People's planet
6th March ( Ghana's Independence Day, also the day I met my Better Half 6/3/69, also her name's day
Dr Oohay,
Please indulge me. I'm just trying to be a little relevant, not exactly like the court jester idiot and, and not so funny. According to the CBS poll on Trump's address to Congress, a whopping 76% approve of his speech which was mostly self-congratulatory.
If it continues like this, maybe by the midterm elections which begin on November 3, 2026, Kamala and her Democrats, now in disarray, would have finally disappeared from the radar?
Seriously :Your use ( misuse?) of the word " condescending" calls for an explanation from you. Hopefully, by condescending, you don't mean what Thomas Sowell (of course a very Conservative Republican Gentleman ) was saying, that " It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance"
( BTW, as a Romantic, far removed from hardcore politics and genocidal barbarism, I'm usually more on the side of Shelley, Rimbaud, John Keats and Donovan ( Donovan Leitch )
There are those who would say that condescending etc was a ludicrous indictment of The Democratic Party of the United States of America which the 47th President wants to make Great Again. Condescending ? Think again, about Obamacare, George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, Sleepy Joe Biden, Kamala
You yourself are not by any chance a card-toting member of The Republican Party ?
( BTW, if parties and countries were to be defined by name only, outsiders would tend to get the wrong idea. For example how democratic is Nigeria's "People's Democratic Party" when Alhaji Atiku rode roughshod over Obi to clinch the party nomination when it was Obi's turn to be the flagbearer? Now, if e.g. Peter Obi ( shmile) were to name his party "The Real Democratic Party" or " The Poor, Downtrodden & Oppressed People's Party" some of the miscreants, motor park touts and layabouts would go about shouting that unlike Obi's party, as you can mostly tell by their names and their actions, the other parties are not at all democratic. For example, some people entertain that kind of idea about DRC (in their case combining the names of both American parties: The Democratic Republic of the Congo - -not a monarchy - in contrast with Mafia Congo that Pepe Kalle sang about ( Pepe Kalle Chante Le Poet Lutumba Simaro.)
On another home turf, by name alone the SLPP ( Sierra Leone People's Party) with the all-inclusive, unifying motto " One People, One Country " upends Sierra Leone's APC ( All People's Congress).
Old Shakespeare must have been joking when he asked, " What's in a name ?" I'd like to ask Oluwole Opara since his surname rhymes with Shakespeare
Trump seems to me to be more of the old APC, at the moment ruling by decree.
Some diehards would of course disagree with me and assert that Julius Maada Bio is more like Siaka Stevens and less like Obama, Sleepy Joe Biden, and Kamala the wahala…
But , there I stray again; it's not comparative villainy that's under purview.
Israel has completely destroyed Gaza !
Israel has completely destroyed Gaza !!
That's why this perplexing question will soon be gathering momentum: Shouldn't Israel pay for the reconstruction of Gaza ?
As members of OIC / Organisation of Islamic Cooperation are all set to get incrementally annoyed with Trump and his so called peace partner, the warmonger Netanyahu who like his brother-in-arms Zelensky does not want to seek peace and pursue it , I'd like to bring to the attention of Trump, The Council of Foreign Relations, Trump's allies, their enemies, these verses of The Holy Quran :
Surah Al-Ma'idah 32 - 36 👍
32 For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals on the earth.
33 The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom;
34 Save those who repent before ye overpower them. For know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
35 O ye who believe! Be mindful of your duty to Allah, and seek the way of approach unto Him, and strive in His way in order that ye may succeed.
36 As for those who disbelieve, lo! if all that is in the earth were theirs, and as much again therewith, to ransom them from the doom on the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. Theirs will be a painful doom.
On Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 23:51:05 UTC+1 Dr. Oohay wrote:
The BASIC chronic problem with the Demo… Party (contrary to what their party strategists or spokespersons assert) lies NOT with any of its messengers BUT THE DEMO's ROOT MESSAGE ITSELF (which in its various forms seem very condescending); hence the messengers tend to resort to CLEVER gimmickries — a trait very common with clever dogmatic players. Such quasi "game" theory message (besides being INAUTHENTIC) AIN'T working anymore.
Dr Oohay,
This is HOT :
On Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 11:21:51 UTC+1 Dr. Oohay wrote:
Yes, Cornelius, President Z came to play checkers (with the Demo Party as his blind "OMNIsCIENT" coach), and then he ran into Omaha Poker. On Tuesday, President T received a diplomatically framed "mea culpa" epistle from President Z (so Z did NOT have the last word word (or Z ain't the last "letter" in this diplomatic lexicon. Lesson: Drink deep or NOT AT ALL.
Many of you probably watched what took place between Donald Trump and Zelenskyy tonight. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, you might be thinking to yourself, Oh my God, Donald Trump just screwed up.
However, as a lifelong practitioner of martial arts, strategy, and philosophy, let me explain the difference between what you believe you witnessed and what actually happened.
Donald Trump has been under constant political persecution since the beginning of his first term. Over time, he has learned to be patient and calculated.
Tonight, Zelenskyy was invited to the Oval Office. However, both Trump and JD Vance knew exactly what Zelenskyy was going to do—he would use this opportunity, in front of the American people, to make a power play. Both Trump and Vance anticipated this.
When Zelenskyy began appealing to the emotions of the American people, JD Vance stepped in, accusing him of disrespecting Donald Trump. This was brilliant strategy. It's important to understand that Zelenskyy is trying to gain access to NATO.
Trump knew this but could not allow it to happen. If Ukraine joins NATO, the U.S. would be bound by NATO's collective defense agreement—an attack on one is an attack on all.
Now consider the larger implications: Ukraine and Russia despise each other. If Ukraine were to become a NATO member, any future skirmish between them would obligate the U.S. to enter into direct conflict with Russia. This would mean World War III. And if that happened, China would have to choose a side—they would almost certainly align with Russia.
So what you witnessed tonight was a setup. Trump and JD Vance knew that the only way to achieve peace was to strategically align, at least on the surface, with Russia. Why? Because Russia would never sign a peace treaty if Ukraine were admitted into NATO.
This is why Trump dismantled Zelenskyy's argument. And when Zelenskyy, seeing his play failing, tried to backtrack and offer a treaty, Trump refused.
Zelenskyy's real intent was clear—he would not agree to peace unless security guarantees were in place. But what was he actually saying? That NATO must accept Ukraine. However, Russia would never agree to peace, knowing that NATO, their historical adversary, would surround them.
Zelenskyy, Putin, and Trump all knew this. Zelenskyy, thinking he had Democratic support, believed he could make this bold move on live television. But Trump and Vance saw right through it and outmaneuvered him.
They knew that, in the short term, Democrats and the media would try to use this moment against them. But they also knew they had two years before midterms to prove their strategy was the right one. So they held their ground—brilliantly so.
Now, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to back down and accept Trump's terms. But here's the genius part—Trump is actually protecting Ukraine without dragging the U.S. into war.
By negotiating a mineral deal, Trump ensures that Americans will be involved in Ukraine's mining industry. This prevents Russia from launching an invasion, because attacking Ukraine would mean endangering American lives—something that would force the U.S. to respond.
Trump played both sides like a master chess player. In the end, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to concede, because without U.S. support, Ukraine cannot win a prolonged war against Russia. And once U.S. companies have mining operations in Ukraine, Putin will be unable to attack without triggering massive international consequences.
Don't underestimate Donald Trump. In this game of chess, he's 10 moves ahead of everyone.
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