Saturday, March 19, 2016

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - For the attention of William Bangura of Sierra Leone and America: APC Scores Big

William Jefferson O'Bai Bangura,

Na kweshon yu axs me so oh!

 I have another cousin  Kayode Robbin- Coker  who I invited to this forum. Maybe he can help me out a little ? ( I was much closer to his brother Adeneka Lincoln Robbin- Coker, a diamond miner…smile)

A bit of history :  I notice that the Sierra Leone Creoles/ Krio have been systematically cleaned from the www.  Just search for my granduncle,  Sir Henry Lightfoot Boston for example.   

 If we are not careful, in the very near future even Akintola Wyse's  The Krios  and lights such as  " The benefits of Western Civilisation" will be wiped out…

First of all let's  sort this out. Cyril Rogers-Wright  who was very close, is the son of my Yoruba grand aunt Gertrude. Gertrude was very Yoruba ( ask her granddaughter Shola Stober) and when it came to Yoruba matters, more Catholic than His Holiness the Pope. I remember her so clearly, with all the paraphernalia etc. and she was always battle-ready and could raise her voice to  the required decibels, as and when necessary.  Gertrude begat  many children,  she is and was  the younger sister of my Grandmother Jemimah.  My Yoruba grandmother Jemimah , knew many of the psalms of David by heart and she was not as boisterous as her younger sister.  In fact, she was not  at all boisterous. Cyril Rogers-Wright Jnr (had an awesome jazz collection up there at his shack in Leicester ) is the son of Cyril Rogers Wright snr. and Cyrus Rogers-Wright (a lawyer like his father  and like my maternal grandfather, lawyers galore in my mother's side of my family  - I guess the only other major professions available to them being  medicine,  the clergy  and teaching.) Cyrus-Rogers Wright  is the brother of Cyril Rogers-Wright Jnr and their sister Marianne Rogers-Wright  was my neighbour in Magburaka at the time when Ibrahim Taqi  (Hamid's brother) used to visit us frequently. INTILI?

I cannot claim to know the depth of the friendship between  your uncle and my cousin. But Cyrus was married to Sairatu a Temne woman, wasn't he?  I last met them on a ferry from Lungi to Freetown in the late 60s of the last century.

Of relevance to your rhetorical question : From Sigismond Henry Tucker's  From the Land of Diamonds to the Isle of Spice  ( Edited by Winston Forde) the whole of  Chapter 9 : The Early Treason Trials" :

Siaka Stevens's popularity as leader of the All People's Congress and Prime Minister of Sierra Leone started to erode in 1971 when his government executed Brigadier John Bangura - the man who literally handed over power to him in 1968

I'm looking forward to your answer  about  the American Negro's  embrace of Ms Clinton

I guess that this probably has something to do with it.

William: Stay Black!


We Sweden


On Friday, 18 March 2016 23:08:28 UTC+1, william bangura wrote:
Korthor Cornelius,

I will respond to your post later, but I have a question? Why didn't Cyrus Rogers-Wright the son of Cyril Rogers-Wright defend my uncle (brother) Brigadier John Amadu Bangura during his trial? Cyrus was his "friend".

William Bangura (Prince of Wales: Yes I am an alumnus of "Come Swell the Chorus")

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:

For the attention of William Bangura  of Sierra Leone and America: APC Scores Big


Just  a short note which might run longer than intended  at the beginning.

I got married at the US Embassy in Freetown on Hiroshima Day , 1969.  As to how and  why this happened you'll have to wait for the authorised version  - hopefully edited by Professor Harrow & Co – however my cousin ( another first cousin,) Lucy Hamelberg was the Secretary  at USIS and that also has something to do with it.

 I'm thinking along these lines this afternoon,  two hours before candle-lighting time in Stockholm, because of your reply to my query  which was:

" I should like to ask you and I would like you to explain it to us  about you and  some of the Negroes over there, how come they are showing  such overwhelming  love and support  for Ohporto  Hillary C?  Am I missing something?  Why not Bernie? What has Hillary ever done to deserve their  support?

I am patiently waiting for a reply from you which will be grounded on "facts and comprehensive research"

When it comes to the US, perhaps because of the information overflow, and our extreme focus on the US  - for me, since the days of Dean Rusk up to these most recent days , I am surely more informed  and opinionated about the US in general  than about Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Bamako,  Cairo, Soweto , Brazzaville and Kinshasa combined. Perhaps because of all that literature, poetry , jazz and dance , rhythm and blues, soul and rap  - not to mention the civil rights struggle etc.  

In secondary school in Sierra Leone, we had a lunch programme  - i.e. US – Aid donated bags of flour  to our school and just as you have heard that Jesus turned water into wine, so too that US flour was regularly turned into bread  -  our lunch  - hot buns with some blue band margarine (a little salty) smelted in and we  baptised those loaves, called the school lunch "Kennedy".   I hereby grant you permission to believe that this was our own secular version of what Catholics call "the holy Eucharist" – the main difference  being  of course that whereas the Catholics believe their holy Eucharist to be " the living body and blood of Jesus",  we were only exceedingly grateful to JFK for our  free daily bread and butter  - especially those amongst us who prayed " Our Father Who art in Heaven, hollowed be Thy Name , Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth  as it is in heaven , give us this day , our daily bread…."  

And thus love for JFK grew  in the same tradition as he who is alleged to have fed the multitudes with two fishes and five loaves of bread. So,  be not surprised  dear William when I tell you that in the  fourth form  - circa 1962 I represented  the US in our mock session of the UN General Assembly debate (the bombastic Mukhtarr Mustapha a few years  older but already a great orator -  represented  Cuba and dutifully conveyed his greetings from Fidel Castro); suffice it  to say that after the debate the American  Ambassador came over to shake hands with his boy. Well, I had done my research.

From the beginning of the Peace Corps initiative in Sierra Leone  right up to 1965 during which time my cousin  Cyril Rogers- Wright jnr (a first cousin)  was the liaison officer in Freetown, we always had a couple of  peace corps volunteers  staying  at home ( usually African- American – but also toubabs) to help familiarise them with  the Krio language and  Sierra Leone Creole culture – surprisingly every once on a while one of our Soul brothers  would be recalled – back to the states – and the reason we were given was ; wanted by the FBI  for this or that crime under investigation…. Now I leave it to you to go figure.( This was at a time when the main news in print ( about world & US)  was TIME and NEWSWEEK…

About my own person US connections in those days  – some of the returnees   - those who had studied in the US  and returned to Salone, and the many peace corps acquaintances and  the dozens of the exchange students that I went to school with and who were my good friends,  and the many American teachers  I've had  in various places during the period 1966- 2016, not to mention all the American friends and acquaintances  in Sweden ( some of them radical exiles)  and in the United have contributed immensely to that awareness and different understandings. In my last days  in Freetown , before moving to Magburaka I remember playing table tennis with the US Ambassador's kids at their home…and by the way, one of the last people I met I my very last visit to Sierra Leone  in April 1970, was  Mukhtarr Mustapha – still in his Harry Belafonte hairstyle  and I'll ä have you know that  although we were good friends and had the same close friends – Desmond Easmon, George Morgan and that group, it was only years later that I got to know that Mukhtarr was not Temne but Creole !  And that was during a discussion about Mukhtarr Mustapha's marriage with the daughter of Nana Akufo-Addo,  a former President of Ghana. " You know that Creoles like marrying Ghanaian women " I was told and replied " But  Mukhtarr is not Creole he's Temne" and everybody laughed and asked me, " So was  his father, M.S. Mustapha Temne ? "  and I answered  of course and everyone burst into  laughter, one more time!

Anyway,  as the saying goes, " Home is where the heart is" ( I'm talking about yours, your heart)  and since you're always talking about it – and about them ,your hobby horse  Sierra Leone's APC , well  here's some more : things are happening  and here's the latest : APC Scores Big followed a few days later by some heads rolling in the mighty rumble:  the cabinet reshuffle . Your petition "I cry for Tonkolili " gained traction – and  I suppose that we would like to hear from  the horse's mouth  - in responses to some of the responses in that thread. C'mon. You are a man of the Temne people  and the Temnes and the other Sierra Leone people would like to hear your voice. On these matters of great importance.

"Knowledge and truth our forefathers spread, Mighty the nations whom they led"

 Sir William  is it not time  to" Make Sierra Leone Great again!"?  
Remeber that you're only flesh and blood with a memory capacity less than that of my neighbour Jonas Von Essen. So, stop being  aloof like Sheikh Bangura  when you could esaily be more like the Sheik  of Araby

Wishing you a pleasant weekend


We Sweden

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