Sunday, July 8, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Foreign investment in Haiti means suffering and death: The Historical Perspective


The more things change, the more they stay same.

The uninformed, reading the New York times of two years ago, not the New York Time of Earthquake Relief Where Haiti Wasn't Broken, vilified and marginalized Ezili's HLLN, said we exaggerated when we pointed out that Western foreign investment in Haiti has always meant more Haiti suffering, death, pain and inhuman tribulations. (See, Bitter Cane pt. 6/7

Foreign investment in Haiti means the US collects monies for quake relief but uses it to build private hotels, private factories; to pay US Regis College to school Haitian nurses overseas while Haiti indigenous university is left to rot; uses donation dollars to lease the Fort Liberte deep water port in order to put into application US dreams for Haiti oil pillage and oil transshipment hub; uses quake monies to lease Caracol bay and lands for private corporate profits, all behind the "helping Haiti" moniker.

It means the same companies who are touted as bringing jobs to Haitians are the same ones who have caused unemployment and repression to increase.

Read full essay @ ezilidanto

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