Wednesday, February 1, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - FW: We are the laughing stock of the world

Dear All

Please, read this email. You will laugh, laugh, and laugh!!!

 Enjoy and Peace
> Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 12:35:58 -0500
> Subject: Fwd: FW: We are the laughing stock of the world
> From:
> To:
> We are the laughing stock of the world. What is Japan saying?
> The following is from “The Week,” a weekly journal that is neither
> liberal nor conservative. They quoted several respected foreign
> newspapers regarding US GOP politics which I found interesting:
> The Republican presidential contest in America is a “freak show,” said
> Marc Pitzke in the German Der Spiegel. The candidates vie with one
> another to spew the most outrageous hard-right positions, denying
> evolution while endorsing torture and joking about electrocuting
> illegal immigrants. How did a major party in the world’s sole
> superpower become a “club of liars, debtors, betrayers, adulterers,
> exaggerators, hypocrites, and ignoramuses?” These know-nothings are
> enabled by a U.S. press that has been “neutered by the demands of
> political correctness” so that it can’t say what’s obvious: These
> people are daft! Instead, it “proclaims one clown after the next to be
> the new front-runner.” The current favorite, Newt Gingrich, is actually
> considered an intellectual merely because he can create sentences with
> multiple clauses. Scarcely a one has even the most basic grasp of
> foreign policy. One said Africa is a country, another that the Taliban
> rule in Libya . Collectively, “they expose a political, economic,
> geographic, and historical ignorance that makes George W. Bush look
> like a scholar.”
> That’s the scariest part, said Lorraine Millot in the ParisLiberation.
> The only GOP candidate who knows a thing about diplomacy, Jon Huntsman,
> is dead last in most polls. The others “careen to extreme positions
> that include starting new wars and abandoning old allies.” And that’s
> when they even have a position. Herman Cain, now thankfully out of the
> race, was the front-runner even though he couldn’t find a single
> coherent word to say about President Obama’s policy on Libya . He even
> boasted of knowing little about foreign countries. And yet it was his
> adultery, not his astounding ignorance that brought him down.
> There’s a simple explanation for this bizarre phenomenon, said Max
> Hastings in the LondonDaily Mail. In the “lunatic, gun-toting badlands
> of America ’s Hicks-ville, Tea Party country,” it’s considered
> suspiciously elitist to show any interest in modern science or the
> world beyond America ’s borders. “Say what you like about British
> politics, no MP of any party would dare to offer themselves as town
> dog-catcher while knowing as little about the world as the Republican
> presidential candidates.” We take public service seriously. Yet we in
> Britain , and everyone in the rest of the world, will suffer if “one of
> the lunatics” vying for the nomination makes it to the White House.
> “The American political system has seldom, if ever, looked so
> inadequate.”
> Don’t worry, said Matthew Norman in the LondonIndependent. The fact
> that Gingrich is the latest threat to Mitt Romney’s inevitability just
> “confirms how inevitable” Romney’s nomination is. The thrice-married,
> ethically challenged Gingrich is unlikable in the extreme. Which means
> the nominee will be Romney, “the slimiest, phoniest opportunist to run
> for president since...well, ever.” So sit back and enjoy this circus
> passing for a presidential election. It can’t possibly end in a GOP
> victory. Can it?
> The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the
> intelligent are full of doubt. ~~Bertrand Russell
> So simple, yet so friggin' complex...
> So complex, yet so friggin' simple...
> Peace....................Salaam....................Shalom
> Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
> conscientious stupidity.
> ~~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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