Chidi Anthony Opara - to the extent that we may call him a habitué of that his occasional / temporary / temporal/ earthly residence, his own cherished piece of Sherwood Forest, his  personal,  precious Arcadia, the palace of his dreams in this vale of tears, the holy (or not so holy) sepulchre where he sometimes experiences Power and Glory  visitations from his Muse  - the anchor of his purest thoughts - the Muse who confers on one and all and especially on him - his personal Muse ( the reason why he can say " MY Muse) - who confers on him the special tongues of fire  - like being filled with hope, ambition, joy, despair or disappointment by a special spirit, so that he can declare, as he has indeed declared in this forum,  these memorable words  : " We, the poets, We are protesters, We are the mouthpieces Of the Supreme Deity"

I can imagine Chidi, and I imagine that someone else can also imagine, Chidi, leader of the Owerri Motor Park Warriors , locked in mortal combat, in confrontation and in holy or  unholy altercation with Bola Ahmed Tinubu ; Chidi as the head of the Owerri Motor Park Confederacy and leader of the delegation,  in order to settle their differences, quietly, peacefully and amicably, being granted audience by His Excellency, Nigeria's Chief of Chiefs Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and Chidi ( Pa Opara)  brave man, speaking truth to power and throwing his Staff of Moses down , man to man, putting it to him straight, telling President Tinubu face-to-face :  listen up: 

We, the poets, We are protesters, We are the mouthpieces Of the Supreme Deity

The Owerri Motor Park about which I cannot say "Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience" - because.1981-1984 I made the journey many times, from the main Danfo Station and Lorry Park at Port Harcourt - to the Owerri Motor Park -sometimes straight to the White House and back to Port Harcourt  - or from Owerri Motor Park to Umuahia  or Aba , and back ; But because of Chidi, the Park has been elevated and is now assuming mythological dimensions as as poetic headquarters of Chidi, the people's poet.

Hopefully, having softened you up a little, now to the main point: 

Just as Ishmael Reed says he was told (here) , so too, I tell you: 

I think that you should stick to writing  novels / fiction / poetry; which does not mean that you may not continue to wear the toga virilis of Information and Data Management, or arrogate to your own person the defining characteristics of  "any discerning observer of post cold war global politics and diplomacy" when you postulate, "Any discerning observer of post cold war global politics and diplomacy would find out that the super powers look at radical Zionism as the unavoidable lesser evil."  Is that what the Muse told you? You know that I'm not easily impressed. Cornelius Ignoramus would like to know

Assuming that  "radical Zionism" as defined by you or "Any discerning observer of post cold war global politics and diplomacy" that you may imagine ( Abba Eban, Ernest Bevin, Sir Anthony Eden, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Fidel Castro,  Andrei A. Gromyko, Richard Nixon ,Henry Kissinger, later on the 1994 Nobel Peace Laureates , namely Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin ) is "the unavoidable lesser evil." - What do you compare it with as the greater evil ; Settler Colonisation ? That Netanyahu and maybe old Joe Biden & vice president Kamala Harris too, want to Make Israel Great Again, and through "radical Zionism" dream of  the kinds of expansion that would define the borders  of  "Greater Israel "?

Properly speaking, long before the attempted re-creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and for many years after 1948, was there anything like what is now pejoratively being referred to as Radical Islam ? I'm only asking. If your considered answer is NO, then , just as the apologists for radical Islam say that it is the geographical position of the Zionist State at the expense of uprooted Palestinians - the Nakba etc that gave birth to so-called Islamic radicalism. Imagine the African Americans of Nigerian extraction demanding their right to resettle a piece of Anambra as their ancestral homeland and in the process uprooting a million of Peter Obi's people and putting them all on the unarmed road of flight? Etc, etc. etc.

On Monday 7 October 2024 at 18:30:30 UTC+2 Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA wrote:
Mazi Cornelius,

Why do you and some persons here straitjacket me with poetry, as if that is the only thing I do and have ever done?

Isn't it worthy of note and reference, for  example, that (1)I have also been publishing news online since 2007?(2)I also have knowledge of information and data management?


On Monday 7 October 2024, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:


There is no demand that the poet (any poet) has to be "objective".

And don't think that you have a monopoly on writing " poetry" 

For a change - not necessarily a change of perspective, but for " balance" 

you could visit the Palestinian Media , so that we do not all get " unhinged

You could even start here :

Some of us are looking forward to some drastic changes in these reports 

Human Rights Watch : Israel and the Occupied Territories

Amnesty International  : Israel and the Occupied Territories

On Sunday 6 October 2024 at 14:06:33 UTC+2 Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA wrote:
Mazi Cornelius,

The Ayatollah's rhetorics (delivered this time from hiding) wouldn't change anything, never changed anything and will never change anything.

When Hamas invaded Israel on October 7 last year, killed and took as hostages youths attending a music festival and advanced further into Israel, killed and took as hostages, innocent citizens, the Ayatollah "kissed the foreheads of Hamas fighters".

Today, those he kissed their foreheads are either dead, wounded in battle or hinding in tunnels, while the kisser of foreheads is now delivering rhetorics from hiding.


On Saturday 5 October 2024, <> wrote:

Douglas Macgregor::: Iran Vs Israel! Next Blow Will SHOCK the World! IDF Suffers Heavy Losses In Lebanon

Scott Ritter :::BAD NEWS For Netanyahu, Israel's Another FAILURE! Hezbollah Taught IDF PAINFUL Lesson

2024 : Countries which recognize Palestine


Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei Full Speech | "We Will Defeat Our Enemies": Khamenei Amid Israel Crisis

Historical FRIDAY PRAYER SPEECH by Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei l English Translated | Tehran, Iran

"'Our enemy is one': Ayatollah Khamenei" on YouTube

The Democrats and the Israel-Palestine conflict

Harris holds a 66-electoral-vote lead over Trump, calculates prominent data scientist

The idea that "Netanyahu and Biden - Harris may have sacrificed the nation state of Israel " is at the heart of a conspiracy theory that has been gaining traction in some circles, God forbid - the main question being to what extent are Biden-Harris prepared to throw Israel under the bus  thereby solving the  problem for once and all by ardently working for Israel's replacement , namely Ukraine as the alternative  new holy land to which  world Jewry should make aliyah should Israel be defeated in the next world war 

Possibly mitigating against such a scenario - especially for  The United States, the UK, the EU countries (the resurrected old Holy Roman Empire etc) would be the wrong outcome of the upcoming Battle of Armageddon and / or  the  postponement of Christian eschatology about Jesus coming sooner than later to reign for a thousand  years of peace and tranquillity during which reign he will spread the true light to all corners of the world, from Yerushaliyim

On Saturday 5 October 2024 at 17:34:08 UTC+2 Emeagwali, Gloria (History) wrote:
"why China and Russia (two world powers 
who are not Israel and U.S allies)were/are 
looking the other way while all these 
were/are happening." Poet Laureate

Assuming that they were looking away,
this wouldn't be for long. Israel's bombing
of a Russian  air base in Syria changes 
everything. China wants its commodities 
to move through the Gulf of Hormuz
unimpeded,  and  in any case, the
Neocons in Washington and Israel
have united the Dragon and the Bear 
through their myopic behavior. 

The geopolitical architecture has 
changed, and the military advantage
may not be on the side of Tel Aviv
and Washington.

It is one thing to massacre
unarmed civilians, and another,  to
attack an adversary armed to the
teeth with hypersonic missiles, and
state of the art drones, within an
emerging coalition of resistance.

For personal gain, and with a false
sense of invincibility,  Netanyahu 
and Biden -Harris may have sacrificed
 the nation state of Israel. Time
will tell.

I loved those six observables that
Professor Sabella Abidde 
articulated. Without radical reform 
of presidential campaign financing,
US administrations would 
continue to be puppets of
 the donors -  and their agendas.

Dr. Gloria Emeagwali
Professor of History/African Studies, CCSU
Chief Editor- "Africa Update"
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries
Founding Coordinator, African Studies, CCSU

From: <> on behalf of Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA <>
Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2024 9:24 AM
To: <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Six observables - you see it and you know it

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I expected, but didn't see the seventh "observable", which should have been why China and Russia (two world powers who are not Israel and U.S allies)were/are looking the other way while all these were/are happening. 

I still (eagely) await this seventh 'observable".

-Chidi Anthony Opara(CAO)

On Saturday 5 October 2024, Sabella Abidde <> wrote:

Six Observables: First, in recent years, Israel has not gone to war without the support of the US and its allies. Netanyahu knows this, and that is why he is so cocky and eager to confront Iran. He knows he would not stand a chance without the support of the western military and intelligence. He knows it!

Second, the Israeli military can overtly and covertly attack Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, and the world – afraid of the US and her allies – will say and do nothing about it. It is one of the reasons why Benjamin Netanyahu can get away with large-scale murders and exterminations.

Third, Ukraine has not suffered a tenth of the indignity, iniquity, and killings at the hands of Russia that Palestinians have suffered at the hands of the Israeli government. Still, you would think that the senseless killings and heart-wrenching destructions in Ukraine are a million times greater than what is going on in Palestine and Lebanon.

Fourth, for 35 years at least, an average of 50 Palestinians have died every month at the hands of the Israeli government. But when the Palestinians protested and demanded their right, many western media, institutions, and governments labeled them terrorists, troublemakers, and agents of destruction.

Fifth, the US government could have brought and can still bring the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to an end. No, oh no! Every American president since Ronald Reagan seems scared…scared of losing votes, scared of scathing media editorials, scared of losing monetary donations, scared of not being invited to Israel, and terrified of being labeled anti-Israel.

Sixth, some African presidents kowtow before US and Western European presidents. They take orders from them, and many even defecate and pee in their pants when they are summoned individually and collectively to Western capitals. Ironically, many western leaders kowtow before Benjamin Netanyahu. They are afraid of him, very afraid of him.

Sabella Ogbobode Abidde

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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Editorial Adviser at News Updates(

He is a recipient of International Award/Recognition For Excellence In Data And Information Management, with 253 mentions on Academia( at July 22nd, 2024.

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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Editorial Adviser at News Updates(

He is a recipient of International Award/Recognition For Excellence In Data And Information Management, with 253 mentions on Academia( at July 22nd, 2024.

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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Editorial Adviser at News Updates(

He is a recipient of International Award/Recognition For Excellence In Data And Information Management, with 253 mentions on Academia( at July 22nd, 2024.

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