Thursday, October 29, 2015

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Dele Momodu, Malibu, Manhattan and the future of the Black Race


Dele Momodu, Malibu, Manhattan and the future of the Black Race  By Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth ,London, England      

 I do not know  how Dele Momodu arrived at the name "Pendulum" for his column in the THISDAY newspaper. You can use a Pendulum to explain the behaviour of a free electron laser as developed  at Stanford university where Dele Momodu"s Brother   from the same mother ,  Dele Ajayi was   the first   Black Student of the Physicist Wiilliam Shockley, Nobel  Prize winner who doubted the ability  of his then student Dele Ajayi  now a Professor at the Physics and Engineering Physics Department, Obafemi Awolowo University

 Shockley has been described as a racist but whether you like it or not if you are  part of the modern world you cannot do without  the Transistor as developed by Shockley. .Shockley efforts gave rise to the Silicon valley ,  California, the worlds centre of innovation, as well as being the worlds largest and  most successful industrial estate. The Scientist at Ife actually had their own dreams of creating a Silicon valley in Ile Ife but the efforts were stunted.

Professor Abiola Irele  ,famed literary scholar , famously said the Black man would not have arrived until he won the Nobel Prize for Science.. I think it should be the Physics Prize. I was part of the Physics and Engineering Physics programme at University of  Ile Ife   now OAU  where my colleagues  in the Department voted for PHYSICS  WEEK  DINNER instead of my much preferred Library Development.. I was also the  founding features Editor of the NUCLEUS, the Magazine of the Physics and Engineering Physics Society. If you do not love your Discipline, ths time Physics , do not expect any one to Support Physics. You as Undergraduates of the Department   have the  Choice between Food and Physics. Physics made America what it is today. You can search the Web For YOUTHS , SCIENCE AND CREATIVITY written by me.

I left Ife  for the same reason that Professor Dele Ajayi took  on Professor William Shockley,  According to the STANFORD  DAILY , Feburary 14 1972,Professor Ajayi under Shockley had solved a problem with a method not taught him by Shockley.. Shockley was upset. In the same vein my lecturer threaten to give me "F when  I drew his attention to the fact on my examination manuscript the four answers marked wrong were indeed the correct answers and so the examiner must have been looking at my methods and not my answer. It was too late. The results had already been ratified by the Senate My Lecturer was probably not the one who marked the script maybe it was out sourced to a post graduate student.After giving me a "D"  I told him  I preferred my F. When I crossed over to University of Ibadan  I made an A in the same subject so   I have been vindicated

Dele Momodu was born May 16 1960 the day that saw the invention of the Laser by the Physicist Theodore  Harold  Maiman in Malibu who also studied at Stanford. OnJuly 7 Maiman gave a press conference in  Manhattan on his invention of the Laser and July 7   a  child was was born to Dele Momodu. LASER stands for light amplification by stimulated emission  of radiation.It is crucial to Modern Telecommunicatons as provided for instance by Dele Momodu"s friends like Mike Adenuga, Hakeem Bello Osagie  and long before  Basorun MKO Abiola.

Still on Stanford, the first Business meeting of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard , Engineering Graduates from Stanford was om August 23 1937, the next day  August 24 1937, Basorun Abiola was Born.The Three men Packard, Hewlett and Abiola went on to become Billionaires.Dele Momodu"s preocccupation is with the Lifestyles of the Rich who may be found in Malibu and Manhattan

 Dele Momodu"s  first son Pekan  studied at the  imperial college London,Imperial is among the best universities. It ranks 2nd in the 2015 QS World University Rankings and 9th in the 2015 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Imperial ranked 22 in the 2014 Shanghai world rankings

Imperial's faculty and alumni include 15 Nobel laureates, 2 Fields Medalists, 70 Fellows of the Royal Society, 82 Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering and 78 Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences. So you can say Dele Momodu knows what a world class university looks like.

What puzzles me is  is the kind of conversation Dele Momodu has with his brother from the same mother, Professor Dele Ajayi  of the Physics  and engineering Physics Department , Obafemi Awolowo university, poorly funded like all departments in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.

Dele Momodu is a friend to all the Rich men and power brokers that matter in Africa if not the Black world. Maybe he could help with Angel investing  or Venture Capital as in the Silicon Valley.

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