Friday, March 23, 2012

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Empire Talks Back

Thanks for your question. Here is a simple request: Google "The Wole Soyinka Prize." Trace its inception every year, report back to us what you find, its history, consistency in awarding prizes every year, etc etc. I am tired of doing the research. You help us by contributing something ;-)

Have a great weekend!

- Ikhide
From: ifuemia <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 09:08:59 +0000
To: <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Empire Talks Back

There is not a single award in the arts in Black Africa by Africans that has been sustained for more than a few years.

i thought the Wole Soyinka Prize can be described differently?

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Ikhide <> wrote:
"... Quite a few African writers of stature have been supercilious and condescending in their engagement with the West. They feel entitled to the generosity of their hosts. However, virtually every penny they have earned has come from the West because they write exclusively for the paying Western audience. Back home no one cares much. African governments only scan through books to see who is criticizing them after which they hunt down the poor chap. The writer is lucky to escape the continent into the arms of the waiting West."

- Ikhide
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