Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Real Picture

Abdul, you and Rasmussen again. It is is interesting that you do not supply any other daily tracking poll except the one done by Rasmussen, the Republican pollster whose poll Nate Silver, the nationally recognized polling guru, did a fine job of discrediting in his NYT blog the other day. It's also interesting that you do not supply even the Rasmussen daily tracking numbers on days when they show Mr. Obama ahead. Can you give us the Gallup daily tracking, and not just on days when Romney is ahead. By the way, using your own Rasmussen numbers, how is Obama losing when those numbers show clearly that he is closer to the magic 270 electoral votes than Romney by 31? If you include leaners, which you deliberately left out, the electoral college lead on Romney grows even further. It is true what they say: you can play games with numbers and see in statistics what you want to see. This is getting comical. 

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Abdul Karim Bangura <> wrote:
Obama's once huge Electoral College lead is evaporating very fast, Pennsylvania is not a swing state, Romney has a huge lead with white males whites comprise about 74% of the population), and NYT/CBS polls include those who will not vote.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Most voters under 40 prefer Obama while most over 40 support Romney. The gender gap is alive and well. Obama does about 14 points better among women than men. Among white voters, Romney leads 56% to 35%.  Obama has an overwhelming lead among black voters and leads by a two-to-one margin among other minority voters. All of these dynamics are similar to Election 2008.

In Missouri, Romney leads by six. The state is rated Leans Romney in the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections. The projections  show that Obama is likely to win states with 201 Electoral College Votes while Romney is likely to win in states with 170. Thirteen states with 167 Electoral College Votes are either Toss-Ups or Leaners.

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