Hello African People:
The Continental African population is shaping and coloring a new society and Montgomery County, Md is a beneficiary of the new age. Just as each year brings increases in the numbers and voters, especially those born in the USA, the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness takes different dimensions. It is incumbent on individuals with what it takes or organizations to create a vital community that is functional for collateral developments. That is how America works in promoting enlightened self-interest.
In October 2004, a few committed set on a path to create an identifiable African Community in Montgomery County, Maryland. To distinguish from the generic black Continental was used as a prefix, a practice dating years back. In October 2007, a committed core met to chart the course. After assiduous community-based participatory research and surveys, the historic African community Needs Assessments and Recommendation Report was presented in December 2007 during the official Black Summit. Further, on February 13, over 228 Continental African groups and professionals responded to the need to sensitize the needs Assessments and Recommendations with Executive Isiah Leggett and almost all the department heads.
The vision, captured in the methods, calls for asset based community development- ABCD.
Among the Needs Assessment and Recommendations relating to Leggett Policy Objective 1: An Accountable and Responsive Government, is the acknowledgement and promotion of the self-esteem and enduring African values and heritage. You can find it on Section D on the Needs Assessments and Recommendation Report. There are many ways to promote heritage, including festivals - more often visual and performing arts.
County Executive Leggett would be proud to realize that his legacy is associated with birth of possibilities and the vitalization of a new community - the growing Continental African population as a contributing and stake holding presence in Montgomery County and, by extension, the State of Maryland and the region. Yes, a net plus.
Of course, the County Executive does not anoint or prefer a festival as the festival because there cannot be such a thing. Government does not come to the community to bless and discard performers. It is up to the Festival organizers to make it merrier and boom downtown Silver Spring.
FEST Africa strives on its record. It is a veritable symbol of all Africa. Go and see FEST Africa make it happen. Where? Downtown Silver Spring, Maryland. Learn and share the tapestry and beauty of African Heritage - August 13-14, 2011. http://festafricausa.com/fest/site/

History and knowledge are indispensable in making meaning. You may learn how the African community began. More important- add your own quota to make it make it better for posterity.

February 13, 2008
On December 11, 2007, the Continental African community presented a Historic Needs Assessments and Recommendations Report to Montgomery County Executive Leggett and his senior management. The Report was based on the Leggett's Administration Eight Policy Objectives. You can download the document: FORMAL_SUBMISSION_AND_INVITATION_-_NEEDS_ASSESSMENTS_-__Revised_June_2008[1].doc
The Leggett Administration's Policy Objectives accorded a pioneering recognition of Continental African community as a distinguishable minority population, joining the Hispanic, African American, Asian/Pacific, and Middle East demographic populations. You can download the Leadership Matrix, which summarizes the recommendations of all the demographic groups: LEADERSHIP_SUMMITS_FOLLOW-UP7-10-08Revision-final[1].doc
If the links do not download, check them out on www.continentalafricancommunity.org
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