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From: Yaya Fanusie <futatoro@gmail.com>
Date: 25 October 2015 at 05:07
Subject: Re: Karim Receives Moscow Government DMPIC Award
To: Bosire Mosi <mosi@africanconstitution.org>, "saigobe@lanset.com" <songhai2017@gmail.com>, Marc Wood <thebigislandreporter@gmail.com>, kathos mattai <argbortima@yahoo.com>, Toegondoe Sagbah <mendemoi@gmail.com>, Amadu Massally <saloneamadu@gmail.com>, Cornelius Hamelberg <corneliushamelberg@gmail.com>, Patrick Muana <pkmuana@gmail.com>, Cecil Blake <cecilblake1@gmail.com>, Towera Kamkondo <towerakamkondo@gmail.com>, Leutrell TOG <tog.leutrellsr@gmail.com>, John Sesay <sentosesay@gmail.com>
From: Yaya Fanusie <futatoro@gmail.com>
Date: 25 October 2015 at 05:07
Subject: Re: Karim Receives Moscow Government DMPIC Award
To: Bosire Mosi <mosi@africanconstitution.org>, "saigobe@lanset.com" <songhai2017@gmail.com>, Marc Wood <thebigislandreporter@gmail.com>, kathos mattai <argbortima@yahoo.com>, Toegondoe Sagbah <mendemoi@gmail.com>, Amadu Massally <saloneamadu@gmail.com>, Cornelius Hamelberg <corneliushamelberg@gmail.com>, Patrick Muana <pkmuana@gmail.com>, Cecil Blake <cecilblake1@gmail.com>, Towera Kamkondo <towerakamkondo@gmail.com>, Leutrell TOG <tog.leutrellsr@gmail.com>, John Sesay <sentosesay@gmail.com>
If only he uses it to advance the creation of the African Federation-THE SONGHAI FEDERATION. If he does not, then he is just an another educated buffoon parading with a lot of medallions.
Yaya Fanusie
On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 11:30 PM, AfricanConstitution.Org <mosi@africanconstitution.org> wrote:
Dr Bangura:A right award to a right recipient.B MOSIOn Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 2:13 AM, Abdul Bangura <theai@earthlink.net> wrote:Karim Receives the Moscow Government Department of Multicultural Policy and Integrational Cooperation's AwardGood Greetings Close Family Members:It is with great humility that I share the wonderful news with you that I was given the Moscow Government Department of Multicultural Policy and Integrational Cooperation's Award for my scientific and practical work on peaceful inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations.The special dinner which brought out over 150 of the Who Is Who in Moscow was given on a yacht ride on the Moscow River. It included folk music and dance, a reading of one of African Russian Alexander Sergoyevich Pushkin's poem, a poem for me in the Pushkin style, a traditional song and dance for me and, most important, tons of love and appreciation for my work. (The newly built Pushkin Museum and Library is a place to visit whenever you are in Moscow.)So, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all your love and support in many ways throughout the years. Stay Super-Blessed!In Peace Always,Karim/.AfricanConstitution.Org © 2015
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