First off, why not declare the widely known information that Donita Brown, the poster of this message ("clarification"), is Philip Emeagwali's wife, the manager of his website(s), and an active participant in his fraud?
Second off, Donita Brown says President Clinton fact checked Mr. Emeagwali's claims before calling him "one of the great minds of the information age" in his Abuja speech. Well, here is a fantastic comeback by another poster, Olakunle, in the same NEXT comment section. I think it destroys the nonsensical claim of Donita Brown about Clinton's purportedly fact-checked speech:
@Donita Brown: In the same Clinton speech you say was thoroughly fact-checked, Clinton stated that Dr Azikiwe was greatly influenced by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. At the time Zik wrote his forst book, Liberia in World Politics, Dr King would have still been in his diapers at best. In a journalistic context, that would be like saying that Gbolahan Ogunsanwo influenced Peter Enahoro. How come the White House fact-checkers missed this transparent blooper?
Third off, this post by Donita Brown, is riddled with new falsehoods and reiterations and amplifications of the familiar of old ones. This is the game of Philip and his spouse; they keep manufacturing more falsehoods in the name of clarifications in the hope that they can muddy the waters and confuse the unsuspecting. I don't have the time to pick apart the many new and not so new falsehoods in the post. But here is a sample: what the heck does she mean by saying that Emeagwali claimed 41 reinventions (her own word) and not inventions? What does "reinvention" mean? Does it mean that he reinvented what was already invented? If so then what should anyone pay attention to him or his silly reinvention? This is the first time I am seeing this modified claim. Their previous claim has been about 41 INVENTIONS, patented inventions. In fact in the interview posted by Bolaji Aluko, he was asked about his claim about 41 PATENTED INVENTIONS and he gave a silly answer about inventors not willing to discuss their inventions because the USPTO may deny them a patent as a result. Nonsense! Now, in another silly, mendacious "clarification" Donita Brown says that her husband never claimed to have PATENTED inventions (which is a clear lie), but if that were true, which it is not, would it not raise the raise the discrediting question of why any sane person--scientist or not--would invent 41 things/technologies that he claims have revolutionized the world of information, mathematics, physics, and computing and not seek to patent and protect them as his intellectual property?
At least the proliferating exposures of this man's fraud has now forced him (and his wife) to modify one key false claim: from INVENTIONS we have now moved to "REINVENTIONS"! That is still a lie, since his claim has always been about inventions--41 of them. The recourse to the stupid, meaningless language of "reinvention" is Emeagwali's latest semantic gambit to secure deniability and cloak himself in murky, ambiguous semantics. Nonetheless, he (through his wife) has basically admitted that contrary to his claim, he has no PATENTED inventions to his name--that he has NO patents to any technologies or devices.
We're making progress.....
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: augustine togonu-bickersteth <>
Date: 17 October 2010 19:51
Subject: Re: [WoleSoyinkaSociety] On Philip Emeagwali.Clarifications
To:,, krazitivity <>, Opoola Adeyanju <>
Posted by Donita Brown on Oct 17 2010 in the NEXT newspaper on Philip Emeagwali
You have 99 percent of your "facts" wrong! Contrary to what you claim, the White House, CNN, TIME, BBC hired fact checkers. President Bill Clinton knew he was speaking on record and his speech that described Philip Emeagwali as "one of the great minds of the Information Age" was scripted and fact-checked for accuracy. The four judges that gave him the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize interviewed him daily by email for 60 days. Those four judges, in turn, emailed his discoveries and inventions to as many as 400 fact-checkers and experts. Why will Philip Emeagwali (who's been married for 30 years) claim an older, overweight, ex-sister-in-law with four grown children, whom he has never seen in person as his "second" wife? Polygamy is illegal in the United States! For your record, Gloria Emeagwali never sued Philip Emeagwali as you said she claimed. Her ex-husband said that a few months after they arrived in Nigeria, Gloria abandoned him to live with an "Alhaji." ON WHY CLINTON CALLED EMEAGWALI A "GREAT MIND" President Bill Clinton [who had science advisors] called Emeagwali "one of the great minds of the Information Age" because he solved grand challenge problems that simultaneously pushed the frontiers of physics, maths, computation and communication. His discoveries were front page news in all four fields. He discovered that for 330 years Force is NOT equal to mass times acceleration for all that flows underneath the Earth. The Gordon Bell prize committee agreed with him on the latter. The communication follows the computation which follows the maths which follows the physics. If the foundation of the maths, computation and communication is wrong, then the maths, computation and communication had to be reinvented. The Gordon Bell Prize Committee agreed he did. He proved to them that there are FOUR forces, not three. Your high school physics book "said the SUM of ALL the forces," not some of the forces as is the case in ALL POROUS MEDIA [including petroleum reservoir simulation] textbooks. He said it took him 41 reinventions [not patents] to fix that 330-year-old error. He claimed 41 inventions, not patents just as you can publish 41 articles, without copyrights. Nobody has or can get a patent on the Internet, as you implied. To focus on patents, instead of inventions will be akin to focusing on the hero's medal, rather than his heroism. A few ramifications: 1. For 330 years, the most important law in physics [Second Law of Motion] is violated in its most important application [oil recovery]. 2. For 200 years, the most important formula in engineering F=ma is UNBALANCED – i.e. Your FORCE is NOT equal to my MASS times ACCELERATION is UNBALANCED. 3. For 100 years, the most important partial differential equations are also UNBALANCED because they are derived from UNBALANCED formula F=ma. 4. And a dozen more. Once again, these 330-year-old errors were corrected by Philip Emeagwali. It was the first time in the history of science and technology that one person single-handedly pushed the frontier of four major fields – physics, maths, computation, and communication. Again, that's why President Bill Clinton called him a "great mind." Regarding his Michigan accolades: Philip Emeagwali is arguably the most honored scientist – white or black – that ever lived and worked in the state of Michigan. The state has two flagship universities. You should ask the president of Michigan State University why she paid him and invited him to speak on April 18, 2007. See You should ask the president of the University of Michigan why her university's flagship publications dedicated special issues honoring the discoveries and inventions of Philip Emeagwali? [Read MICHIGAN TODAY, February 1991, University of Michigan, ] You should query the entire members of the Michigan House of Representatives why they passed a resolution thanking Philip Emeagwali for his "tremendous impact on the state of Michigan" in April 2007. Have you asked the Mayor of Lansing (capital of Michigan) and the Mayor of East Lansing why they declared April 18, 2007 as PHILIP EMEAGWALI Day? Have you queried the Governor of Michigan why she gave an award to Philip Emeagwali for his "tireless contributions" to Michigan in 2007? For your record, a supercomputer costs 1.32 BILLION dollars (Wall Street Journal, October 4, 2010). The budget of many universities and even African nations is less than one billion dollars. In 1989, there was only one supercomputer that was powered by 65,000 subcomputers. It only allowed ONE programmer. Philip Emeagwali was logged onto it sixteen hours a day, 365 days a year. Philip Emeagwali was then the only full time programmer of the supercomputer powered by 65,000 subcomputers. It was a one man race. Think about it: How many programmers – white or black – will be so trusted and/or have EXCLUSIVE access to program the new 1.32 BILLION dollars supercomputer? It's important because you must have a billion dollar equipment to make ground breaking discoveries. Only the United States and Japan can afford such machines. As you know, to win the Gordon Bell Prize you defend it before 10,000 Who's Who in Supercomputing. He also gave invited lectures on his partial differential equations in Washington, D.C. in July 8-12, 1991 at an international congress of applied mathematicians, held once in four years. The ten thousand attendees, was the largest gathering of the Who's Who in mathematics. He recently headlined the 2009 Kshitij the largest science festival in Asia. And so on. Why do you think – 21 years later - scientists continue to pay him a speaker's fee equivalent to a professor's yearly salary? You should check your facts to understand why TIME magazine called Philip Emeagwali "the unsung hero behind the Internet." CNN called him "a father of the Internet. BBC called him a "Digital Giant" He has been voted history's greatest scientist of African descent.
From: toyin adepoju <>
To:; WoleSoyinkaSociety <>; krazitivity <>; Opoola Adeyanju <>
Sent: Sun, 17 October, 2010 19:40:54
Information and the Nature of Reality:From Physics to Metaphysics
Edited by Paul Davies
Arizona State University
Niels Henrik Gregersen
University of Copenhagen
Many scientists regard mass and energy as the primary constituents of nature. In recent years, however, the seminal role of information in physics has come under increasing scrutiny. Information and the Nature of Realitycollects 15 thought-provoking essays that gauge its potential role in overarching explanations of the cosmos.
Following a brief introduction, Ernan McMullin and Philip Clayton contribute essays tracing the evolving role of information in 21st-century science. In their view, "matter-based" theories can only take us so far, leaving doubts about the adequacy of materialistic models of reality. Paul Davies continues with an analysis of "it from bit"—the notion that information itself is the entity that underlies material things. The laws of physics, he notes, are informational statements, and these laws could be viewed as more fundamental than the phenomena they describe. Seth Lloyd then extends the conversation by summarizing his thesis that the universe itself is a computer; all the complexity we observe in nature could be the result of computations constantly occurring on a quantum scale.
Further along, Henry Stapp shows how the advent of quantum mechanics—in which the observer influences what is measured—made it easier to envision a paradigm shift wherein minds and the information they process are integral parts of the world. John Maynard Smith, Bernd-Olaf Kippers, and Jesper Hoffmyer then show how information underlies many phenomena in biology, from the genetic code to communication within ant colonies to the process of evolution itself. The book concludes with an examination of the philosophical, theological and ethical implications of information theory.
In this book, eminent scientists, philosophers and theologians chart various aspects of information, from quantum information to biological and digital information, in order to understand how nature works. Beginning with an historical treatment of the topic, the book also examines physical and biological approaches to information, and its philosophical, theological and ethical implications.
Information and the Nature of Reality surveys the nature and ubiquity of information as a component of the universe.
• Proposes new views of fundamental concepts in science regarding mass, energy and information, to benefit those working on the philosophical implications of the information revolution • Charts various aspects of information, from historical investigations to contemporary ideas • Explores the philosophical, theological and ethical implications of approaches to information
1. Introduction: does information matter?; Paul Davies and Niels Henrik Gregersen; Part I. History: 2. From matter to materialism … and (almost) back Ernan McMullin; 3. Unsolved dilemmas: the concept of matter in the history of philosophy and in contemporary physics Philip Clayton; Part II. Physics: 4. Universe from bit Paul Davies; 5. The computational universe Seth Lloyd; 6. Minds and values in the quantum universe Henry Pierce Stapp; Part III. Biology: 7. The concept of information in biology John Maynard Smith; 8. Levels of information: Shannon-Bolzmann-Darwin Terrence W. Deacon; 9. Information and communication in living matter Bernd-Olaf Küppers; 10. Semiotic freedom: an emerging force Jesper Hoffmeyer; 11. Care on earth: generating informed concern Holmes Rolston; Part IV. Philosophy and Theology: 12. The sciences of complexity - a new theological resource? Arthur Peacocke; 13. God as the ultimate informational principle Keith Ward; 14. Information, theology and the universe John F. Haught; 15. God, matter, and information: towards a Stoicizing Logos christology Niels Henrik Gregersen; 16. What is the 'spiritual body'? Michael Welker; Index.
Advance praise: 'This is the anthology we have been waiting for … seminal papers deal with matter through the history of Greek thought, seventeenth-century materialism and twentieth-century dematerialism, the need for a new scientific world view in the light of the quantum nature of the universe, and the storage and transmission of information in biological systems with the new knowledge of their genomes and development … Philosophers, theologians and scientists all have their say, wrestling with the theme of God as the ultimate informational and structuring principle in the universe.' Professor Sir Brian Heap, President, European Academies Science Advisory Board, German Academy of Sciences
Paul Davies, Niels Henrik Gregersen, Ernan McMullin, Philip Clayton, Seth Lloyd, Henry Pierce Stapp, John Maynard Smith, Terrence W. Deacon, Bernd-Olaf Küppers, Jesper Hoffmeyer, Holmes Rolston, Arthur Peacocke, Keith Ward, John F. Haught, Michael Welker
1 Introduction: does information matter?
Paul Davies and Niels Henrik GregersenIt is no longer a secret that inherited notions of matter and the material world have not been able to sustain the revolutionary developments of twentieth-century physics and biology. For centuries Isaac Newton's idea of matter as consisting of 'solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, and movable particles' reigned in combination with a strong view of laws of nature that were supposed to prescribe exactly, on the basis of the present physical situation, what was going to happen in the future. This complex of scientific materialism and mechanism was easily amalgamated with common-sense assumptions of solid matter as the bedrock of all reality. In the world view of classical materialism (having its heyday between 1650 and 1900), it was claimed that all physical systems are nothing but collections of inert particles slavishly complying with deterministic laws. Complex systems such as living organisms, societies, and human persons, could, according to this reductionist world view, ultimately be explained in terms of material components and their chemical interactions.
However, the emergence of thermodynamics around 1850 already began to cast doubt on the universal scope of determinism. Without initially questioning the inherited concepts of corpuscular matter and mechanism, it turned out that the physics of fluids and gases in thermodynamically open systems can be tackled, from a practical point of view, only by using statistical methods; the aim of tracking individual molecules had to be abandoned. In what has been aptly been called The Probabilistic Revolution (Krüger, Daston, and Heidelberger, 1990), determinism became a matter of metaphysical belief rather than a scientifically substantiated position. By the 1870s a great physicist such as James Clerk Maxwell was already questioning the assumption of determinism by pointing to highly unstable systems in which infinitesimal variations in initial conditions lead to large and irreversible effects (later to become a central feature of chaos theory). It was not until the twentieth century, however, that the importance of non-equilibrium dissipative structures in thermodynamics led scientists such as Ilya Prigogine (1996) to formulate a more general attack on the assumptions of reversibility and scientific determinism.
What happened, then, to the notion of matter and the material? In a first phase the term 'matter' gradually lost its use in science to be replaced by more robust and measurable concepts of mass (inertial, gravitational, etc). The story of the transformations of the idea of matter into something highly elusive yet still fundamental is told in detail by Ernan McMullin and Philip Clayton in Chapters 2 and 3 of this volume. Here it suffices to point to three new developments of twentieth-century physics in particular that forced the downfall of the inherited Matter Myth, and led to new explorations of the seminal role of information in physical reality.
The first blow came from Einstein's theories of special relativity (1905) and general relativity (1915). By stating the principle of an equivalence of mass and energy, the field character of matter came into focus, and philosophers of science began to discuss to what extent relativity theory implied a 'de-materialization' of the concept of matter. However, as McMullin points out, even though particles and their interactions began to be seen as only partial manifestations of underlying fields of mass-and-energy, relativity theory still gave room for some notion of spatio-temporal entities through the concept of 'rest mass'.
The second blow to classical materialism and mechanism came with quantum theory, which describes a fundamental level of reality, and therefore should be accorded primary status when discussing the current scientific and philosophical nature of matter. In Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Paul Davies, Seth Lloyd, and Henry Pierce Stapp challenge some widely held assumptions about physical reality. Davies asks what happens if we do not assume that the mathematical relations of the so-called laws of nature are the most basic level of description, but rather if information is regarded as the foundation on which physical reality is constructed. Davies suggests that instead of taking mathematics to be primary, followed by physics and then information, the picture should be inverted in our explanatory scheme, so that we find the conceptual hierarchy: information → laws of physics → matter. Lloyd's view of the computational nature of the universe develops this understanding by treating quantum events as 'quantum bits', or qubits, whereby the universe 'registers itself'. Lloyd approaches this subject from the viewpoint of quantum information science, which sets as a major goal the construction of a quantum computer – a device that can process information at the quantum level, thereby achieving a spectacular increase in computational power. The secret of a quantum computer lies with the exploitation of genuine quantum phenomena that have no analogues in classical physics, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement. Quantum computation is an intensely practical programme of research, but Lloyd uses the concept of quantum information science as the basis for an entire world view, declaring that the universe as a whole is a gigantic quantum computer. In other words, nature processes quantum information whenever a physical system evolves.
Lloyd's proposal forms a natural extension of a long tradition of using the pinnacle of technology as a metaphor for the universe. In ancient Greece, surveying equipment and musical instruments were the technical wonders of the age, and the Greeks regarded the cosmos as a manifestation of geometric relationships and musical harmony. In the seventeenth century, clockwork was the most impressive technology, and Newton described a deterministic clockwork universe, with time as an infinitely precise parameter that gauged all cosmic change. In the nineteenth century the steam engine replaced clockwork as the technological icon of the age and, sure enough, Clausius, von Helmholtz, Boltzmann, and Maxwell described the universe as a gigantic entropy-generating heat engine, sliding inexorably to a cosmic heat death. Today, the quantum computer serves the corresponding role. Each metaphor has brought its own valuable insights; those deriving from the quantum computation model of the universe are only just being explored.
In the absence of a functional quantum computer, the most powerful information-processing system known is the human brain (that may change soon, as even classical computers are set to overtake the brain in terms of raw bit flips). The relationship between mind and brain is the oldest problem of philosophy, and is mirrored in the context of this volume by the information–matter dichotomy. Crucially, the brain does more than flip bits. Mental information includes the key quality of semantics; that is, human beings derive understanding of their world from sense data, and can communicate meaning to each other. The question here is what can, and what cannot, be explained merely by digital information, which is formulated in terms of bits without regard to meaning. When the foundation for information theory was laid down by Shannon, he purposely left out of the account any reference to what the information means, and dwelt solely on the transmission aspects. His theory cannot, on its own, explain the semantics and communication of higher-order entities. At most, one could say, as Deacon suggests in Chapter 8, that Shannon focused on the syntactic features of an information potential.
The foregoing properties of the mental realm are closely related to the issue of consciousness. How the brain generates conscious awareness remains a stubborn mystery, but there is a well-established school of thought that maintains it has something to do with quantum mechanics. Certainly the role of the observer in quantum mechanics is quite unlike that in classical mechanics. Moreover, if quantum mechanics really does provide the most fundamental description of nature, then at some level it must incorporate an account of consciousness and other key mental properties (for example, the emergence of semantics, the impression of free will). For many years, Henry Stapp has championed the case for understanding the mind and its observer status in a quantum context, and in Chapter 6 he sets out a well-argued case both for taking consciousness seriously (that is, not defining it away as an epiphenomenon) and for accommodating it within a quantum description of nature.
The third challenge to the inherited assumptions of matter and the material comes from evolutionary biology and the new information sciences, which have made revolutionary discoveries since the 1940s and 1950s. Placed at the interface of the physical and cultural sciences, biology plays a pivotal role in our understanding of the role of information in nature. In Chapter 7 John Maynard Smith argues that the biological sciences must be seen as informational in nature, since the sequence structure of DNA is causally related, in a systematic way, to the production of proteins. In the nineteenth century, living organisms were viewed as some sort of magic matter infused with a vital force. Today, the cell is treated as a supercomputer – an information-processing and -replicating system of extraordinary fidelity. The informational aspects of modern molecular biology are conspicuous in the way that gene sequencing and gene pathways now form the foundation for understanding not only evolutionary biology, but also cell biology and medicine. In Chapters 8 and 9 Terrence Deacon and Bernd-Olaf Küppers offer two distinct naturalistic views about how the crucial semantic levels of information might emerge via thermodynamical (Boltzmann) and evolutionary (Darwinian) processes. Both accounts argue that biological information is not only instructional but also has to do with 'valued' or 'significant' information, which puts the receiver in the centre of interest. Significant information, however, is always a subset of a wider set of informational states, which may be described as the underlying 'information potential'. With this background, Deacon presents a naturalistic theory of the emergence of contextual information; that is, the capacity for reference and meaning, which he describes in terms of the notion of 'absent realities'. This he accomplishes by combining the Shannon–Boltzmann view that information is always relative to a statistical information potential, with the Darwinian emphasis on what actually works for an organism in its pragmatic setting. In Chapter 10 Jesper Hoffmeyer then presents a biosemiotic proposal, which questions the overarching role of genetics, and rather opts for the importance of a cell-centred view. Finally, in Chapter 11, Holmes Rolston offers a natural history of the emergence of an informed concern for others. Evolution is a notoriously 'selfish' process, but eventually it generates systems that display altruism and exhibit concern for other beings. With the increase of sense perception and the top-down capacities of mammalian brains, an ethical dimension of nature arrives on the evolutionary scene. A cell-centred view is not necessarily a self-centred view.
It would be wrong to claim that the science-based chapters collectively amount to an accepted and coherent new view on the fundamental role of information in the material world. Many scientists continue to regard matter and energy as the primary currency of nature, and information to be a secondary, or derived concept. And it is true that we lack the informational equivalent of Newton's laws of mechanics. Indeed, we do not even possess a simple and unequivocal physical measure for information, as we have for mass and energy in terms of the units of gram and joule. Critics may therefore suspect that 'information' amounts to little more than a fashionable metaphor that we use as a shorthand for various purposes, as when we speak about information technologies, or about anything that is 'structured', or some way or another 'makes sense' to us.
The incomplete nature of information theory is exemplified by the several distinct meanings of the term 'information' used by the contributors in this volume. Quantum events as informational qubits (Lloyd), for example, have a very different character from Shannon-type digital information, or as mere patterns (Aristotelian information), and none of the foregoing can much illuminate the emergent concept of meaningful information (semantic information). In spite of the tentative nature of the subject, however, two reasons can be offered for giving information a central role in a scientifically informed ontology. The main point is that information makes a causal difference to our world – something that is immediately obvious when we think of human agency. But even at the quantum level, information matters. A wave function is an encapsulation of all that is known about a quantum system. When an observation is made, and that encapsulated knowledge changes, so does the wave function, and hence the subsequent quantum evolution of the system. Moreover, informational structures also play an undeniable causal role in material constellations, as we see in, for example, the physical phenomenon of resonance, or in biological systems such as DNA sequences. What is a gene, after all, but a set of coded instructions for a molecular system to carry out a task? No evolutionary theory can have explanatory function without attending to the instructional role of DNA sequences, and other topological structures. But neither can a bridge or skyscraper be constructed successfully without paying due attention to the phenomenon of resonance, and so it seems that just asinformational events are quintessential at the lowest level of quantum reality, so are informational structures quintessential as driving forces for the historical unfolding of physical reality.
The philosophical perspectives of a material world based on an irreducible triad of mass, energy, and information are discussed in the contributions in the section on philosophy and theology. In Chapter 12 the late biologist and theologian Arthur Peacocke (to whom this book is dedicated) presents his integrative view about how an emergentist monism, informed by the sciences of complexity, must be sensitive to the uniformity of the material world as well as to the distinctive levels that come up at later stages of evolution. Peacocke's theological synthesis thus combines naturalism and emergentism with a panentheistic concept of God; that is, God permeates the world of nature from within, although God is more than the world of nature in its entirety. Peacocke's religious vision is thus developed within the horizon of what he calls EPN (emergentist/monist–panentheistic–naturalist). In Chapters 13 and 14 the philosophical theologians Keith Ward and John F. Haught explore novel ways for understanding God as the source of information for a self-developing world. Ward argues for what he calls a supreme informational principle of the universe, without which the combination of the lawfulness of the world and its inherent value would be inexplicable. Such informational code for construction of an actual universe logically precedes material configurations by containing the set of all mathematically possible states, plus a selective principle of evaluation that gives preference to the actual world that we inhabit. Ward suggests that this primary ontological reality may be identified with God, especially if the given laws of nature can be seen as providing space for qualities such as goodness and intrinsic value. Haught argues that information must walk the razor's edge between redundancy (too much order) and noise (too much contingency). It is this felicitous blend of order and novelty that transforms the universe from a mere physical system into a narrative of information processing. While reminding us that all 'God language' must be regarded as analogical, he argues that the concept of God as an informational principle at work in the entire cosmic process is far richer than the idea of a designer God at the edge of the universe. While emphasizing the logical space of all nature (Ward) and the evolutionary unfolding thereof (Haught), both draw on contemporary scientific accounts of nature that accord with, or even suggest, a divine reality with world-transforming capacities. A science-based naturalism may thus still allow a distinction between the world of nature (with a small 'w') and the World in extenso (with a capital 'W'). Finally, in Chapters 15 and 16, Niels Henrik Gregersen and Michael Welker argue that the new scientific perspectives of matter and information summarized in this volume give fresh impetus to a reinterpretation of important strands of the Biblical traditions. Gregersen shows how the New Testament concept of a 'divine Logos becoming flesh' (John 1:14) has structural similarities to the ancient Stoic notion of Logos as a fundamental organizing principle of the universe, and should not prematurely be interpreted in a Platonic vein. The Johannine vision of divine Logos being coextensive with the world of matter may be sustained and further elucidated in the context of present-day concepts of matter and information, where the co-presence of order and difference is also emphasized. A typology of four types of information is presented, reaching from quantum information to meaning information. In the final essay, Welker suggests that interdisciplinary discussions (between science, philosophy, and theology) should be able to move between more general metaphysical proposals and the more specific semantic universes, which often are more attentive to the particulars. One example is Paul's distinction between the perishable 'flesh' and the possibility of specific 'bodies' being filled with divine energy. Such distinctions may also be able to catch the social dimensions of material coexistence, which are left out of account in more generalized forms of metaphysics. According to Paul, the divine Spirit may saturate the spiritual bodies of human beings and bring them into communication, when transformed in God's new creation.
Our hope is that the selection of essays presented in this volume will open a new chapter in the dialogue between the sciences, philosophy, and theology.
Krüger, L., Daston, J., and Heidelberger, M., eds (1990). The Probabilistic Revolution, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Prigogine, I. (1996). The End of Certainty. Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature, New York: The Free Press.
See PDF attachments for list of contents and extract from introduction
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