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On Jul 3, 2020, at 9:15 AM, Elias K. Bongmba <bongmba@rice.edu> wrote:
I share these sentiments by Michael and Ken and I can only add that people need to contact friends, colleagues, and others and encourage them to vote. The pools look great, but I remember 2016. A week before the elections, I went up to Pennsylvania to be part of a book lunch on HIV and AIDS in Africa edited by my colleague and brother Jaquineau Azetsop. In the morning I went to the train stop to take the train up to Villanova and a gentleman came by and we struck a conversation. I told him I was going to Villanova and he asked if I work there, I said no, I was going to a book launch. He asked what book and I told him a book on HIV and theology and he was intrigued and asked and in conversation he told me he was an attorney and his grandfather was an attorney for a famous minster in Philadelphia. I asked who, and he said Donald Barnhouse, and I said oh, I know about him. He was intrigued, and I described him and the rest of the team in Philadelphia that were key to the Evangelical movement. He asked me about education and I told him we knew of Barnhouse and others in Africa but I studied under the young Evangelical theologian, Stanley Grenz. He immediately trusted me and shifted to politics and told me that they have done their homework and Hilary is not carrying Pennsylvania. They had done door to door visits, mailings, adds on radio and TV and have covered the entire State and they think they might even carry the city of Philadelphia and he was confident Hilary will not win their State.
Back in Houston, I told a group of friends that based on this conversation, I was very concerned, but they just laughed at me, and I thought they should because the polls look great. On election night, I was so down that I went to bed about 9 pm. Phone calls from Africa began coming in at midnight and I did not have the strength to answer anyone of them. My view now is similar to Michael and Ken, I will wait and toast when the call comes in November, but before that there is more emailing, calling friends and colleagues, and spreading the word. That is the least one can do.
On 7/2/2020 9:57 PM, 'Michael Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series wrote:
--Glad I'm not alone, Ken! I don't move on easy as many do, and so I try these days not to hype myself for anything, no matter the high hopes I hold on it. When my prayer is answered, then I will celebrate; before then, I feel comfortable on the pessimist's chair. I have learned that in America, anything can happen - I mean ANYTHING!!!
--On Thursday, July 2, 2020, 2:49:16 PM EDT, Harrow, Kenneth <harrow@msu.edu> wrote:
nate cohen recently wrote to defend the latest nytimes-siena poll, and claim they are doing a better job. i can't imagine, after the debacle last year, after everyone was so such about clinton's win, how we could not feel as you do michael. both holding our breath and hoping beyond hope that the monster will be voted out. having had the experience of him for these last almost 4 years, it really seems he is capable of anything, meaning anything really bad, especially when it comes toholding on to power.and he is not alone in this. the republicans have gerrymandered successsfully for some time now.ken
kenneth harrow
professor emeritus
dept of english
michigan state university
517 803-8839
From: 'Michael Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 12:57 PM
To: usaafricadialogue <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Toyin Falola <toyinfalola@austin.utexas.edu>; dejigiri@yahoo.com <dejigiri@yahoo.com>; kesedo@yahoo.com <kesedo@yahoo.com>; Onyumbe Lukongo <onyumbe_lukongo@subr.edu>; afaugustine@yahoo.com <afaugustine@yahoo.com>; Ucheoma Nwagbara <unwagbara@yahoo.com>; Teaway Collins <teaway2001@yahoo.com>; doyinck@gmail.com <doyinck@gmail.com>; noahkankam@gmail.com <noahkankam@gmail.com>; rigodan@yahoo.com <rigodan@yahoo.com>; Philip Aka <philip_aka@hotmail.com>; Godwin Ohiwerei <drohiwerei@gmail.com>; McCluskey, Audrey T. <mcclusk@indiana.edu>; Thomas Ford <tmfordme@yahoo.com>; Amoah-Ramey, Nana Abena Dansowaa <namoa@indiana.edu>; Afoaku, Osita <osafoaku@indiana.edu>; Nnaemeka, Obioma G <nnaemeka@iupui.edu>; Kwame Karikari <afumkarikari@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fw: [External] Trump Versus Biden! in November 2020Why should I believe this now? Was it not with the same science, and in greater intensity, that predicted a different outcome the last time around? My fingers are nervously crossed until November 3 when projections are coming in from PBS, CNN and FOX. Until then, I'm taking no baits From any prognosticator. Have the people changed? Is it because they are not talking? In the politics of the early 1960s in Nigeria, they called it "Boo r'ojuu mi, oò ri'núú mi!" (You may see my face, alright; my heart is far from your reach)! The Dems will lose again if they hang on to the same happy-go-lucky they have always manifested! I seriously hope not.
--On Thursday, July 2, 2020, 11:52:46 AM EDT, Emmanuel Udogu <udoguei@appstate.edu> wrote:
All things being equal, this prediction is likely to happen "if democrats do not cut off their nose to spite their face," during the Democratic Convention, over minor issues.
Ike Udogu
--On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 8:58 AM Assensoh, Akwasi B. <aassenso@indiana.edu> wrote:
The Economist of UK forecasts that Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the U.S. Electoral College. The link is below:
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