In understanding the NATO aggression on AFRICA, the terrorist action against AFRICAN PEOPLE, lies and propaganda, a counsel must be taken from a number of African traditional thoughts. "No one is without knowledge except he who asks no questions; Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested; not to know is ignorance and not to want to know is mental slavery. The wisdom of today is a folly of tomorrow where the breaking day has wisdom and the falling day has a simple experience; if you fear something you endowed it with power over you because too much fear does not create freedom but slavery and bondage." The African intellectuals have much to learn from African traditional thought systems. Please watch the site below.!
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:23 PM
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re:Mbua!!!!! A Long Historical Reminder For Dr. Mbua Waoh! // Re: Cheap G...
The best way to prove your "points" is to go to Libya and fight and defeat the Libyan people; and then impose one of Ghadaffi's sons on them.
They have made their voices clean and clear. The treatment of Ghadaffi is a deterrent for and WARNING to ALL future Libyan leaders to eternity (in fact to all African and world dictators and tyrants) : THIS IS THE WAY YOU WILL BE TREATED IF YOU ARE A TYRANT. THIS IS THE DISGRACE THAT AWAITS YOU. TREAT US WELL. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU WILL DIE IN DISGRACE.
--- In, MsJoe21St@... wrote:
> JJ:
> Keep teaching above the simplistic narratives. Your mail generated more
> than 100 responses in more responsible forums. Even a retired general
> currently employed at the UN picked it out above the banters. A student in Ghana
> sent the article ( below) on Patrice Lumumba to illustrate the complexities
> .I have blind copied this to UN missions.
> Undoubtedly Gaddafi was no saint and excessively naive - it is
> mind-boggling how he underestimated the threats.
> The complicity of Western in aiding Gaddafi when it suited its interest.
> Here is Gaddafi and Condi Rice. When did they know Gaddafi was no good to be
> assassinated?
> .
> Patrice Lumumba: the most important assassination of the 20th century
> Patrice Lumumba became the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic
> of the Congo in 1960, and was killed in 1961. Photograph: EPA
> Patrice Lumumba, the first legally elected prime minister of the
> _Democratic Republic of the Congo_ ( (DRC),
> was assassinated 50 years ago today, on 17 January, 1961. This heinous crime
> was a culmination of two inter-related assassination plots by American and
> Belgian governments, which used Congolese accomplices and a Belgian
> execution squad to carry out the deed.
> Ludo De Witte, the Belgian author of the best book on this crime, qualifies
> it as "the most important assassination of the 20th century". The
> assassination's historical importance lies in a multitude of factors, the most
> pertinent being the global context in which it took place, its impact on
> Congolese politics since then and Lumumba's overall legacy as a nationalist
> leader.
> For 126 years, the US and Belgium have played key roles in shaping Congo's
> destiny. In April 1884, seven months before the Berlin Congress, the US
> became the first country in the world to recognise the claims of King Leopold
> II of the Belgians to the territories of the Congo Basin.
> When the atrocities related to brutal economic exploitation in Leopold's
> Congo Free State resulted in millions of fatalities, the US joined other
> world powers to force Belgium to take over the country as a regular colony. And
> it was during the colonial period that the US acquired a strategic stake
> in the enormous natural wealth of the Congo, following its use of the
> uranium from Congolese mines to manufacture the first atomic weapons, the
> Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
> With the outbreak of the cold war, it was inevitable that the US and its
> western allies would not be prepared to let Africans have effective control
> over strategic raw materials, lest these fall in the hands of their enemies
> in the Soviet camp. It is in this regard that Patrice Lumumba's
> determination to achieve genuine independence and to have full control over Congo's
> resources in order to utilise them to improve the living conditions of our
> people was perceived as a threat to western interests. To fight him, the US
> and Belgium used all the tools and resources at their disposal, including
> the United Nations secretariat, under Dag Hammarskjöld and Ralph Bunche, to
> buy the support of Lumumba's Congolese rivals , and hired killers.
> In Congo, Lumumba's assassination is rightly viewed as the country's
> original sin. Coming less than seven months after independence (on 30 June,
> 1960), it was a stumbling block to the ideals of national unity, economic
> independence and pan-African solidarity that Lumumba had championed, as well as a
> shattering blow to the hopes of millions of Congolese for freedom and
> material prosperity.
> The assassination took place at a time when the country had fallen under
> four separate governments: the central government in Kinshasa (then
> Léopoldville); a rival central government by Lumumba's followers in Kisangani (then
> Stanleyville); and the secessionist regimes in the mineral-rich provinces
> of Katanga and South Kasai. Since Lumumba's physical elimination had removed
> what the west saw as the major threat to their interests in the Congo,
> internationally-led efforts were undertaken to restore the authority of the
> moderate and pro-western regime in Kinshasa over the entire country. These
> resulted in ending the Lumumbist regime in Kisangani in August 1961, the
> secession of South Kasai in September 1962, and the Katanga secession in
> January 1963.
> No sooner did this unification process end than a radical social movement
> for a "second independence" arose to challenge the neocolonial state and its
> pro-western leadership. This mass movement of peasants, workers, the urban
> unemployed, students and lower civil servants found an eager leadership
> among Lumumba's lieutenants, most of whom had regrouped to establish a
> National Liberation Council (CNL) in October 1963 in Brazzaville, across the
> Congo river from Kinshasa. The strengths and weaknesses of this movement may
> serve as a way of gauging the overall legacy of Patrice Lumumba for Congo and
> _Africa_ ( as a whole.
> The most positive aspect of this legacy was manifest in the selfless
> devotion of Pierre Mulele to radical change for purposes of meeting the deepest
> aspirations of the Congolese people for democracy and social progress. On
> the other hand, the CNL leadership, which included Christophe Gbenye and
> Laurent-Désiré Kabila, was more interested in power and its attendant
> privileges than in the people's welfare. This is Lumumbism in words rather than in
> deeds. As president three decades later, Laurent Kabila did little to move
> from words to deeds.
> More importantly, the greatest legacy that Lumumba left for Congo is the
> ideal of national unity. Recently, a Congolese radio station asked me whether
> the independence of South Sudan should be a matter of concern with respect
> to national unity in the Congo. I responded that since Patrice Lumumba has
> died for Congo's unity, our people will remain utterly steadfast in their
> defence of our national unity.
> • Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja is professor of African and Afro-American
> studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of The
> Congo from Leopold to Kabila: A People's History
> ( Posted by_
> Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja_
> ( Monday 17 January 2011 05.39
> (
> _Article history_
> (
> box)
> In a message dated 10/25/2011 7:37:32 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> ayittey@... writes:
> Strange, there was no such fuss over HOW Osama bin Laden died. Why?
> George
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 7:24 AM, Ogendi <_imo4492@..._
> (mailto:imo4492@...) > wrote:
> _Col. Muammar Gadhafi: Was executed!_ (
> Colonel Gadhafi's capture and the circumstances surrounding his death in
> custody have left a stain on the NTC and its fighters. The stain will remain
> long after the euphoria and excitement have died down.
> The images and video clips that have been circulating on the Internet
> include gruesome pictures of the former leader who is clearly being tortured by
> angry mobs of NTC fighters. The treatment they meted on their deposed
> leader was similar to, if not worse than, what Gadhafi's loyalists did to
> captured NTC fighters. Some of the images and video clips that we have seen are
> so disturbing that they cannot be published here. _Read more_
> (
> --
> ------
> African Directories
> _http://www.africandirectories.com_
> (
> What’s so dangerous about compromise is that it comes quietly, slowly, and
> almost imperceptibly-----anon
> If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same
> race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by
> noon.-----George Aitken
> In a message dated 10/25/2011 10:45:28 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> ngunimicrowave@... writes:
> Dr. Mbua:
> Why are you so consumed by western propaganda? You are talking as if you
> were a witness to all these atrocities that Qaddafi is being accused of? Why
> not click on this video link of a journalist from your own neighborhood of
> the UK giving her account of what really happened. Please, spare us this
> your outright hatred for a man you never knew nor met but learnt everything
> about him from western propaganda. It is very disturbing that God created
> the world in seven days including man. But somehow the Blackman found
> himself 1000 to 3000 years behind other races in terms of over all intellectual
> and structural development.
> We were all created by God at the same time but somehow, the West imposed
> their cultures and languages on us Blacks and here we are, you and I, from
> enclaves that are apart by only a few tens of miles communicating by using
> the language of the people of the west who are thousands of miles away from
> our abodes. We were all created on the same day but here we are, Africans,
> using western syllabuses to measure our level of education and their
> certification to assert our knowledge. We take pride in having a Ph. D in a
> religion that the West brought to us but do not have even a First School
> Leaning Certificate of the religious knowledge of our African ancestors. We have
> Ph.D's in Literature constructed from books by Britons labeling their
> cultures and dramas but cannot boast of a First School Leaving Certificate in
> African folklore. Truly, we are educated. Why not when we were not given the
> chance to know who we are? But for how long must we be educated in western
> terms before understanding we might actually be under a permanent
> brainwashing process?
> The hypocrite west that preaches human dignity must be portrayed as the
> must brutal set of human beings on the planet. They have killed more than
> 10000 in Libya to cover the truth and to get Qaddafi. If this is what they are
> going to do in Cameroon to remove Biya, let them stay away. Europeans
> throughout history have been the most egregious butchers of fellow man. They
> fought the most barbaric wars amongst themselves long before the Greek and
> Roman empires came into existence. They are brutes of the highest order. How
> can the West that preaches democracy and human rights fall below they level
> of what they are falsely accusing Qaddafi of to destroy human lives just
> to take over a country?
> What happened in Libya had nothing to do with Qaddadi the dictator but
> about Libya's wealth. It was an invasion and Qaddafi was targeted because they
> knew that for their invasion to succeed, Qaddafi had to be killed by all
> means. And to cover up for their invasion, they had to paint Qaddafi as a
> brutal dictator and hide under a confused group of rebels to carry their
> inhuman acts. This is the continued expansionist agenda of the Europeans that
> started when the new world was discovered. The Europeans are all over the
> world in one way or the other. If they are not phyisically present, then
> their language and perhaps theiur culture must be there. The entire world has
> been FORCED to speak English or at least one European language. If that to
> to you is not already enough to understand that the West is controlling the
> world, then be my guest.
> And here comes you, short changed by western propaganda and completely
> blind to what is at stake. Please, stop hiding under your phrase, "dictators
> must go" because your Biya is not moving an inch. An indication that until
> Biya does something to shorten western interests, he will remain president
> and his son Frank Biya will take over and there is nothing you will do about
> it. That is just the fact. The Wester powers have no permanent friends but
> they have permanent interests. Again, until Biya does something that could
> be seen as a threat to western interests, you can call him dictator all
> you want but it won't shake him from that presidency until death.
> For you to understand people like Qaddafi, you have to find out how major
> and far reaching revolutions in the world started and worked out. Let me
> begin with one as recent as in the 80's. Jerry Rawlings took over in Ghana
> and killed more than 1000 to establish his idea. When was the last time you
> called J Rawlings a bloody dictator? Rewind to the 40's - Mao Tse Tong
> killed millions of his own Chinese brethren to establish communism in China and
> make the country totally independent. Mao kicked out the imperialists and
> shut China from the rest of the world and embark on a revolution that has
> made China a world power today. The imperialists tried hard to break China to
> no avail but at least succeeded to get the island of Taiwan somehow
> independent under the control of Chiang Ka Chek. However, because of the power
> that China wields today in the world since Mao, the West has not been able to
> get Taiwan to be an independent country to this day. What say you of the
> West?
> When was the last time you called Mao Tse Tong a bloody murderer as you're
> calling Qaddafi today? You're not calling Mao a bloody murderer even
> though he killed millions of his own Chinese people because the West did not
> have means to demagogue him. You never called Joseph Stalin a murderer even
> though he killed tens of millions to establish the Union of Soviet Socialist
> Republics because had the military might to face the West. Qaddafi did not
> kill 5 people to oust King Idris in 1969. Muamar Qaddafi kicked out the
> imperialists and used his doctrine to change his country and make all Libyans
> patriotic. How do you justify your labaling of Qaddafi as a mass murderer.
> Wasn't he a revolutionary with a vision to change his country like the
> Rawlings, the Maos, the Stalins and what have you? And of all these historical
> revolutionaries, there is no mass killing attributed to Qaddafi apart from
> what the western media has been preaching for ages.
> Then all of a sudden, Qaddafi is the number one world's bloody brutal
> dictator who killed his own people. It is really amazing how some of us can
> allow ourselves to be so brainwashed by western propaganda. How can some of
> you be so shortsighted when the history of the world is concerned? I want you
> Dr. Mbua to show me anything concrete evidence how Libyans were killed by
> Qaddafi. I do not want to hear that he was about to kill because that is
> all conjecture without base. Can you? Do you have any direct evidence to link
> Qaddafi to all these atrocities that you are trying to tie around his neck
> from western propaganda? It is really disgusting that Africans should be
> falling for cheap after the exposure we have had to this day.
> When the Europeans entered the Americas, how many native Indians did they
> annihilate in order to take over the place and form the USA and Canada?
> How many blacks were loaded into ships like animals on a never-to-return
> transatlantic journey to work in white plantations for FREE? When was the last
> time you called them murderers and bloody dictators? It took more than 400
> years for blacks in America to be treated somewhat like human beings. That
> to you is normal. All you have been brainwashed to keep in mind is how
> Qaddafi ALLEGEDLY poured hot water on a woman. Is that all it took to convince
> you? Why should Qaddafi who fought imperialism in his country and got their
> stooge, King Idris, out of power become the number one brutal bloody
> dictator in your eyes? Because the Western press said so? Common, let us stop
> this skewed way of looking at things. Under Qaddafi, Libya was undergoing a
> revolution and most revolutions do not work via kids gloves.
> The Romans killed to conquer and establish the Roman empire. The Russians
> killed Czar Nicolai is begin the Russian revolution. Mao killed millions to
> install the Chinese revolution. Even our own Jerry Rawlings killed to
> bring some sense of nationhood back to Ghana. Here is Qaddafi who killed no one
> in his coup to oust King Idris whence he began the Libyan revolution. All
> of a sudden, the bloody west has succeeded in painting him as the number
> one world's bloodiest dictator and you are buying it. Forget your history and
> be damned; period. What is happening in Libya is more than meets the eye.
> Qaddafi is just a smoke screen while the real agenda is to take over and
> control Libya. If you can't see that, you can continue swimming in the pool
> of western propaganda until further notice.
> NB: I am no friend of dictators but if the west that has killed more
> people than the grains of sand on the Limbe beach wants to remove dictators,
> they should ask me. BTW, they should leave Africa alone because their goal in
> Africa is primarily to expand their hegemony; period. This selective
> removal of dictators should stop because it is not primarily done in the
> interests of the people of these countries. The West is still on a mission to
> conquer and control the world. A mission that started when the world beyind
> Europe was discovered. Either the leaders of all these third world countries
> toe the line or get removed by any means. Whether these leaders are dictators
> or not doesn't matter to the West. All West wants is to control third
> world countries for their own survival. If Nigeria or Ghana starts any process
> that will threaten the interests of the West, it will take no more than one
> year for chaos to pop up in these countries, their present so-called
> pro-democratic institutions notwithstanding. A Rwanda will be inevitable.
> To hear the other side of the Libya story before Qaddafi's brutal murder
> by the West, click _here_
> (
> Micro-Wave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: louis <louis_egbe@...>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 8:59 pm
> Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Cheap Gibberish /// To Disagree on Policies is
> Not Anti-America
> MsJoe,
> No reasonable African will accept your insulting writing below. Who told
> you Africans had to come to Europe and America to study? Did you study with
> White people in Cameroon before coming to America? Who taught you English?
> White people?
> And Why are you supporting evil dictators? Those Africans below have told
> you the right thing straight to your face.
> Ghadaffi's terrorist bombing of Panam over Lockerbie in Scotland killed a
> Cameroonian woman (A Bakweri woman) in December 1988. Do you realise the
> futility of your backing of a hated blood thirsty dictator? Do you realise
> that you could be that woman who could have been bombed and killed in cold
> blood? Why are you arguing blindly? Are you a would-be dictator? The Libyans
> finished him off. It is their country.
> You, an Anglophone Southern Cameroonian, have run away from your own
> country because of discrimination by yet another hated dictator Biya. When
> tomorrow people take matters into their hands you will start another meaningless
> campaign. Do you know how many people have been tortured and burned alive
> by Biya's madness? America was 100 percent right to stave off a genocide in
> Africa by Ghadaffi. I will support any nation that steps in to root out
> evil regimes ANYWHERE in the world. The time has come for evil rulers to
> leave of face the people's cold justice.
> I have declared a PERSONAL war against agents and supporters of evil
> regimes in Africa.
> Mbua
> --- In _camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ ( ,
> MsJoe21St@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Infantile and cheap gibberish from the mentally un-emancipated who
> reduce
> > discourse to the least common pedestrian imbecility.
> >
> >
> > Since the advent of America, patriots have expressed varied opinions on
> the
> > issues but they do no not hate America. The civil war was fought over
> > ideologies that influence socio -political dispensations, yet no one
> asked
> > people to return to where they came from, mostly to Europe. Today, even
> > American elected officials argue over life and war, criticizing
> policies, but they
> > do not hate America. Obama himself campaigned against what he called a
> > "stupid war" in Iraq and won the Noble Prize for Peace. All sorts of
> movements
> > with reckoning voices advocate for or against American foreign policies
> > but they do not hate America.
> >
> >
> > In fact, these vigorous debates and disagreements strengthen the civic
> > fabric of society, which correlate with enduring principles of
> democracy. It is
> > the onus of each subsequent generation to shape the type of society it
> > desires through non-violent discourse.
> >
> >
> > Here comes clueless Africans who are perhaps constipated by salad and
> new
> > food items they discovered in American stores and excited beyond their
> > wildest imaginations. I am sure they sang at the sight and sound of
> flushing
> > toilets and hold the memory constant. From their narrow orbits where
> they
> > experience America and NATO countries as economic refugees and socialize
> in
> > their tribal orbits, they want everyone to simply swallow public
> information
> > they see on TV. In an increasingly global society, propelled by instant
> > technology, where geography is no longer a constraint on ripple effects,
> these
> > people might as well dwell in caves.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Well dudes and gals, know this: the same liberty that was fought for in
> > order for your sorry behinds to sit in the same classrooms as whites was
> > championed by well meaning people - blacks and whites - who love America
> but
> > advocated against its Jim Crow policies. You cannot untie the shoes of
> > Thurgood Marshall. Some of you receive time and half pay when you work
> on Martin
> > Luther King Holiday. His courage made it possible for you to excel in
> your
> > timidity as a matter of your right, no question asked. So, perhaps, you
> can
> > appreciate the liberty to disagree. Nothing more is expected from that
> > basic.
> >
> >
> > You impress no one who understands the underpinnings of a civil society
> > when you manifest sophomoric tantrums by equating civic discourse with
> hating
> > America. In fact, some of the writers have invested in building American
> > societies through their quota of civic engagements.
> >
> >
> > Don't try to enforce your pigeon-hole horizons that harbor your porous
> > mentality on others. Just as people respect your right to think in terms
> of a
> > gratified stooge, you can learn that stoicism and loyalty to country,
> > whether in America or in Africa, are not mutually exclusive.
> >
> > MsJoe
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 10/24/2011 5:14:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> > Helemuo@ writes:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Mazi Alphonsus,
> >
> >
> > You said it all. Those folks in these forums who hate America should go
> to
> > any Middle Eastern country and start fighting America from there.
> Cowards
> > will criticize from a save distance; they hate American foreign policies
> > but all of them live and work in America; they enjoy 24hr supply of
> > electricity but would not ask where the energy is coming from. Most of
> their kids in
> > America cannot tolerate 1hr power interruption. They are like kids whose
> > father has to bully others before dinner is served; and the only way to
> > appreciate the food on the table is to complain to outsiders that their
> father
> > is a damn bully. Hey kids, if you do not approve of what your father is
> > doing, stop eating from the dinner table; move out! He aint gonna stop
> you!
> > That's right!
> >
> >
> > Libyans are celebrating the ouster and death of Momar Gaddhafi but
> > Nigerian internet warriors are crying foul. Between Nigerians and
> Libyans who has
> > the interest of the country at heart? Gadhafi blew off planes carrying
> 289
> > passengers; he silenced his opponents without mercy; Nigerians were
> tried
> > and convicted in courts where Arabic language is spoken without the
> benefit
> > of interpreters. I once joined the call to stay the execution of
> innocent
> > Nigerians by calling the Libyan embassy; the number provided went
> unanswered
> > for hours on end.
> >
> >
> > Right now Lords Liberation Army from Uganda has been in existence for
> > about 24yrs; they fight, rape, murder and mutilate civilians; they force
> kids
> > to join their army. No Nation has come up with any solution until now.
> > America is on the ground in Uganda trying to fish out the despicable
> leader of
> > that rag-tag army. Watch Ojo Valentine, Abraham Madu make noise about
> this
> > expedition in Uganda. Ojo once suggested that America should then go and
> bomb
> > Cameroun since there is a dictator there. He forgot that Libyans started
> > the agitation for rights and when Gaddhafi used force to suppress them,
> the
> > world stepped in. Camerounians did not agitate nothing, so that means
> they
> > like what is going on there. Was it not Fela who dumped shit (real shit)
> at
> > the door step of (may be Abiola or a record company). But when there was
> > no reaction at all, he stated: e be like say he like shit. Africans like
> > shit, at least in this sense.
> >
> >
> > Elemuo
> >
> >
> > Just as a drunken chicken would soon find a crazy fox, so would a
> foolish
> > terrorist come into contact with a US drone
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ____________________________________
> > From: ALPHONSUS OGBAEKWE <a.ogbaekwe@>
> > To: "_NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com_
> ( "
> > <_NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com_
> ( >
> > Cc: Ndi Igbo <_IgboWorldForum@yahoogroups.com_
> ( >
> > Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:02 PM
> > Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re:JJ// Qaddafi's Hot Watered Maid? //
> > Re: Is assasination of Libya...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > My Broda Enyimba Himself,
> > My take in all this nonsense is, if any of these Gaddafi lovers do not
> > like want United States of America and its allies did in Libya, they can
> go
> > back to whichever country they come from and fight America from there.
> For
> > now, USA and its allies saw evil and remove it to avoid another Rwanda.
> Where
> > was Ojo and so called educated elite, when Rwandans were butchering
> each?
> > Had Client intervene tens and thousand of life would have been saved.
> So, I
> > am telling these guys that are jumping up like chicken without head to
> > rest it. It is done, it is over and the world is waiting for another
> crazy
> > tyrant who thinks he butcher can his/her citizens for sport.
> >
> > Removing Gaddafi out of office was the right thing to do, however, the
> way
> > Libyans wanted to treat his death body is their business. NATO did not
> > kill Gaddafi, They only handicapped him and Libyan people took over from
> there.
> >
> > Ojo and his followers can form a new Gaddafi defender corps but he must
> go
> > to Libya to do that not in American soil and Obama will send three or
> four
> > of special force to go and get him. This is Obama time and not Bush. He
> is
> > no friend to tyrants and dictators.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Enyimba Himself <Enyimba1ofAba@>
> > To: _NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com_
> (
> > Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 12:55 PM
> > Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re:JJ// Qaddafi's Hot Watered Maid? //
> > Re: Is assasination of Libya...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It is time that all of you pro-Gaddafi and anti Western establishments
> > should return to your
> > countries and bash America and the West as much as you can. Gaddafi
> > preached for the
> > United States of Africa, but was the first that Nigeria was too big and
> > should be divided in
> > two. Gaddafi encouraged his forces to arrest every Nigerian passing
> > through his country to
> > Europe. He sponsored the bombing of PAnam 103. Gaddafi ruled his country
> > for 42 years, and
> > still some of you Western educated have the courage to bash America and
> > NATO's efforts to
> > remove him from power. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Enyimba Himself
> > enyimba1ofaba@
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: MsJoe21St <MsJoe21St@>
> > To: camnetwork <_camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_
> ( >; nigerianworldforum
> > <_nigerianworldforum@yahoogroups.com_
> ( >; africa-oped <_africa-oped@yahoogroups.com_
> ( >
> > Cc: AFRICANID <AFRICANID@>; USAAfricaDialogue
> > <_USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com_
> ( >
> > Sent: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 11:30 am
> > Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re:JJ// Qaddafi's Hot Watered Maid? // Re:
> > Is assasination of Libya...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > JJ:
> >
> > Keep educating them. Your last concern is shared by genuine persons. It
> is
> > imperative to have institutionized systems of succession and civil
> society
> > think thanks in Africa for ideas to live beyond the pioneers.
> >
> > By the way, the maid was a former wife of Gaddafi's son who was not
> living
> > with the father. If it happened, it is plain wrong. But for purveyors of
> > anti-Gaddafism to pile it on Gaddafi is the exploit of giving a dog a
> bad
> > name in order to hang it.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > MsJoe
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 10/24/2011 11:06:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> > _ngunimicrowave@_ (_mailto:ngunimicrowave@_ (mailto:ngunimicrowave@?)
> ...) writes:
> >
> >
> >
> > Mbua:
> > Qaddafi has been assassinated. Yes he was a dictator. But I tell you
> what;
> > this "hot water" story is a montage of classic Hollywood proportions and
> I
> > know that you know it to be so. What stopped the Qadafis from killing
> > thios woman and burning her body to ashes as brutal as the West had been
> > painting them? Do not forget that all the brutality about Qaddafi that
> we are
> > getting is coming only from Western media. The adage "calling a dog a
> bad name
> > in order to hang it" has never been so true".
> >
> > It is very interesting to see how the West assassinates panaficanist
> > heroic Africans and succeeds in manipulating Africans to agree with
> them. May be
> > I should remind you that just before and after Patrice Lumuba was caught
> > by the CIA and the Belgians and handed over to Moise Tshombe of Katanga
> > province in the Congo where Lumumba was butchered like bush meat for
> sale,
> > western propaganda had succeeded in painting him as a bloody communist,
> which
> > caused a majority of Africans to actually hate Lumumba at the time. And
> > their time was right because that was just 5 years after WWII and in the
> middle
> > of the Cold war between communism and capitalism. It took several years
> > for the world and most Africans to accept that Patrice Lumumba was a
> patriot
> > who was killed by the West to shut out a suspicious communist
> expansionism
> > on the black continent and above all, to protect their interests.
> >
> > Dr. Nkrumah met the same fate; he was deposed by the West for his
> > panafrican ideas. Sekou Toure met the same fate; he too was a foe of the
> West
> > because of his anti-imperialist doctrine. Sankara met the same fate; the
> French
> > used his own people to kill him. Not to long ago, Gbagbo met the same
> fate;
> > the French could not get Ivorians to do the job so they used the UN and
> > killed 6000+ Ivorians themselves to oust Gbagbo. Last week, the West got
> > Qaddafi after more than six months of utter destruction of Libyan cities
> and
> > the murdering of thousands of Libyans.
> >
> > In all of these deaths, the West made sure that they used their
> propaganda
> > machine to paints all these panaficanists as dictators and bloody
> killers.
> > Who kills more than the West? At the same time, we have dictators like
> > Paul Biya, Sassou Nguessou, Bongo incarnate, Eyadema incarnate, etc who
> have
> > been in power for 25 years at the least all being supported and
> protected by
> > the same West. And some short sighted Africans who are themselves filled
> > with hatred, lack of understand and/or just plain ignorant are
> jubilating
> > for games the West is playing to continue with their hegemony in Africa.
> >
> > NB: My only problem with all these assassinated panafricanists is why
> they
> > did not set up a successive system of government to continue with the
> same
> > agenda of independent nations building that they put in place? Their
> long
> > stay in power has become the only excuse the West can use in ousting
> them
> > or killing them.
> >
> >
> >
> > Micro-Wave
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: louis <_louis_egbe@_ (_mailto:louis_egbe@_
> (mailto:louis_egbe@?) ...) >
> > To: __camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ ( _
> (mailto:_camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ ( )
> > Sent: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 2:34 am
> > Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Is assasination of Libyan Leader, Gaddafi
> > Justified under International Law?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This is surprising coming from "Christians". I challenge all of you
> > supporting evil to send your daughter or sisters to the Ghadaffi family
> to work
> > and be deliberately burnt up with hot water:
> >
> > Please,watch this video:
> >
> > _
> (
> >
> > This is a beautiful and hard-working African woman from Ethiopia, a maid
> > to Ghaddafi's son, Hannibal, who has been disfigured by the unimaginable
> > tyranny of the grotesque Ghaddafi family reign of terror.
> >
> > How Mammon has replaced God!
> >
> > Tomorrow you will sing the praises of Biya, another cold and calculating
> > dictator who butchered hundreds in 2008 in front of the whole world!
> > Africans should stop this mad rush to hypocrisy just on grounds of
> material profit
> > to Africa; buying the conscience of people. No doubt the AU sat quiet in
> > the face of gross abuse of his own people! We see this time and time
> again
> > from those who should know more. And unless such callous approach is
> > reversed, people should stop asking for democracy and progress. It makes
> Africans
> > look foolish in front of the entire world.
> >
> > Mbua
> >
> > --- In __camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ (
> _ (mailto:_camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ (
> ) ,
> > Esu Ndzem-Usu <ndzemusu@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Go great African. History and patriotic Africans will always remember
> > your struggles for freedom from the yoke of imperialism. And it will
> also not
> > forget the role of the most powerful man in the world, BO in this
> > abominable and cowardice act. La lutta continua...EN
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > > From: Mishe Fon <mishefon@>
> > > To: "__camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ (
> _ (mailto:_camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ (
> ) "
> > <__camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ ( _
> (mailto:_camnetwork@yahoogroups.com_ ( ) >;
> > "__cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com_
> ( _ (mailto:_cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com_
> ( ) "
> > <__cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com_
> ( _
> > (mailto:_cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com_
> ( ) >
> > > Cc: "__accdf@yahoogroups.com_ ( _
> (mailto:_accdf@yahoogroups.com_ ( ) "
> > <__accdf@yahoogroups.com_ ( _
> (mailto:_accdf@yahoogroups.com_ ( ) >;
> > "__ambasbay@googlegroups.com_ ( _
> (mailto:_ambasbay@googlegroups.com_ ( ) "
> <__ambasbay@googlegroups.com_ ( _
> > (mailto:_ambasbay@googlegroups.com_ ( )
> >
> > > Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 9:53 PM
> > > Subject: [camnetwork] Is assasination of Libyan Leader, Gaddafi
> > Justified under International Law?
> > >
> > >
> > > Â
> > > Invasion of Libya and assassination of its leader was About Gaddafiââ
> ‚¬â„¢s
> > Plan to Introduce Gold Dinar currency in Africa
> > > By Jason Hamlin, 2011
> > > Â
> > > Libyais by far the largest oil producer in Africa, but many do not
> > realize that Gaddafi was planning to introduce the Gold Dinar, a single
> African
> > currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar and allow
> > African nations to share the wealth.
> > > Simply put, if oil-rich nations begin trading in something other than
> > dollars it will significantly reduce demand for dollars and threaten the
> > dollar’s role as world reserve currency. Many experts belief
> this would lead
> > to the quick death of the fiat greenback, which is now backed by nothing
> > but faith in a government that is running an annual budget deficit of
> over
> > $1.5 TRILLION.
> > > Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about
> > oil, but some are convinced US/NATO intervention in Libyais all about
> Gaddafiâ
> > €™s plan to introduce the Gold Dinar, a single African currency, a
> true
> > sharing of the wealth.
> > > â€Å"It’s one of these things that you have to plan almost
> in secret,
> > because as soon as you say you’re going to change over from the
> Dollar
> > to something else, you’re going to be targeted,†says
> Ministry of Peace
> > founder Dr James Thring. â€Å"There were two conferences on this, in
> 1996
> > and 2000, organized by Gaddafi himself. Everybody was interested, most
> > countries in Africa were keen.â€
> > > Gaddafi did not give up. In the months leading up to the military
> > intervention, he called on African and Muslim nations to join together
> to create
> > this new currency that would rival the Dollar and Euro. They would sell
> oil
> > and other resources around the world only for gold dinars. It is an idea
> > that would shift the economic balance of the world.
> > > ʉہ"If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or
> whatever
> > else the country was selling on the global market and accept something
> else
> > as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as
> that
> > would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are
> > responsible for controlling the world’s central banks,†says
> Anthony Wile,
> > founder and chief editor of the Daily Bell.
> > > â€Å"So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his
> > immediate dismissal/assasination and the need for other reasons to be
> brought
> > forward from moving him from power.â€
> > > And it has happened before.
> > > In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros,
> > not dollars. Some say sanctions and an invasion followed because the
> > Americans were desperate to prevent OPEC from transferring oil trading
> in all its
> > member countries to the euro.
> > > A gold dinar would have had serious consequences for the world
> financial
> > system, but may also have empowered the people of Africa, something
> black
> > activists say the USwants to avoid at all costs.
> > > â€Å"The US have denied self-determination to Africans inside the
> US, so
> > we are not surprised by anything the US would do to hinder the
> > self-determination of Africans on the continent,†says Cynthia Ann
> McKinney, a former
> > US Congresswoman.
> > > The UK’s gold is kept in a secure vault somewhere in the
> depths of
> > the Bank of England. As in most developed countries, there is not enough
> to
> > go around.
> > > But that is not the case in countries like Libyaand many of the Gulf
> > States.
> > > A gold dinar would have given oil-rich African and Middle Eastern
> > countries the power to turn around to their energy-hungry customers and
> say: â€Å"
> > Sorry, the price has gone up, and we want gold.â€
> > > Some say the USand its NATO allies literally could not afford to let
> > that happen
> > >
> >
> =
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