Monday, September 27, 2010

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT

The most disturbing thing to me is that Philip Emeagwali had the audacity to place my photo

 next to his- by cut ‘n paste  wizardry-  to make the fraudulent claim that I was his wife.  I stumbled on  a newspaper that

innocently bought into the lie and was able to get an apology from the editors.



For the last few years I have had  a disclaimer on my website at:


What a jerk! What a fraudster! He should be stopped.


Professor Gloria T. Emeagwali

Prof of History and African Studies


From: [] On Behalf Of Ikhide
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 4:18 PM
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Phillip Emeagwali's Fraudulent Activities Have Tainted the LSAT




The Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) administers the Law Schools Admissions Test (LSAT). Their contact information is at:


I strongly suggest that we all write to the LSAC to complain about this travesty and explain patiently to them the monumental fraudster that Mr. Philip Emeagwali is. The man is obviously suffering from delusions of grandeur, which is unfortunate. However to the extent that he is hurting our reputations, the man must be stopped. Toyin, I would be happy to sign on to any correspondence that you craft to go to the LSAC and any other reputable organization that has been snookered by this buffoon. There is hope; already several institutions are pulling his nonsense down from their websites. We must not relent until this man repents. I have copied the LSAC on this email. They should know that their last LSAT examination was tainted by the devious antics of that fraudster called Mr. Philip Emeagwali. If the LSAC does not investigate this fraud, I am prepared to go to the American press on this. The man is endangering the test scores of tens of thousands of youngsters. This is an outrage.



How can the LSAC be so snookered/ All they needed to do was google the fool.


- Ikhide


From: toyin adepoju <>
To: Ikhide <>;; Nidoa <>; nai <>;; naijaelections <>;; nigerianworldforum <>
Cc:; usaafricadialogue <>
Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 2:17:19 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: [NaijaPolitics] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] - Fw: Phillip Emeagwali



I see this LSAT test paper  that references Emeagwali's achievements is from Emeagwali's website.

Does anyone know what country this exam was set in?

I want to ask the compilers of the question on Emeagwali the sources of their information.

I want to find out why I cannot find information on Emeagwali on academic fora.I want to know why I cannot find evidence of his work being discussed by scientists.



On 21 September 2010 16:26, Ikhide <> wrote:



To give you an example of how bad the Emeagwali virus is, a passage about him just made it into the LSAT ;-) At least here they didn't call him the Father of the Internet. The man is a genius sha, I give it to him.


Enjoy ;-)



- Ikhide



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