Monday, January 30, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - World Migration Report 2011 - Communicating effectively about migration

The World Migration Report suggests that questions relating to the changing compositions of our societies and cultural diversity can be addressed by integrating diversity into mainstream media and by encouraging migrants to use new social media tools to regularly engage with host and home societies. 

The report argues that distorted communication about migration contributes to widespread anti-migrant sentiments, which have recently resurfaced in many parts of the world. Harmful stereotypes, discrimination and even xenophobia have reappeared in societies of destination, resulting in controversy on the value of multiculturalism.

Yet the report does not call for an uncritical bias on migration issues. An open discussion about migration means understanding and directly addressing what drives people's fears and the negative attitudes as expressed in polls in order to reduce public hostility. The report also includes a review of migration trends and major policy issues in 2010/2011.  

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