Thursday, August 26, 2021

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - afghanistan-iran

"  I notice that the Europeans more than doubled the amount of aid to the Taliban government in a bid to rival the US?"

Where did you hear this glorious news? 

Never mind their  trillion-dollars worth of deposits in lithium for the battery hungry world", over here, for now, the prevailing melody is, " not a penny of Swedish foreign aid money to the Taliban" 

On Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 22:46:41 UTC+2 Gloria Emeagwali wrote:
Pakistan is quite pleased and so are China and Russia. Afghanistan has a trillion dollar worth of deposits in lithium for the battery hungry world, and I foresee China moving in to exploit it. They don't steal minerals as the West did during colonial rule.They pay for them. China may also want friendly relations with the Taliban to calm  down its Chinese Muslim population-hoping that they are not inspired by the Taliban success.

I predict that the US itself may soon try to make the Taliban a new friend given that the two have a deadly enemy in Isil-K. I notice that the Europeans more than doubled the amount of aid to the Taliban government in a bid to rival the US?

So in the light of all this Iran would 
be stupid to stay aloof.

Just heard there was a third blast in

Gloria Emeagwali 

On Aug 26, 2021, at 10:42, Harrow, Kenneth <> wrote:

turns out paul zeleza was right, according to this piece i just saw in Le Monde the iranian govt has backed away from its former criticisms, softened its tone, met with taliban leaders. they are seeing in the retreat of the americans an occasion for them to find rapprochement with afghanistan. i wonder how relations with pakistan will follow.

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

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