'to transform intellectual solidarity [as political as it has been] into concrete acts of solidarity that can send a message of encouragement to the uprisings, clearly articulate an anti-imperialist, but also pro citizens' uprising position and promote and defend such'.
On 2 June 2011 15:56, Jaye Gaskia <ogbegbe@yahoo.com> wrote:
--Dear Colleagues,I am constrained to get back to the History that is in the making in the Middle east and North Africa, where ordinary citizens have risen up in months of dissidence challenging homegrown dictatorships who have always to one extent or the other been backed by imperialism in the past, at least until the uprisings!My worry and concern is about active agency, not only of those who are ceaseless pouring out into the streets facing tanks and amored cariers, but also the active agency of those who are in solidarity with them. And it is this second side of the active agency that has been in so much of a short supply through the history of these uprisings1Where is the active, organised, and mobilised movement of solidarity with the uprising and the ordinary citizens trying so desperately to transform their conditions of existence, and in so doing, take part in the making of these revolutions?In response to imperialism's response to 9/11 and the consequent invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Irag a movement was organised and mobilised: the Anti War movement! This movement was many times boosted also by the Anti-Capitalist movement.But today, when citizens of those countries, which became the terrain on which the War on Terror has been fought, are rising up to shake themselves off the shackle of ages, this movement has been conspicuos by its absence!At most we have seen discussions around imperialist intervention and its dangers, and even among those who agree that a profound process of genuine liberating anger is at play, there have been no commessurate process to transform intellectual solidarity [as political as it has been] into concrete acts of solidarity that can send a message of encouragement to the uprisings, clearly articulate an anti-imperialist, but also pro citizens' uprising position and promote and defend such.Warm Regards,Jaye Gaskia
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