Sunday, July 8, 2012

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - A Group Of Black Pastors Calls For The Rejection Of Obama

No surprise at all.
"Give us this day our daily bread" is a well known part of Christians' the Lord's Prayer. For some pastors, the giver of daily bread is not "our father who art in heaven" but an ideologue(s) right here on earth.
Polls show that the same-sex "marriage" (ssm) is not a major concern of most American voters. It is well known however that they are people whose livelihood depends on resistance to ssm. For some pastors for example, it is the dollar before the people. Electing Mitt Romney (MR) president in November will not derail the ssm train off its tracks. MR knows this. Is it a surprise to anyone that even he, has not made ssm a campaignn issue.
It should not be forgotten that some black pastors were against the late Dr. Martin Luther King's campaign to end racial discrimination. They were wrong. Dr. King was right.
An admirable feature of public affairs' conversations in the U.S.A. is the broad latitude for a plurality of subject views. Do as I say and not as I do is alive and well in black and white churches. 

From: [] On Behalf Of Abdul Karim Bangura []
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:35 PM
Cc: leonenet
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - A Group Of Black Pastors Calls For The Rejection Of Obama

Black Pastors: 'Reject Barack Obama'


A group of black pastors are calling on black pastors across America to stop their support of Barack Hussein Obama because of his support for same-sex "marriage." The Coalitioin of African-American Pastors, or CAAP has launched a marriage petition at

"By embracing gay marriage, President Obama is leading the country down an immoral path," said William Owens, president of the CAAP, in a statement. "The black church has always been the conscience of America, and today we are calling on black pastors and black Christians to withhold support from President Obama until he corrects course. The man holding the most powerful position in the world is stooping to lead the country down an immoral path."

"The hijacking of the civil rights movement by homosexuals, bisexuals and gender-confused people is unacceptable. There is no legitimate comparison between skin color and sexual behavior," he said.

WND reports,

The announcement followed a press conference this week during the Annual Convention of the African, Methodist, and Episcopal, or AME, Church Convention in Nashville, Tenn. Owens urged the church to actively defend traditional marriage.

"In the midst of this great moral struggle, we are also asking the great AME Church to reaffirm biblical views on marriage that is between one man and one woman," Owens said. "The AME Church has not taken a position on this important issue in more than 20 years, and it is time to get off the sidelines."

CAAP has requested a meeting with Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss the same-sex marriage issue.

According to the organization, the White House has not responded to that request.

Owens lamented how they once were proud of Barack Obama but that their "pride has turned to shame."

"His pronouncement (endorsement of homosexual "marriage"), in fact, is a direct attack on the God of the bible and the Christian faith," said AME pastor Luke Robinson. He also said that the Church should, "speak out against President Obama's endorsement of same-sex 'marriage ' and officially and formally reaffirm support for the Bible's view of marriage as the union of one man and one woman."

As Louis Farrakhan once called Obama the Messiah and told the people to listen to Obama, I suppose these pastors have heard the call to "Choose you this Day whom you will serve." I applaud the courage and faith of these men to stand and say they will serve the LORD, not this pseudo Messiah, Barack Obama.

Can I get an Amen?!

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