Mr. Sanusi should be commended for his courage and sense of duty/responsibility. He should also be commended using data/information well and reaching consistent conclusions. Mr. Sanusi was right not to argue with members of some Committee of Nigeria’s Senate about the integrity of the data that his conclusions were based on. He made it clear to his audience in the Nigeria Senate that his data source was the Nigeria’s Federal Government’s Budget Office which should be a more credible and reliable source of the cost of government than his prosecutors. The Budget office is the office of record.
Mr. Sanusi was reported to be prepared to resign his high office rather than apologize for his statements. There are some who would suggest that Mr. Sanusi should be less confrontational or is it diplomatic. Mr. Sanusi was prepared to hold legislators accountable if nobody else would. It is about time somebody did. The man believes himself to be a technocrat. His conduct on this occasion has been exemplary.
It is heartening to know that there are highly placed public servants in Nigeria for whom high political office is not the end of the world.
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 3:14 PM
To: USAAfricaDialogue
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: ||NaijaObserver|| Re: [NaijaPolitics] Finally, a man with Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, this short message is from Professor Oladimeji Aborisade:
Re; Sanusi Lamido Sanusi' Lecture note revelation".
This case may not require any form of blind argument. It is a case of figure.Mr Speaker claimed that everyone in both Houses, Senate/ Representative went to School. That is obvious. However, Mr. Speaker failed to wash his hands clean that not everyone who went to School could interpret figures, professionally. Mr. speaker, Sir, there is a flaw in your conclusion. 25.1% of the "Overhead Budget"is not in any form thesame as 25.1% of the Total Budget. Please educate others who perhaps may feel like you.
The case of Senator Omisore who led the Senate panel on this matter, introduces more complex issues than anticipated. This is not a case for neither argument nor fighting. It is simply a matter for clarification. If you have any Substantial information more authentic than what Sanusi Lamido Sanusi gave, please provide such information NOW otherwise kindly apologise to Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. We the Nigerian people look forward with keen interest for your good Leadrship but the uterances and the behavior associated with this case may make an individual to soft pedal.
Thank you,
Professor Oladimeji Aborisade
University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 17:38:38 +0200
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: ||NaijaObserver|| Re: [NaijaPolitics] Finally, a man with Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is good for us to praise Sanusi’s courage and guts to stand up to those self-serving, arrogant hypocrites in the Senate. How dare they claim to speak for Nigerians? The comments on the report of the encounter between the Senators and Sanusi reflect the views of Nigerians and they contradict the claims of the Senators. It is the Senators, rather than Sanusi, who shame Nigerians and the nation. Senator Omisore, who would have been somewhere else in any other country, governed by the rule of law, knows too well how they pad budgets and get the excess fat “transferred” back to them. He knows too well what obscene perks they award themselves. Why can’t they tackle Sanusi by revealing their allowances? Anyway, Nigerians know what goes on. Someday, when the messiah comes in judgment, all these subtle stealing will see the light of day.
But must we just stop at praising Sanusi and watch him sacrificed or consumed by the forces of evil who do not wish Nigeria and Nigerians well? When would we ever start to support, in practical terms, the few voices of courage and patriotism who dare the evil cabals that rule and ruin us? The Omisores of this world would wish nothing better than for Sanusi to resign. Then they can use their “oversight” confirmatory authority to install one their ilk who would see nothing and say nothing of their greed and treasonable, self-serving governance.
Olukunlke Iyanda
University of Botswana
From: [] On Behalf Of Mobolaji ALUKO
Sent: 02 December 2010 14:09
Cc:;; USAAfrica Dialogue
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: ||NaijaObserver|| Re: [NaijaPolitics] Finally, a man with Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear All:
“By my nature, if I do not believe that I am wrong, I do not apologise.”
- Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, chanelling yours truly
“My name is Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, (my name is) not Central Bank Governor...."
- Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, chanelling Fela [a variant of "uniform na cloth, na tailor dey sew am"]
"However, Mr. Omisore gave the CBN governor a stern warning not to use such figures in comments about the National Assembly anymore."
Can you imagine? Man don another clime, Omisore (who won his Senatorial seat from DETENTION over un-resolved murder of Bola Ige) would have the cloud completely OBSCURING his head way below his mouth.
And there you have it. All praise to SLS for standing up to these legislative bullies and brow-beaters.
Bolaji Aluko
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 6:36 AM, toyin adepoju <> wrote:
God bless Sanusi
On 2 December 2010 07:25, Ojo Agbekoya <> wrote:
Sanusi stands by comments on National Assembly spending
Emmanuel Ogala | Error! Filename not specified.print Error! Filename not Error! Filename not specified.Error! Filename not specified. |
Despite brutal questioning by a Senate select committee, Central Bank governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, yesterday stood by his comments that the National Assembly’s budget for overhead is 25.4% of the nation’s total.
Mr Sanusi withstood strong attempts to browbeat him into admitting that the figures were at least lower than that, or that he was misquoted by the media.
The public hearing convened by the Senate followed newspaper publications quoting the Central Bank governor as saying that the nation spends one-quarter of its funds on running the National Assembly, and a subsequent publication quoting the finance minster as saying he would cut the budgetary allocation to the assembly.
Mr Sanusi had at a lecture delivered at the eighth convocation of the Igbinedion University , Okada, Edo State, said 25% of the nation’s resources are spent on the lawmakers. This annoyed the Senators who ordered him to appear before them and defend his statement.
The Central Bank governor appeared on Wednesday before the Senate committee alongside the finance minister, Olusegun Aganga. However, unlike the finance minister who quickly dissociated himself from the statement that he intended cutting allocation to the assembly, Mr. Sanusi admitted saying that 25.4% of the nation’s overhead cost is spent on the National Assembly.
He held his grounds, backing his statements with records from other national dailies which quoted him correctly, and with statistics from the budget office.
Mr. Aganga who later assumed the role of an umpire told the Senators that the CBN governor’s figures were correct although they may appear wrong in another context.
The minister argued that overhead cost figures which include Service Wide Votes (money spent on maintenance of government facilities), are as legitimate those which do not include the votes.
Evidently angry, Iyiola Omisore (PDP Osun State) who led the Senate panel alleged that the CBN governor had chosen to deliberately incite Nigerians against the Assembly. He asked Mr. Aganga to state categorically whether Mr. Sanusi’s statement was right or wrong. The minister again said the statement depends on context or the way one chooses to use statistics.
Members of the Senate panel made up of four different committees could not hold back their rage against the unyielding CBN governor and frequently compared him to the more amenable finance minister, trying to coax him into some form of apology.
The Senators made no effort to hide their bias and blatantly refused to give any room to the Central Bank governor, to defend his figures and the context in which they were used.
Mr. Omisore pointedly told the harassed CBN governor at one point that the committee was not prepared to listen to him and that he must direct his responses through the finance minister. Mr Sanusi, however, occasionally barged in to make the point that his figures were right and that he got them from the director of budget’s office.
No apology
He said he would only apologise if the figures from the budget office were wrong. He insisted that, “Total Federal Government Overhead is over N500 billion and the Overhead of the National Assembly is N136.2 billion. This is exactly 25.1 per cent of total government overhead. I am quoting from the figure I got from the Budget Office. If you like, you can invite the Director-General of the Budget Office.’’ When told by Mr. Omisore, who is the Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriation, that the figure was wrong following a clarification by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Sanusi replied: “I don’t know where the minister got his figures.” To the calls on him to apologise, he said, “By my nature, if I do not believe that I am wrong, I do not apologise.” He urged the Senators to examine the context under which he made his statement which was actually in a lecture about factors that fuel inflationary trends.
Staking his job
After hours of fruitless attempts to get the CBN governor to admit wrongdoing and apologise to the Senators, the lawmakers seemed to deviate from the matter and begin to question the character of the governor and the annual budget of the CBN.
“We really need to be sure that the CBN governor has the character to stay in that office,” Heineken Lokpobiri (PDP Bayelsa State) said.
Other Senators took turns to tongue lash the CBN governor. They accused him of speaking too much and asked him questions like “do you enjoy your job? Do you feel like quitting?’’ And if he thinks democracy is too expensive.
“My name is Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, (my name is) not Central Bank Governor. I enjoy my job but if you want me to quit, I will honourably quit,” Mr Sanusi replied before a cheering crowd of spectators.
The unwavering Central Bank governor told the Senators that the survival of democracy is dependent on allowing people the freedom to speak. He added that he had always been involved in the fight for democracy way back to the time of June 12 and that even if the military takes over now, he will still fight them off.
The issue remained unresolved as both sides disagreed with each other’s figures. However, Mr. Omisore gave the CBN governor a stern warning not to use such figures in comments about the National Assembly anymore.
Mr. Sanusi is also expected to appear before the entire House of Representatives today to defend his statement.
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