Saturday, November 12, 2011

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: NigerianID | Spine and Integrity in Africa! C Pics, too./Explained

I can kindly explained with the understanding that most people here are initiated and enlightened or open to knowledge.
Ironically, a White republican friend, head of a think thank,  notified me of the various positions and was somehow taken aback and impressed by Dr. Kikwete's clarity and fluency, knowing that African governments were coaxed by Western powers. 
The significance is: The PRINCIPLE OF IT. The African Union (AU) charter/constitutive Act forbids the recognition of any African government that comes to power through military violence. This stipulation has been upheld in all other situations for examples: Guinea, Mauritania, Niger as cited in the article. Now, because the Libyan situation is NATO-enabled military overthrow, African nations are browbeaten and arm twisted to ignore their own charter. If this happens, African leaders would be further considered to be a bunch of expedient and unprincipled lackeys up for sale.  There is something worse than poverty, it is being UNPRINCIPLED. When one has no value for self-respect and cannot be respected.
Dr. Kikwete of Tanzania is an embodiment of spine and integrity on this. Amidst the fuzzy dizzy equivocation by some African leaders when the charter is obvious, the president of Tanzania could not have made his government's position clearer. He is no fluke; he is a public intellectual in his own right and democratically elected. I wish Africa has 30 leaders of his caliber. That got my American friends amused and one exclaimed ruefully: with 30 Kikwetes, no AFRICOM, you grow your cocoa, make your chocolate and sell it.
On a lighter note, one asked, is he a Sharia guy with many wives? That is why I included the birthday picture. 
In a message dated 11/12/2011 12:23:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Kindly explain to the uninitiated, the significance of Libya's new regime being recognized by Tanzania? The new regime in Libya may not be aware of what they are forfeiting from lack of Tanzania's recognition. 

And I am

Ezeana Achusim

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2011, at 1:05 PM, wrote:

The democratically elected government of Tanzania not prepared to recognize Libya's NTC.

Don't you wish Africa boats of more leaders like this...and he adores his one wife...see below


Dr.  Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of Tanzania 


Giving his wife a birthday bite of the cake on her birthday.

Xinhua News Agency
Via Crimson Satelite

DAR ES SALAAM, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) — Tanzania is yet to recognize the new Libyan rulers led by the National Transition Council (NTC) before it fulfills conditions set by the Africa Union (AU), official media reported on Thursday.

The Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co- operation, Mahadhi Juma Maalim, told the National Assembly in Dodoma, the capital of the East African country, Tanzania will not recognize any regime that comes to power through unconstitutional means, according to the official Dailynews.

He cited Madagascar as the example, saying after Marc Ravalomana was re-elected in 2006, his government was dissolved in March 2009, in a militarily-backed uprising led by Andry Rajoelina. He said the existing regime led by Rajoelina is still not recognized by Tanzania.

He said further that Tanzania has not been convinced to recognize the Libyan government until it meets three criteria set by AU which include the formation of an inclusive transitional government that will involve all segments and tribes in Libya.

He also said that the transitional government should foster on reconciliation and unite all the Libyan people in an all inclusive government in line with the AU Road Map on Libya, which will culminate with holding democratic, peaceful, free and fair elections in the North African nation.

The Deputy Minister also said that the transitional government should ensure the existence of an independent Parliament and courts of law.

"The above criteria does not mean for Libya only, it has always been Tanzania's stance not to recognize regimes that have failed to meet the existing international laws, rules and customs. It is the same criteria that Tanzania used not to recognize such regimes in Mauritania, Guinea, Niger, and Madagascar," he said.

He noted, however, that after meeting the requirement for recognition, Tanzania now recognizes the governments in Mauritania, Guinea and Niger but Madagascar has since failed to meet the criteria.

"We cannot recognize NTC. We have always denounced similar events in other countries, any such motion will be seen as double standards. Unless we are sure of the participation of Libyans in its formation and the officials leading it, we will recognize it," he said.

He further stated that Tanzania strongly condemned last month's killing of former Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and hundreds of thousands of other Libyan people.

"We never kept quiet … Tanzania's stance was very clear since the beginning of this war. We did not support the resolution," he said in response to a query by Khalifa Khalifa, a legislator for the opposition party, Civil United Front (CUF).

Editor: Zhang Xiang

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