Tuesday, October 12, 2010

USA Africa Dialogue Series - RE: Ghana Association of Writers

Dear Kwabena, Akwasi, et al, I feel really encouraged at the discussion that the announcement of my work at GAW has engendered. We need such discussions on a much wider scale both at home and with Ghanaians abroad. The irony of the current situation is that the literary scene is at its most vibrant for years. A visit to the Silverbird bookshop at the Accra Mall shows the number of titles by Ghanaian authors in the last year or two. At the same time the Ghana Assocoation has been an anonymous bystander, and has failed to marshal the intellectual energies thus released for national, community or personal development... This is the remit of the NEW GAW to which I am inviting all of you to be part.
A website will be up and running in a few weeks and the membership form, which is being redesigned will be available from there. It will be linked to facebook and other popular sites for ease of access.
I have to explain that GAW is different from the Pan-African Writers Association of which Prof. Atukwei Okai is the Secretary-General. PAWA brings together writers' associations in some 35 or so African countries, including GAW, which is the host organisation. Atukwei used to be President of GAW before he instigated the formation of PAWA in the early 1990s.

(Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng, Journalist & Communications Consultant)
Programme Coordinator
Cultural Initiatives Support Programme
Du Bois Centre
PMB CT 219, Cantonments, Accra
Tel: +233 21 770677
Please copy OFFICIAL correspondence to kgapenteng@cispghana.org


From: KAParr@ship.edu
To: aassenso@indiana.edu; gapenteng@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 21:54:25 -0400
Subject: RE: Ghana Association of Writers

Opanyin Akwasi:
Yes, home is home. Ofie ne fie! I am confident that Kwasi, at the helm of affairs, will bring a lot development to the table. Ghanaian writing has considerable stalled in the last few years and new ideas ought to be cultivated to resuscitate it. Thanks.
Kwabena Akurang-Parry, Ph. D.
(Professor of African History & World History)
Dept of History
Shippensburg University
Shippensburg, PA, 17257, USA
Phone: 717 477 1286
Fax:     717 477 4062

From: Assensoh, Akwasi B. [aassenso@indiana.edu]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 8:04 PM
To: Akurang-Parry, Kwabena; Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng
Subject: RE: Ghana Association of Writers

Brother Kwabena:
Although we are outside Ghana, we try to keep hope alive in our beloved country. In fact, last year in November, as Brother Kwasi can confirm, we held a major conference in Ghana, indeed at Elmina. Brother Kwasi was invited to speak to the group, and he did an excellent job.
However, we continue to feel alienated in many ways. Mayve, we can work with Kwasi's group to get things done. I am gald that he is now the President, replacing old hands like Atukwei and others.
Let's truly keep hope alive in Ghana, A.B. (Akwasi). 

From: Akurang-Parry, Kwabena [KAParr@ship.edu]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 1:48 PM
To: Assensoh, Akwasi B.; Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng
Subject: RE: Ghana Association of Writers

Akwasi and Kwasi:
Thanks for your messages. Let us keep hope alive in Ghana.
Kwabena Akurang-Parry, Ph. D.
(Professor of African History & World History)
Dept of History
Shippensburg University
Shippensburg, PA, 17257, USA
Phone: 717 477 1286
Fax:     717 477 4062

From: Assensoh, Akwasi B. [aassenso@indiana.edu]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:31 PM
To: Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng
Cc: Akurang-Parry, Kwabena
Subject: RE: Ghana Association of Writers

Dear Brother Kwasi:
Congratulations on your election! We will offer pieces of advice later.
With best wishes, A.B.
PS: Brother Kwabena, I fully support your proposal on Africa-China relations, sent to AFRICA TODAY. I am on the Editorial Board. I am sure that our Managing Editor has already contacted you.

From: Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng [gapenteng@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 12:07 PM
To: Yaa Antwi; Doreen Graphic; Audrey Gadzekpo; Audrey Gadzekpo; nana akua oppong; NAPOLEON ABDULAI; Afrocult Media Foundation; barbara akakpo; Selina Owusu; Selina Owusu; Ajoa Yeboah-Afari; Afua Asare; A Yirenkyi; Betty Awuah; william awinador-kanyirigi; Assensoh, Akwasi B.; Nana Asomkahene; Rich Asamany; usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com; aida USA
Subject: Ghana Association of Writers

Dear friends,
I am pleased to inform you that the Ghana Association of Writers (GAW) yesterday organised its first congress since 1996 and I was elected president.
Your suggestion, advice and prayers will be invaluable.
(Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng, Journalist & Communications Consultant)
Programme Coordinator
Cultural Initiatives Support Programme
Du Bois Centre
PMB CT 219, Cantonments, Accra
Tel: +233 21 770677
Please copy OFFICIAL correspondence to kgapenteng@cispghana.org

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