Friday, July 3, 2020

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Historians Value Closure: My Republic Interview

Moses, you are still leaving some juice in the intersectionality tube even after squeezing out the race and class. Gender is a big part of the articulation or intersectionality. Moreover, you can be a white Euro American millionaire and still be down with the revolution as Frederich Engels and many of us petty bourgeois intellectuals demonstrate. You can be male and still be against sexism while female genital mutilation is routinely done by women to young girls. You can be white and anti-racist as the Black Lives Matter demonstrates while some Uncle Toms suffer from the yearning for whiteness that Ngugi diagnosed as a mental illness in The Wizard of the Crow. As a relative new-comer to this community of interpretation and activism, do not posture that you know it all and people should come and learn from you. Bend down low and learn from the centuries-old struggles of our people against racism-sexism-classism in partnership with our allies. Historians do not believe in closure while la luta continua! Kachikwo?


On Friday, 3 July 2020, 09:30:53 GMT-4, Moses Ebe Ochonu <> wrote:

For the record, the essay referenced, "Racism or Classism," makes precisely the argument of intersectionality that Biko invoked. You can click on the link and read it in The Republic. The argument is that it is not useful to separate class from race because in African quotidian settings (as in others) race works through class and vice versa, that the two are entwined social categories, and, more crucially, that in Africa, allegedly a racially homogenous continent of black people, race is often mistaken for class because race is talked about in the idiom and language of class, status differentiation, and other supposedly non-racial social vocabularies.

Secondly, it is axiomatic in critical race studies that power is the most important variable in distinguishing racism from racial prejudice. This of course does not mean that only those with access to power or those who wield power support or benefit from racism. That's why I talked about Euro-American whites as an undifferentiated collective who are invested in racism and racist power formations because it confers advantages on them that they understand in zero-sum terms. My explanation thus preempts Biko's reference to poor whites, whom as he rightly said belong to a "powerless" marginal class but nonetheless derive socioeconomic and status advantages (a.k.a white privilege) from racism and are in fact known to use such advantages against blacks and other people of color, including poor people of color with whom they share class affinity.

On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 6:39 AM 'Tobi Adewunmi' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <> wrote:
Reading Biko's response to Moses' interview
post reminds one of the false dichotomy some people often place between Faith and Science/Scholarship. Following Biko, it is important to acknowledge that racism, classism, sexism and the other isms that describe unequal value exchanges and social displacements are not only mutually reinforcing, they also express the superficiality of discourses that try to untangle them. One of such discourses currently making rounds among some Pentecostals in the US is that White Christians shouldn't be too quick to associate themselves with the 'Black Lives Matter' movement, presumably because the very expression 'Black Lives Matter' is historically unchristian, and therefore unscriptural. What better way to deflect shared responsibility in the fight against systemic racism and the denigration of blacks across the world than mobilise the force of denominational bias and ireligiosity as an excuse for indifference?
It was therefore very comforting and challenging to read Jarvin Williams' intervention in Christianity Today about the fact that Black Lives had always mattered, even in the Bible.

You may read Jarvin's article here:

It is high time we began to rethink the value of many of the bifurcated epistemologies or 'dividing lines' we've been used to about our social realities or risk propagating double false consciousness in the name of critical scholarship.

Kudos to Prof. Ochonu on his forthcoming book.

- 'Tobi Adewunmi
University of Ibadan
Ibadan, Nigeria

Fellow, Centre for Qualitative and Multi-methods Research,
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, NY

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