Thursday, May 31, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series---Call for Papers: Journal of Retracing Africa (JORA)

Dear Colleagues,
We are currently accepting research papers, book reviews, and commentaries for the inaugural issue of the Journal of Retracing Africa (JORA). JORA is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary African studies journal published by Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Libraries in collaboration with African/African American Studies program at EKU and the Berkeley Electronic Press. It considers unpublished manuscripts that provide theoretically informed analysis on Africa's social, economic, cultural, and political transformation since the pre-colonial period. JORA's mission is to deconstruct misconceived, mistaken, and missing narratives on Africa and Africans, thus providing a holistic understanding and appreciation of the African experience. For further information about the journal, please see the attached flyer and/or visit JORA homepage:  
To submit your manuscripts, click on "Submit Article" on JORA homepage:; create a new account (which is fast and easy); and then upload your manuscripts. You can always login at any time to update your profile and check the status of your submissions. If you have any problems or questions, please contact the editorial assistant, Mayling Yap, at For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact: Managing Editor, Dr. Salome Nnoromele, at (859) 622-8676 or Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Ogechi E. Anyanwu, at (859)248-1394.
Best Regards,
Dr. Ogechi E. Anyanwu
Ogechi E. Anyanwu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of African History 
Eastern Kentucky University
310 Keith Building
Richmond, KY 40475
Tel: (859) 622-1375
Editor-in-chief, Journal of Retracing Africa,
Author, The Politics of Access:

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